WEF and Their Diabolical Reshaping of the World


Another great analysis by the ever astute Tessa Lena

... a large amount of land is currently being confiscated from American farmers in the Midwest, using eminent domain. The farmers are given an option to accept a modest compensation and go away “voluntarily”—but if not, they are threatened with the prospect of losing their land anyway under eminent domain.

This is done to give way to a massive carbon sequestration pipeline (actually, two of them) and processing facilities going through the heart of the Corn Belt. (You guessed it, this is done in the name of “saving the planet.”) …

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If you are over 61 years old with low income or disabled:


It will be difficult for the the state to abolish this law as it would force many seniors out of their homes. At one point in my life I considered high income to be a badge of honor. Now I see it as equating to a large ecological footprint and the lack of time to discover what is important in life…


I can’t figure out how to just add a comment to the above article, but… I see everywhere people telling me what the WEF said, but I cannot find the statements as released by WEF, so I can’t form my own opinion as to whether those statements are being appropriately presented and interpreted. Does anyone have a link to original source material?