Water Filter Special Discount

15% Special Discount for PeakProsperity.com Readers

The ReadyStore is offering Peak Prosperity readers a special 15% discount on all water filter systems.

Having access to clean pure drinking water is very important to daily good health and a vital component of any emergency preparedness plan. Click Here to ensure you have a simple and cost-effective way to filter water in emergency situations and for everyday use.  Now is the time to get replacement filters for old and well-used ones or make sure you have backups for filter failure or to be able to help a neighbor out in their time of need. 

To take advantage of this special offer, visit the following link and use Discount Code PeakWater. Offer valid till April 30, 2014.


We hope you continue to find these offers on essential resiliency items a welcome addition to the news and other articles on the site. We look forward to providing additional special discounts to our readership and welcome feedback on these products and offers. 




Full disclosure: Based on our existing relationship with The ReadyStore, PeakProsperity.com will receive a small commission if you purchase through this special offer. This will not impact the price you pay (in fact, as the offer states, you're getting an exclusive price discount not available to the public-at-large). The proceeds we received will be immediately invested to fund new features and functionality for this site.

We’d also love to hear any feedback based on your first-hand experience with the products and vendors that we recommend through these special offers (and elsewhere on this site). Our goal is to ensure that we’re doing our utmost to offer the best guidance for utility, value, and service.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/water-filter-special-discount/