Viral Vixen? Lab Leaks and Economic Escapades

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In the realm of virology, the actions of Chinese scientist Dr. Xiangguo Qiu have raised eyebrows. Expelled from a Canadian lab for unauthorized shipment of live Ebola samples to China, Dr. Qiu’s involvement in controversial animal virus research, including ‘gain of function’ experiments, has sparked concerns about national security. Her undisclosed collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army and the transfer of the Ebola genetic sequence to China were cited as serious breaches. Despite denying any wrongdoing, Dr. Qiu and her husband have reportedly returned to China. The controversy surrounding the lab leak theory of Covid-19 and the role of scientists like Dr. Qiu and Dr. Zhengli remains a subject of debate among experts and intelligence agencies.

Meanwhile, the origins of COVID-19 continue to be shrouded in mystery. The National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, Canada, has been implicated in an international espionage story involving Chinese scientists and gain-of-function research on bat viruses. The lab’s proximity to residential areas and other institutions adds to the suspicion. The timeline of events suggests a potential cover-up involving Canada, the United States, and China. The refusal to disclose investigation findings and the subsequent retirement of key officials have fueled speculation about a larger conspiracy.

In the world of economics, Richard Warner’s expertise in central banking and economics has been highlighted. His work critiques mainstream economics for its unanswered questions, delves into the influence of the IMF and World Bank, and challenges the notion that economic growth negatively impacts the environment. Warner also emphasizes the importance of state-level banking for stability and cautions against risks associated with central bank digital currencies.

Echoing Warner’s sentiments, Katherine Austin Fitts emphasizes the importance of financial transaction freedom and the risks associated with centralized control. She discusses the advantages of sovereign state banks, the limitations of traditional banking systems, and the trend towards local banking for reliability. Fitts also touches on the impact of global treaties on personal freedoms, the importance of safeguarding tangible assets, and the significance of gold and silver in financial dealings.

In the realm of immigration, a federal government loophole has allowed illegal immigrants to obtain jobs while awaiting deportation proceedings. This has led to the interconnection of corporate interests with immigration through a non-governmental organization called Tent Partnership for Refugees. This NGO comprises more than 400 major multinational companies committed to hiring “refugees.” In December of 2022, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a memorandum of understanding with Tent Partnership to “expand economic opportunity for refugees” in the private sector. This has led to a surge in hiring of migrants by companies such as Tyson Foods Inc., which already employs 42,000 migrants among its 120,000 US workforce.


Canadian Microbiology Lab at Center of Espionage and Cover-Up Involving Chinese Scientists and Potential COVID-19 Origins

Now the origins of COVID-19 still a mystery despite it killing almost 5 million people since December 2019.

Source | Submitted by Danny Guy

Corporate Interests Exploit Immigration Loopholes for Cheap Labor, Ties to Biden Administration Revealed

Since the Biden administration opened the floodgates, 10 million illegal immigrants invaded the nation. The NGO serves as an extension for mega-corporations to exploit cheap labor.

Source | Submitted by bcoop

The Importance of Financial Freedom and Decentralized Control in a Globalized World

Source | Submitted by Brenda Olson

Richard Werner Critiques Mainstream Economics and Central Banking, Advocates for Environmental Focus

Source | Submitted by eramonas

Chinese Scientist Linked to Wuhan Lab and ‘Bat Woman’ Virologist in Canadian Lab Scandal

Dr Qiu represents a very serious and credible danger to the government of Canada as a whole.

Source | Submitted by Shplad


What could possibly go wrong with employing unknown migrants, or the odd sleeper agent into your food industry! It’ll be fine.

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