Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Yes, I think that’s Woods to the left of the woman. We know what he looks like from the ABC interview.

If you ask about stills from videos, please link the video or at least give its name, and a timestamp.

Amazing work! But, it is too difficult to see everything clearly on my phone.

So, @rchfox are you able to tell if photos and videos are edited? That would be so amazing!

One of the bodycams on police recorded a chat between two, one said something to the effect “they took down cell service just when Trump arrived” … I don’t recall now which bodycam it was.


@sorey, @bumblebeeez

I confirmed the shadow length is consistent with the timestamp for Crooks at Vendor Alley…using science, i might add. :nerd_face:


So we can agree that the sniper lied?

Not yet. He may have seen someone who looked very similar to Crooks. :sunglasses:


video doesnt show any signs of compositing or tampering. atleast not in the tiktok quality. and everything matches up.

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Excellent! Thank you.

My expertise is not on photo/video editing. I can do some basic stuff nevertheless.

I was emphasizing that we need to get the original video recording in order to verify the timestamps embedded in it’s metadata info.

That information could tell us when actually the video was recorded and also if it was modified after that, with the caviat that a “modification” could be something nefarious but could also be something innocent or silly. For example, adding a label with my name on top of the video frames so that everyone knows it’s my recording, or even cropping the video to discard irrelevant footage is going to alter the modification status and timestampings.

Long story short, the original video’s metadata can tell us when the video was actually created and modified, if any.

However you can’t tell the nature of such modification based only on the timestampings. An imagery expert is needed to verify if some pixel-level manipulation was done on a photo or video.


Well, having done the shadow length calculation is enough confirmation for me, and it aligns with the Jon Malis dashcam sighting of him at the AGR main entrance, which I just got the timestamp for, and that puts him in the area to be captured wandering in front of building 1 (AGR 6) on another cell phone. It all fits.


Except for the sniper claim that he saw Crooks at 4:20ish at AGR, right?

Because…that does not fit.

you can look through his ‘X’ account,


he says he isnt going to let anyone have the original video, and i dont blame him…he says he has given a copy to Police aprox 9 days after rally…and has had enough of rando’s demanding he give them a copy…

you will see the MSM has asked him to run the video, and the Daily Mail aready has…


Hi Chris, If you go back to the very beginning of this story, THE ORIGINAL DIAGRAMS AND LAYOUTS & STORY TOLD…
*It was hidden & not to be known that there was anyone in the ARG Bldg (NO security at all - not any part of this rally or security)
*Originally ‘the boy’s’ body was placed on all Security diagrams where the west side spectators see him - outside the snipers window (1st window where once the story changed that there WERE snipers in the bldg-even Michelle EMU on the rooftop says Greg is in that 1st window). The body position was only changed after Greg Smith’s worldwide live interview about the guy crawling up the bldg on the EAST side.
*If you listen carefully to the bodycam videos you’ll hear the ‘cover-ups’ & in one where Michelle is running @6:27PM to the get to the roof…the guy following her says ‘he was taken out w/o a shot taken’ (or something similar to that). (I SAW live streamed video from the lawn view July 13th where the South barn snipers took the 1st 3 shots & where they were aimed). The statement the guy following Michelle says fits this statement & the original story line of ‘the boy’ being under that sniper window on the west side rooftop (check the original security diagrams)
*All the newly released bodycam - please check the surroundings with the real spectator videos (most I’ve seen are after the fact remakes to fit the story told)
*Please compare the length of ‘the boy’s’ hair at the BACK from the picture on the cement wall to other pictures
*There is a news reporter out there that has a live interview in the parking lot July 13th as people were ORDERED to leave the CRIME SCENE…(it was about 10-20 minutes afterwards) that we heard 5 gunshots. The reporter turned to her right (towards the ARG bldgs) and said live on the air ‘there’s more gunfire’. Surely I’m not the only person to have seen & heard this interview. (I do have a pic of the reporter)

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I saw that mentioned one other place, that bothers me. As does the report of 4 motorcycle cops wounded, two since transferred…along with many other random bits and pieces of the whole situation. Did you all know that some guy even claimed that a photographer was firing from the rally crowd? That was one was super strange.


Do we have an audio file of the photographer so we can check the snap-boom delay on his shutter. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Hey, I’m a little punchy, and I’m in a good mood after getting two other pieces of the puzzle put in place.

One further thing to look out for in regard to the identity of the shooter - his left ear. Looking closely at the following photo one can see that with Yearick at some point an ear gauge is present on his left ear but not on his right one (where one can see the removal scar).

Did the dead shooter have an ear gauge in his left ear?
Does anyone know of a photo of the dead shooter’s left ear (preferably not re-touched)?

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greg smith also said he knows zztop guy, and hes a good guy.

metedata won’t necessarily tell you if it was modified. you can make a data file say whatever you want. unless the camera manufacturer used some kind of cryptography, which none does.