Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

One motivation to use different ammo for earlier vs later shots is the tradeoff between energy delivery and armor penetration.

An assassin might want to use hollow points for your first few shots, and then full metal jacket/armor piercing/green tips etc. for subsequent ones (when the subject might be hiding or protected by others).

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I heard vids, of radios working??

not sure of question. But no don’t know of him. (McIntyre)
I can question Ingrahm. I can’t question intent.

Best Regards,


:rotating_light:BOMBSHELL: Trump Assassin’s Body Is ‘GONE’ | FBI Scrubs Crime Scene Of ALL Evidence: ‘NOT Normal’ (rumble.com)

Benny. Old news, but covers our topic.

:rotating_light:BOMBSHELL: Trump Assassin’s Body Is ‘GONE’ | FBI Scrubs Crime Scene Of ALL Evidence: ‘NOT Normal’ (rumble.com)

according to Benny, the shooter may have been on something. (per witness). does not help official narrative.

I am a lawyer that does a fair amount of business litigation. I do virtually no criminal work whatsoever. However, does it strike anybody in the group here as strange that with all these lawyers on these various congressional committees, that none of them can think of or have the power to, have a court issue various orders requiring the FBI to preserve the crime site/scene and all evidence? What good is a Congress that yells at the Secret Service and FBI but has no teeth to its anger. Something is amiss.

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According to a text message provided in the Grassley Oversight Summary, the original location was the Butler Fairgrounds. A team leader of the Beaver ESU sends out an info to the group chat at Mon Jul 8 3:39pm, 5 days prior to the event.

here is the full but redacted conversation Beaver ESU Request to Cover _Redacted (senate.gov)
From this chat it’s not clear, when they were informed about the switch to the Butler Farm Show. Distance between the two locations is 6,3 miles or an 11min drive.

In a second text message provided in the Grassley Oversight Summary, sent Wed Jul 10 at 1:38pm, it just says about driving to the rally point in Butler and meeting at the Meridian FD at 121 Sparks Avenue. It’s not specifiyed wich locations is meant by rally point. Since the meeting point is only 1,1 miles away from the Farm Show but 7,1 miles from the Fairgrounds, one could assume they already knew by then the rally will be at the Farm Show.

A message in the same group chat sent Fri Jul 12 at 6:55pm informed that the reporting location has changed from Meridien FD to the FOP area on the Farm Show property.
here is the full but redacted conversation Beaver ESU Officer Assignments Group Text_Redacted (senate.gov)

FOP area as in the DJT Detail by Butler ESU

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He said it in his senate hearing. Sorry, not sure anymore at what time exactly but it was when they talked about drone assets.
WATCH LIVE: Acting Secret Service director testifies in Senate hearing on Trump rally shooting (youtube.com)

George Webb is pretty wild. Think Mel Gibson in “Conspiracy Theory”. He comes up with some wild ideas, and one might be true.

He’s also a big fan of cheesy AI illustrations.

I’m not a lawyer, but isn’t the system designed to exactly work like this?

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Work exactly like it is working? Or work the way I suggested?

That has been a problem for decades. People should not have to study “law” to serve in Congress.
No insult is intended.
I DO agree with you. I think most of congressmen (people) are clueless, and that is intentional. keep the potential trouble makers in the dark. I think the DS there controls the communication, and have so many rules to keep them in check.

BUT maybe we don’t want them to have too much (more) power (?)


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Maybe I was unclear. Wanted to say the ones holding the power want the system to exactly work as it is at the moment.
But I’m absolutely agree with you that the system (or better the people who design it) is rotten and it should work as you suggested.
That’s why the swamp has to be drained and accountability reinstated, of course the beneficiaries don’t like that idea.

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They scrubbed crime scene very quickly. Destroyed evidence.

When they clean up the crime scene, they are hiding something. Private citizens aren’t allowed to look into or ask questions.

They do this quickly before the “slogging” congress can act.

slow lumbering-

I think a lot of them actually have very good legal backgrounds, but perhaps it’s not even a procedural thing that can be done. But when it comes to oversight of the FBI in the Secret Service, I’m all for a bipartisan oversight to prevent either of those entities from whitewashing Events that we have the right to know the truth about.

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agree, but too late.
evidence is being destroyed, scene scrubbed.

However, those responsible for what happened, are still around.
(for now)



You got to wonder if any one of the “first responders” still has Crooks blood on their shoes, or if any person involved in handling Crooks body saved a pair of blood stained gloves? Or maybe blood soaked clothing has not yet been thrown out? There might even be a trace of blood still on the roof somewhere. If so, that may be the only remaining blood evidence available to independently analyze.


maybe a Patriot (?)

Hope so

There’s is clearly a lack of any urgency with LEO there are people yelling thier a guy on the roof looking up at the roof pf building 6 they know they are on the look out for a suspicious guy with white shorts and gray short and black shoes.

The officer that walks up to the guy next to the half wall talk to the guy with the white hat. Then walks away you would think that the LEO would have climbed the half wall and looked on the roof closest to where Trump was on stage just to make sure I would have just to answer my own curiosity knowing there is a person of interest.

My question is this is around the time the people there started yelling there someone on the roof. This same cop in his regular police attire is a complete assclown in my own eyes.

He shows no energy or intelligence to even to look and atleast walk directly to where the group of people are yelling to see what going on but no he walks off not to be seen in any why to address the shooter on the roof if he just climbed the half wall he would have seen the shooter told him let me see your hand maybe the whole attempt could have ended right then at least would have gotten the snipers too look on the FN roof from inside the windows where they where supposed to be posted?

It’s so not believable the amount of complete lack of any professionalism or any common sense its malfeasance at the lowest percentage. Its like lets see if he kills Trump then if not switch to time cover each others asses. Pathetic and Ridiculous and Treasonous.


One more thing how many people where in the same simulator outfits all in a attempt to confuse LEO with decoys it just not reality. The question about he knows your on the roof need to be answered immediately by the sniper who left from his assignment it all suss. They didn’t follow up on what this guy texted to these other LEOs. There is lack of interest and there is lazy or complete or malfeasance or completely compromise and knowing what was going to happen and let the cards fall where they lie. Then pivot to what ever it it successfully or not but have CYA from tgat point on this is my assumption.
But the text from leaving sniper to his counter parts needs to be answered and a have the proof of all those involved in this communication loop showing there after action and communications.

I agree that if either or both were used, they would be finished. The pictures still bother me a lot. I will continue to look. Neither of their ears look like the dead shooter picture. My battle is everyone’s in that we can’t get good pictures - close-ups the way we need them. And yet we have so much!

I have one more thought. Could the long time not seeing so called Crooks, have been time in the actual two story building? I keep thinking about the door opening device .