Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

I had it all stashed in the wrong place, on my X-account,
literally X_now… @ adam20228 suspended.
The backup isn’t as complete on Gab. com/plasmaglyphs but if you go to the images, i usually referenced the source & sometimes had that link in the text…
As a recovery step from getting suspended from X, i’m combing through my notes for links…
If i put a note pad file here would they become archived and searchable?? @cmartenson

I have an open forum for other notes from the covid years, at nitna.ddns.net… If notes here are not searchable, then i will put them there…

Here are a few to get you started… There is one not found: Rincons
https://x. com/MammothUsa8269/status/1822326949034803537
/MammothUsa8269/status/1822315453554868536 (antifa guy?)

adjacent to hysteria vid This Video: DJ Laughery (from vague notes)
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=tEKmHy6sHac

Spa Guys video (post look at west side)
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=euZXscg2mV0 t=6min

This might get you started

I added a some notes in a reply to the parent post…

The links are not active to avoid clutter and limits… Remove any spaces

Here is a very important image from Chris’ podcast associated with this discussion…

https://peakprosperity. com/was-this-a-leo-failure-or-something-worse/


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Here’sat least one of the videos from under the tree on the west side…

Piper grimley 1:26 unedited requires youtube sign in
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=lk9dN06ilVE
has post footage walkby of retaining wall by LEO

May be the same video…
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=tF5t32DJFbE

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The video was edited. His glasses were blurred off like his shoes edited. We have confirmed the glasses. VegasPatriot found them also on the roof.

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Neither works, I will find. Thanks

REMOVE THE SPACE FROM THE STRING OF Characters to created a functioning URL…

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For some reason, some people will not post functioning links.

The reason is multifaceted.
Content unnecessarily auto-displays in messages draft.
Content clutters up the page and may even auto play, even if the reader of the message has no desire to watch video…
Those are the obvious reasons…
Other reasons related to Hit-mining off activete content as page scrolls…
That can be seen on many social media sites… Its a dishonest way to accumulate views, which may be a form of defrauding investors in social media platforms, by generating fake numbers based on active embedded conent…

I avoid websites which autoplay content or use auto-play-next as a default setting…

Dishonesty is at plague levels in the present online-media environment.

Messages with links have limits assigned… You can see that links are monitored by the notice which pops up telling of its previous usage…

Text-only messages do not encounter such limitations…

I like the wiki idea. With proper links it would help us with references, finding info and going from one topic to another. On segregated threads by topics, we’ll get lost again in several small pictures, instead of focusing on the bigger picture. The big picture is the end goal, I believe, formed by many smaller pictures, but these are connected to one another, and a segregated thread/topic structure might make us lose sight of the overall picture.

I agree. I would MUCH rather, for instance, trust video from the TMZ website than from Roger’s dropbox or his Scooper website links (what is Scooper anyway? Very, very sketchy…). As for any enhancement of a, say, more trustworthy source, it would be required to list all the steps needed for someone to replicate the same result. Such as me or @kwaka making those animated GIFs from the TMZ video.

BTW, as a side note, gotta love the respect these men have for their beverages… (and it is surprisingly common on armed reaction videos)… :beers:


I know why people would like for everything to be easy to find, and I’d like that too, but the danger I see is that we might be trying to do a good job of making a wiki instead of keeping our energy on putting pressure on the suspects and making something crack in this case, probably just over the next two months.

If we try to tidy up a bit, let’s do a brutally simple system where we store our best evidence or findings or whatever in our own directories, so that we spend very little time maintaining that system, and most of the time just doing research and/or outreach.


Fair. Makes sense.

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Kudos! That is the most astute observation I’ve seen yet during this investigation. Well done.

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I see your piont.

My proposal, put some # for example just in front of the link, it will not destroy the accessibility.

Order and discipline is a challenge. Even in the industry.
ISO 9001 says: there should be an up-to-date list of valid documents. And not just containing their title (being anywhere). The list should tell you the physical location of the document. Of course with date, version, and some #category information.
Maybe there is a ‘how to do’ training out there. We don’t need to invent tap water. :slight_smile:

That looks like a simple solution that i never thought to try…


It was all orchestrated.

less secure area.

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Don’t spill the beer.


Are you thinking, or a getting nagging feeling, that some of the outside-the-fence crowd’s behavior was suspicious?? As in, there for reasons other than as a Trump supporter?

For sure these guys set the right priority :muscle: