We Are Pawns In A Bigger Game Than We Realize

Well, that may be so. My opinion has changed a lot because of experience. The author sees his error and in this article helps to clarify. He believed the propaganda. Whom to believe? Your own observations. A lot in this article is accurate and useful. If you read Lord Sumptions address in the UK, he dresses the government down. Governments are passing legislation through the emergency health acts, without voting! It’s a power grab and demonstrates leaders, if they are, are power mongers and care little for their constituents.

As the facts change, I change. What do you do?
This is a great point. Myself, I spend a lot of time reading those people who consistently get things right early in the news cycle. I was unsure of Covid very early, but soon discovered about 5 people who used reason and evidence to get to the truth that it was overblown and political. One of the best ways to find smart guys: do they engage other viewpoints, or do they just keep pushing their opinion/linking to other like-minded types? My model is St. Aquinas who always started his opinions by carefully and honestly addressing the strongest opposing arguments he could find, painstakingly show why those ideas were incorrect, and finally use logic/evidence alone to craft his opinion. There are lots of folk on the web today who do the same.

“When an old farmer’s stallion wins a prize at a country show, his neighbour calls round to congratulate him, but the old farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”
The next day some thieves come and steal his valuable animal. His neighbour comes to commiserate with him, but the old man replies, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”
A few days later the spirited stallion escapes from the thieves and joins a herd of wild mares, leading them back to the farm. The neighbour calls to share the farmer’s joy, but the farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”
The following day, while trying to break in one of the mares, the farmer’s son is thrown and fractures his leg. The neighbour calls to share the farmer’s sorrow, but the old man’s attitude remains the same as before.
The following week the army passes by, forcibly conscripting soldiers for the war, but they do not take the farmer’s son because he cannot walk. The neighbour thinks to himself, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” and realises that the old farmer must be a Taoist sage. ”

The technocratic belief in technology as the answer is just as delusional as the belief that they can reengineer humanity. Don’t worry, be happy.
And yes, the world has always been this corrupt, insane, and dysfunctional. We may be just getting a little more aware of it then before.

I had a … oddly similar story at one point.
I was living in San Francisco. One day, my car was stolen. It was gone for three months. I was not happy. Then I got a call from the SFPD. They had recovered it - and arrested the thief. He was driving around in it! I went to pick it up from the yard. Turns out, the thief had equipped the car - my car - with new rims and tires. Whoa.
The car was stolen a second time a few years later. It was recovered, much more rapidly, and this time it was found stripped of those rims and tires. I got it back, put some less flashy equipment on it. [Same thief? I have no idea. Could be.]
Then I sold the car, not wanting to chance fate a third time.
The old man lost his horse. Twice!

Chris you are too kind but right on the money, dead center on the truth of the matter. Think of the worst of the worst men in history, pure evil. Think if Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the SS and Gestapo and you are getting close but not quite to the evil of the main players in today’s pandemic. Never has the harm been so global. These people are death officials not health officials and its not a surprise at all if you look at the vaccine story, the CDC story, pharmaceutical terrorism that has been around for a hundred years. This was 70 years in the planning…health officials have been lusting after this…I could go on and on and will write and essay about it. My last one:

This was 70 years in the planning....health officials have been lusting after this....I could go on and on and will write and essay about it. My last one:
Hey, that was a very good article. Thanks for linking. Noting your credentials, a person close to me has recently been diagnosed with Hodgkins ("classic" they called it, non sclerosing). Any advice on where to begin before going down the burn/poison route? They're trying Panacur C and then maybe a round of Simpson's oil. I'm sure other countries are dealing with this disease much differently - the US system is quite mired in poisons mostly developed in the 1950's it seems.

From their perspective you are already dead. How isn’t really all that important to them; disease, food shortages, civil unrest…as long as high level control/management can be maintained through the depopulation process.
Bringing humanity to this bottleneck and limiting the available options for most will provide motivation for those surrounding them to stay the course. “One of the first actions of Cortés, on capturing Veracruz, was to order the sinking of his own ships – commonly thought to be burning, but that is contested – so there would be no option for his men but to continue. What is certain is that the sinking would set an irreversible course for the conqueror.” (source)
Take them at their word when they say “No Plan B”.
I agree with Chris that this all will come flying off the wheels at some point due to human nature if nothing else. No telling when that will finally occur, or what it will look like. Between now and then expect some pretty horrific shit if history is any guide.
Belief systems will have to shatter before retrospection. For most this will require pain.
A two hour drive from CDC headquarters through rural Georgia countryside.

Could you link to some studies that you’ve used to form an opinion on Ivermectin? I am going to see my doctor in a few weeks, and I want to mention that.

I hear that forced Veganism is one of the objectives of the Great Reset. All for our own good, of course.

You know the Great Reset from the World Economic Forum is legit because the headliner is HRH the Prince of Wales and all the other experts pictured are women.

