WEF and Their Diabolical Reshaping of the World

RHuk wrote:

Is Hillary going to get appointed under Kamala Harris or worse??

Who could be worse than Hillary? If Harris gets her dream job as POTUS, she'd be tempting fate to appoint Hillary to the position that's just one more Arkancide away from her ultimate dream job. Besides, it would have to get through the evenly split Senate. Given all the dissatisfaction toward Sleepy Joe in polls and given that mid-term elections generally favor the party out of power, the evenly split Senate will likely have a GOP majority. Do you really think Senate Republicans would allow that? She is more feared than Darth Vader.

When Spiro Agnew resigned the VP position under Richard Nixon, congress was controlled by Democrats. They had to allow someone to be chosen for VP. (Back then, the media asked tough questions and demanded answers.) The Democrats wanted to pick someone who was politically weak enough to be beaten in 1976. They negotiated with Nixon to get Gerald Ford - who fit that bill perfectly. That strategy worked for them. As such, some formulation of that same strategy will be adopted by the Senate. I’d expect a political milk-toast to emerge as Harris’ VP.

No matter what, don’t expect any action on this front for the next 15 months … regardless of Sleepy Joe’s abilities to carry forth the demands of the Office.




The average American (and most first-worlders) could not imagine life without the following:

  • Bank Account
  • Credit Card
  • Mobile Phone
  • Free/Pay Television (including Netflix, et al)
  • Internet
  • Online Retailers
  • Social Media
Cell phones are helpful when you are traveling. The internet is good for trying to answer random trivial questions immediately.

As for the rest… social media leads to depression. Television makes life worse. Credit cards lead to debt. Online retailers make some overspend and create unhappiness when you can’t afford something you want. Bank accounts only benefit the bankers; they’re basically kennels that you pay for to keep your cash.

It’s easy to imagine life without those things; the only ones the precede 1985 are banks and television.

So here's a scenario. You're unjabbed. There's a "crisis" in January and the power goes out. It's minus 25 outside. You go to the government rescue shelter. Sure, you can come in, but only if you get the jab.
I heat with wood from two woodstoves in my house so not really an issue. In such a scenario I'd light some candles, throw a few logs on the fire and carry on. I live in the country, that happens all the time. They'll have to do ALOT better than that.

Likewise here brushhog,

power went out for a couple of days just thus week. Fire and candles and a guitar. That being said they may not need 100% compliance… perhaps high 90s is good enough. I could be in my property for a good long while and be just fine. The ladies in my life need more of a broader range of activities. My wife is going to school now and has gotten a job offer to sub at the schools while she finishes her schooling. Likely she will need the jab… I’m hoping she can hold out for 6 months to a year without getting out there. The lack of socializing is hard on her. It’s enough for her knowing this vaxx could cause serious harm but she is still considering it. Coercion is a very powerful weapon :-/


Yeah I agree that women seem to need to socialize much more than men. I could stay on my farm permanently for the rest of my life, never leave, and it would be just fine. My wife has to go out, even if its just to the store, everyday.
Still she’s very determined not to take the shot and so far her job says they will not require it

That being said they may not need 100% compliance... perhaps high 90s is good enough
I agree with this, in fact I suspect that they dont WANT 100%. In order to have a vax pass system and roll out their new "reset" they need somebody to protect against. If 100% are vaxxed....who needs a vaxx pass? Of course I can't control what other people do, I only have control over my own actions and those of my family [ to some extent ]. Im going to do everything in my power to avoid the shot. As such I am making plans to be cut off from "society" [ I hate that word because it implies everyone is of the same mind ];   If I cant go to the store, who will do my shopping [ got that covered ]? If I cant have a bank account, how can I pay my important bills [ working on it]? If I, or one of my family members, need medical attention and are refused do to being unvaxxed, what will I do? [ Im stock piling medications. Im on an exercise regimen and intermittent fasting along with vitamin D/C/zinc/multi ] As for food, water, heat, power, etc. Ive got most of that covered through my general homesteading lifestyle. The one thing Im not too sure about is asset protection, which might include unbanking, inflation hedges, and other legal liability protections I mentioned earlier...trusts, incorporating, proxies, Pms, crypto, etc, etc.. I want to do everything in my power to LEGALLY position myself for maximum financial protection in the coming days.

