Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

It was a man who was interviewed by a youtuber. He claimed he had video of it. He agreed to provide the video to someone and then sent them something blurry and then ghosted.

The whole thing was super weird.

And yes- the whole motorcycle cops thing is weird. Were they struck by shrapnel? Or were they transferred because it was bullets? Why were so many of them struck? Four of them, but no other crowd members got hit with shrapnel?? So strange.


Did you see the length of shadow calculation I did. It’s a match as well. I saw the directional tool also but didn’t think it was necessary. It was the time that was important to me.

I believe I also copied you on the better version of Jon Malis’ dash am video. It ha the time stamp, albeit 12 hours off, and the shadows of the street signs are right for that time. He also included a shot of Crooks walking south with the water tower behind him.

i think he just want money as licensing fee. also said he passed the materials to the authorities. perhaps to FBI.

I would say it would be high risk for anyone to come in public with pics or videos of crook in their stash; esp if its fabricated. Only govt 3 letter agencies are allowed to fabricate evidence to protect the innocence of the citizens from being exposed to truth and reality. No one else is allowed to.

So yea.

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thats exactly what i thought

Sorry, I didn’t see that you already did a shadow calculation for the vendor video.
Also didn’t have the chance to see the timestamped Malis dashcam video yet, I just noticed in a post by RawRoku that Crooks was spotted at 17:04:40 walking near the AGR entrance sign. May I kindly ask to share a link to the video again?

That’s what I think too. Remember the table position, likely in the shadow at 4:26pm, about 30yards away from the entrance of AGR6. Could well be he spotted someone else and just thought it was the suspicious person.

The sniper thought he saw him on the picnic table, but it obviously wasn’t the shooter, so he was mistaken.

The sighting at the picnic table would have been the first sighting. The second was at 17:10. Therefore, Woods didn’t know what the suspicious (I.e. Crooks), but whoever he saw was suspicious to him. My guess, though, is that by texting that to Nicol it put him in a watchful state and when he saw Crooks he thought it was the person Woods saw. But then again he paid “little attention” to the and didn’t make the “immediate connection.”

Here is the link. As Malis drives closer than we saw in the News
Nation video you will notice the path Crooks takes to the west side of the building.


Sweet, thank you :+1:

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Picnic table probably wasn’t the first sighting of a suspicious person (Crooks?). Here is an (early) article where they say that he was spotted at the magnetometers, unfortunately they don’t give a time along. Since Crooks went to the rally site quite early, one could assume this was before the picnic table situation with Woods happened.

Trump rally shooting: 3 security gaps helped attacker Thomas Matthew Crooks | External Affairs Defence Security News - Business Standard (business-standard.com)

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I have to say that this reminds me of college psychology class when we studied hypnosis. The subject was panicking to find an object that was right in front of him. Very funny stuff.

Has the art advanced? I imagine so.

Chris, I have elsewhere recently suggested that it makes no sense to me that GN being so concerned that crooks was dangerous chose not to simply go out the west facing door to run him down with his revolver, but rather makes the inscrutable decision to be away from his post for six or even eight minutes to meet patrol people on the east side of the building which we now know (I think) is a lie.

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The shadows match for 4:26. 3 or 4 people have used shadow mapping tools to confirm and all of them indicate 4:26 is correct.

Which means one of three options:

Sniper pretended a message about someone else was about Crooks (egg on their face).

Sniper thought he saw Crooks (lookalike festival).

Sniper completely wove a tale (premeditated story time).


I forgot about that.

would really be great we could get hands on these radio/communication protocols. How well did they describe the suspected person, what time did they pass the information on, to whom they issued the instructions to keep an eye on the suspected person?

[Unable to upload pdf and excel file here]

Is Google (Earth) involved in covering up the tracks of the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump on 13-Jul-2024?

I present quantitative evidence that the tree blocking Hercules 1 & 2 view of the eastern edge of the AGR building has been digitally altered in the 2023 default image tile in Google Earth. I provide measurements of tree crown area, circumference and diameter which shows significant anomalies. I invite you to unpack why they would do this… and also offer my perspective.

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dont be shy, present your evidence…

Wow, that would be a huge banger if true!
Behaviour would definitely fit regarding to try shadow banning search results.
Looking forward reading your evidence and perspective.

As a new contributor I cannot upload my pdf and excel sheet…


  1. Differences in all tree crown parameters are significant. This shows that TREE 6 has been manipulated. Alteration of TREE6 can only relate to the relative blind spots of H1 and H2 sniper teams.

  2. The only reason to alter TREE 6 is to cover the fact that H2 did not have a view of Crooks either climbing on to the roof nor accessing the rooftop of building 6, from where he took the shot.

  3. TREE 6 tree was therefore altered to eliminate suspicion that Crooks had help to access the roof of the AGR building and hide his transition to the rooftop of Building 6, which if the FOX news video had not been cut off, it would have shown Crooks’s highly visible transition along the roof tops to the rooftop of Building 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G04pltkLFRI Crooks’s transition along the roof of the AGR complex is simulated in Mike Bell’s latest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihDIQEbUAPI&t=1s . His conclusions are the same as mine.

  4. The very fact that the FOX news video cuts off where it does shows that whoever provided and/or edited this video is involved in the cover up -and most likely the FBI, given they were in possession of James Copenhaver’s phone after the attempted assassination.

Coincidentally - Google Earth just uploaded a 2022 Image Tile within minutes of me sending my email to peak prosperity. The 2023 title has been reduced in size, but is still over the Butler fair ground site, and it now blends in with the newly uploaded 2022 Image tile…