Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

For whatever it’s worth, and obviously this is pure speculation, I found it hard to believe that this geek who looks like he’s never done anything masculine in his life could’ve had the boldness to think that he could pull this off, especially if he knew that the overlook building had snipers in it.

Also, it’s always appeared to me that the shooter looked much more like Yearick. If I’m not mistaken, Gary at Paramount tactical tried to go through and explain why the shooter looked more like crooks but nothing he said made sense to me. Anyway, this is just an offhanded comment because I felt like I needed to at least express it since it’s been on my mind since the beginning.

What “door opening device” are you referring to?

Incidentally, there are at least three doors in the “alcove” on the west side of the AGR building (numbered 16, 17 & 18).

My thoughts as well. If I had been there I would have done everything I could bc I don’t trust the FBI like many of us. And took them a long time to get there. The one cop up there was taking a lot of pictures. Those that handled him had plenty of blood on their gloves.

The point behind my kabuki theater comment in a different thread. It’s like the dog that caught up to the car. No plan in mind, just make a bunch of noise for the show.


I have a frustration in the Face book video that seemed like it was on Yearick’s site? I saw it early on and never saw it again but can’t remember where from. It looked like combo pics of both of them And he said,(Yearick?) “Don’t worry it isn’t me.” I was certain it was taken down but if someone talked about it here, I missed it. Saw it somewhere and though I screen-shotted it but can’t find it.

From Big Tim on Mystery of Blood in the Bathroom. 105-7

Are you thinking about this guy at 0:25-0:35?

This was just a lookalike who wanted his 5 seconds of fame.


If you are 20 and I am your handler offer to hire you for a TV commercial or a reality show where you will be on the rooftop pretending to shoot a gun, and paid you upfront, you might just go to act in a tv show.

I promise you no one gonna stop you. You go up there and lie down and you will hear some sounds of gunfire which is just coming off the speakers next to you. Ohh by the way all those guys in cop uniform are all actors.

If crooks was stage managed as part of a larger plan, yes its highly likely that he went in there without much of worry.

Or. He was groomed for long to be “that guy who will make a difference to the American People by taking out Trump” by those same bad actors we been seeing since 2015; who been trying everything except assassination attempt on trump to keep Whitehouse away from him. They just stepped up their game.

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another interesting thing i noticed

untucked here.

Looks untucked but perhaps its the crawling that made it feel so. Originally noticed by X

Tucked here for sure - From PiperGrimley video.

So he did comb his hair and got his Tshirt tucked to look good somewhere inbtween.

Our team doesn’t have badges, but we have official photo ID’s from the local Sheriff’s department that will get us into the entry-level of the county jail (for training and meetings) as well as onto the local military base (who we cross-train with) so long as the base isn’t on high alert. We’re expected to wear it around our neck on a lanyard, or clip it to our vest-pocket, when we’re deployed.

We -don’t- get to carry guns on duty, though … that one is a head-scratcher if ZZ-top man is one of the CERT volunteers.

If you listen to Dr. Shiva talk about the swamp or the swarm & the Not_So_Obvious_Establishment,we are confronted with the possiblility that mental clarity is the principle battle ground, and there are many means being used to disrupt clarity and “expand our efforts on matters of no importance…” American Bankers Digest 1924…
Here is an interview from today.
https://x . com/i/broadcasts/1nAKEplyNpZxL

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Concerning “zz-top” in particular, Greg Smith indicates that this is a friend of his who is not law enforcement, but who did carry a pistol.


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I’m just thankful that you take the time to continue.

The investigation is surely worthwhile. And the stumbling blocks, monumental.

I still wonder about Crooks vs the other fellow named. There are so many distractions.

May we find the strength of character to follow our hearts and not just our intellect.

Look for truth and be ready to stand when everyone else tells you to be quiet.


Yes, I think that’s Woods to the left of the woman. We know what he looks like from the ABC interview.

If you ask about stills from videos, please link the video or at least give its name, and a timestamp.

Amazing work! But, it is too difficult to see everything clearly on my phone.

So, @rchfox are you able to tell if photos and videos are edited? That would be so amazing!

One of the bodycams on police recorded a chat between two, one said something to the effect “they took down cell service just when Trump arrived” … I don’t recall now which bodycam it was.


@sorey, @bumblebeeez

I confirmed the shadow length is consistent with the timestamp for Crooks at Vendor Alley…using science, i might add. :nerd_face:


So we can agree that the sniper lied?