Oncologists (cancer treating Docs) that I have worked with are not motivated by anything but altruism; they recognize that the drugs are often toxic, and not part of the main profit seeking big Pharma; and here in Canada, they work on salary for the most part (there is a minority of arrogant assholes in every sphere of life and medicine is no exception). I think the oncologic Hodgkins treatment is very data/category driven, and statistics for each category and desease/stage available. There are some remarkable successes, as well as lack thereof. It’s the best option out there.

Well Chris, nice to hear from you and get your feedback. Been following you from the very beginning of the pandemic but saw through the mass deception pretty quickly since I have been publishing about pharmaceutical terrorism for about 15 years…my first medical book was called The Terror of Pediatric Medicine, which I had to take off my site to preserve my main work in natural medicine. I call it Natural Allopathic Medicine because the heart of it is based on ICU medicines, the ones they do not like to talk about like magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, iodine and selenium and other things they use which are all natural.
For your friend no matter what treatment he or she elects from regular medicine it is the basics of life that matter overly much. One can only gain, there is only an upside to flooding the body with magnesium, raising the pH of the body tissues with bicarbonates (sodium, potassium and magnesium bicarbonate). This is especially important because pH is really a measure of cell voltage and oxygen concentration in the fluids). Iodine and selenium of course and as you well know vitamin D, C…one thing I am strongly into is breathing retraining…almost everyone is breathing way to fast blowing off too much CO2 from the blood…warming the body with a Biomat (Infrared) stimulates the immune system…and the protocol goes on…hope this helps…oh yes, this person should definetly get on hydrogen inhalation…I have the most complete online course on cancer…hope this all helps

Of course they only want the best for us, we should trust them as far as we can spit into a hurricane wind;

  • There is a huge assortment of very effective, cheap and widely-available preventatives and treatments including (but not limited to)
    • Vitamin D
    • Ivermectin
    • Hydroxychloroquine
    • Zinc
    • Selenium
    • Famotidine (Pepcid)
    • Melatonin
  • Use of a combination of these mostly OTC supplements could reasonably be expected to drop the severity of illness and the already low mortality rate by 90% or (probably) more
  • Chris, I can’t seem to find any recommended supplement amounts or schedule. Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you.
My dear friend’s son was just tested positive and he’s showing symptoms and I want to help. With gratitude, Marvin

You did not read. Chris SAID he has been reading and learning. He did NOT say that he knows reality based on ideology or authority. Learning means seeking information, thinking, in order to adjust our beliefs or change them. One more noticeable anomaly I would add to his list is the dramatcally obvious lack of interest in random sampling to know the incidence and prevalence of covid infection. Random does not mean haphazard. It means everyone in the population has an exactly equal chance to be selected. For example, get a list of ALL phone numbers or ALL 5+4 Zip codes, and use a random numbers table to pick 2000 random households in order to interview and covid test the person in the household with the next birthday. Everyone trained in statistics, which means everyone who got accepted to enter medical training, which means all health authorities, knows this. Counting confirmed cases, or deaths attributed to covid, CANNOT give valid information on disease prevalence or incidence. Every nation, every state, has the resources to do random sampling and compute valid and reliable information. But they don’t, as far as I have read or heard in the news.
Related to this is the decision not to tell the public where the covid cases are. The US 5+4 digit postal code, and the Canadian 6 unit alphanumeric postal code, identifiy a neighborhood. We should have easy accessible report of cases in the postal code specified geography. Repoting cases by state or province or by major city is useless information for people trying to adjust their behavior to minimize covid infection risks. It just provokes fear in Texans to know that Texas has 2315 new cases (hypothetical), if they are not told WHERE in Texas, which neighborhoods. If I knew my postal neighborhood just had 14 new cases, I would stay home for 2 weeks in self isolation or interact with people with extreme caution. If I knew there were no cases in the first 3 units region of my postal code, I might invite friends to dinner, go to a movie, eat in a restaurant. But it feels crazy to urge us to be careful not to interact with infected people, without telling us where they are.

People who go second often have a strategic advantage over those who are brave enough to go first.
Beginning in January, Chris analyzed data that was not available through government agencies or MSM to draw and share conclusions that gave many of us the time and opportunity to take action that the majority of the populace did not have. To shame him for bravely going first is not just ungrateful, it is cowardly unto itself.

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@Chris Martenson Noting your credentials, a person close to me has recently been diagnosed with Hodgkins ("classic" they called it, non sclerosing). Any advice on where to begin before going down the burn/poison route? They're trying Panacur C and then maybe a round of Simpson's oil. I'm sure other countries are dealing with this disease much differently - the US system is quite mired in poisons mostly developed in the 1950's it seems.
Those two are among the top treatments, but they only address the effects, leaving the underlying cause likely intact. Diet is the #1 thing to address:
  • Vitamin D is as relevant here as in Covid and flu.
  • A major strategy is to ELIMINATE ALL CARBS (i.e. shift to keto/carnivore diet, over e.g. 1-3 weeks) to starve the cancer cells. All normal cells (except for a few brain areas) can use ketones as fuel, while cancer cells require glucose.
  • Eliminate all glyphosate! You cannot wash glyphosate away, vegetables must be organic or at least verified non-glyphosate. Same with GMOs. And toxic vegetable fats (all except coconut and non-heated olive oil).
  • Here's an excellent anti-cancer food guide.
  • Intermittent fasting allows the body to more effectively deploy resources towards healing instead of having to be constantly digesting food.
  • Prolonged fasting (beyond 36h) activates deep healing processes such as stem cells that can more rapidly induce cancer cell death and replace them with new cells
  • Vitamin C (natural source best but at least non-GMO source) is highly useful, as are antioxidants in general, notably the diverse flavonoids found in the plant world (but you also need the fat-soluble vitamins found primarily in animal foods, e.g. a vegan diet will lead to many deficiencies like vitamin E deficiency over time).
  • Clean source of water (obviously don't use tap water unless you can verify purity, use a good filter) -- there are massively contaminated water supplies e.g. near fracking sites.
Non-diet toxic exposures (such as heavy metals in amalgam fillings, vaccines, lead paint, etc) are probably second. Heavy metals blood/hair tests (for mercury, aluminum, lead, cadmium, arsenic...) highly recommended to discard this common source of carcinogenesis. If levels are high, the most effective tool is purified zeolites. This might be a good opportunity to research the highly useful therapy modality known as oxidative therapies (chlorine dioxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, etc), which are cytotoxins like chemo["]therapy["] but far less damaging to healthy cells partly because they become the opposite once in contact with the body's antioxidant enzymes. This is a major suppressed tool exploding in non-English language spheres (Spanish, French, German...). Usually it's the other way around, but in this the Anglosphere is lagging behind. Last but not least: meditation, yoga, spiritual practice, even entheogens (including THC-rich cannabis/cannabinoids which regulate homeostasis itself beyond merely killing cancer cells). Do not underestimate the power of your mind to heal anything. Biochemical processes/tools ultimately bend to the hyperdimensional/5D/heart probability field. You're the conductor, you're the creator of your own reality. Many more good "alternatives to chemo" ideas HERE (32!). Definitely read/research THIS about the cancer industry before going the "poison everything" route. Last resort only! This is all for cancer in general. For lymphoma specifically, this article has good additional tips. Cancer, even when advanced, is not a death sentence. Believing a doctor who says it is, however, can be, as the effects on your mind can be devastating!

Found via the Automatic Earth: https://tessa.substack.com/p/great-reset-dummies
While this essay is a tad long, she very cogently lays out what has happened / is happening / and where we are going. As one of the commentators on her article wrote, the only thing she missed was how the Psy-ops to foment fear started with the 9/11 narrative. Climate change instilled yet more fear, and Covid is mopping up the stragglers. When I step back and look at all that has happened since 9/11, the big game picture has become crystal clear, at least to me.
A small part of her summary:

So let’s see. Did we forcefully move most activities—such as education, medicine, shopping, sex, and recreation—online for now, as we are working on “digitizing” the physical world, for easy tracking and surveillance? Check. Did we, despite the lockdowns for white collar peasants, continue with construction—including very robust construction of new telecom structures and cellular antennas, necessary to support the IoT? Check. Did we succeed at near destroying the livelihoods of many independent farmers who were competing with our new “edible” products, and also at disrupting the traditional food supply chains? Check. Did we also succeed at destroying a good number of small face-to-face businesses? Well, of course! Live music venues and theaters? For sure. Are we working on replacing law enforcement with AI? You bet! Defund! Defund! Defund! Are we trying to legitimize complete erosion of privacy and easy access to private health data? Yes! Because health emergency. Are we on target when it comes to tracking every movement of every person? Contact tracing, yes! But some countries are still behind. Is a digital health ID now required for international travel? Yes, Common Pass is live! Have we been able to disrupt political and legal procedures and create chaos? Yes, Sir! Importantly, have we succeeded at messing up human thinking and relationships to the extent that we, the robot, the abuser, are now everybody’s only friend? Still working on it but close. Are we well on target with prepping the people for a broad rollout of smart wearables? Yep. Wear your mask. Are we legally controlling people’s sex lives? Yes! Speaking of, state control of people’s bodies and sexuality is a classic sign of a religious reform. Whenever that happens, watch out.
I believe all the US election chaos is intentional and that the interregnum, by design, will see massive changes announced, and that which has not already been set in motion will commence in earnest, with much more intensity applied to the roll outs. I highly recommend this read!!


  Not really a fair criticism. Chris backed up everything he said with science and research. His opinion evolved as time passed and as more facts became available. I, also, have followed this virus closely and I am still not sure what to believe. Unfortunately, media - and even science - is heavily politicized these days. That makes it very difficult - no matter how diligent one is - to determine what is actually going on.