Our main asset is soil and water. Have a little pm’s on hand and a little lead and brass, a good bit of our garden went on the shelf this year. As long as the sun shines we have power and a chainsaw will keep us warm this winter. This is a family back up plan, working on finishing up a small off grid solar build.

Collapse is a natural function in any species, one that we have been preparing for. Funny that I am mentally ready for that natural function, but very disturbed my the thought of someone pushing me down the stairs.

Just checked the WEF sight and our bank is a featured partner, why don’t have comfort in that discovery?


We live in a place that is 3-4 hours drive from a major city, each way is over mountain passes. One is closed in the winter due to numerous avalanche chutes onto the highway. The county seat is an hour away, also over a mountain pass. Even so, we are the destination for urban escapees, especially those with money who can work remotely (in some parts of the valley).

This is driving our property taxes up and up. Even though my state, WA, has a partial control on the rise of the rate, the actual values are going through the roof. Our taxes went up 14% last year.

I’ve looked at the state revenue website and talked with a resident who has worked a lot with local share of property taxes, and have only found partial answers, and much of it is hard to understand. My question is this, in a deflationary time, would property values go down, or would they hold? Let’s imagine the worst…very, very expensive gas and propane, intermittent power from hydro due to staffing and maintenance and selling it to CA, and intermittent deliveries to grocery, feed and hardware stores.

We are fairly resilient already. We have heated our small house with wood only, for 10 years. We have an off grid option to run the well from the solar panels. We have a 3000sf garden that includes flour corn, potatoes, winter squash and dried beans, plus lots of other veggies, and apples, pears, stone fruits, and berries. We keep chickens for eggs. We have neighbors who raise pork, chicken and beef. We have our own flock of sheep who live on local hay in the winter. We have a deep pantry and topped up meds/supplements and all.

We have had power and internet outages here for as long as 9 days, due to wildfire, and shorter times due to downed wires. We have had gas up to $5/gallon, so far. And we were fine during those times.

But paying the property taxes is the killer. Not only rising cost, but also, potential controls on bank withdrawals. So…can deflation come to the rescue? And maybe a little cash cropping on the side? Does cash become illegal? And so on… Thanks in advance.

But paying the property taxes is the killer. Not only rising cost, but also, potential controls on bank withdrawals. So...can deflation come to the rescue? And maybe a little cash cropping on the side? Does cash become illegal? And so on.... Thanks in advance.  
Deflation absolutely can and should come to the rescue. If your taxes are based on the value of your home...and that value goes up or down, so should your property taxes. I dont know where you live but in my state you can grieve your taxes every year...that is you can demonstrate that your value has gone down and therefore your taxes should.   There are law firms that are dedicated strictly to grieving taxes. My understanding is that you will usually win if you present your grievance properly.   The taxes will always automatically go up, but you'll generally have to fight to get them down. The only exception to that rule that Ive ever experienced was living in Arizona during the recession....they actually lowered my taxes automatically.   As far as bank payments, etc. I'm considering placing my farm into a family trust, in which case, technically I'd no longer own it. The trust would own it and the trustee [ usually a lawyer or accountant ] would make the payments out of the trust. I think it might be a good idea for many reasons...ie protection from liability, etc But also solve the problem of a personal bank restriction due to some great reset scheme.   Cash crop...absolutely. I have a good relationship with a logger who has rotationally thinned my wood lot to my specifications, it generally pays the taxes [ or at least helps alot ]. The good news there, usually as inflation and taxes rise, timber prices rise too.

Hello Hans,

Did you receive a reply from “Phil” or anybody else to your question as to the origin of this quote?

Ok…thx for the clarification

May I inquire as to the question of “security”?..as in, what measures can be taken to “retain” your independence?..and, have you taken any or do you feel it unnecessary? For example,…here I am, actively taking steps to become more resilient…how do I support that resiliency from those who may feel they need it more then I?..“social capital”? as mentioned by CM?..will that be enough? Just me tossing questions about…I respect your accomplishments and folk like you continue to galvanize me in pursuing my own resiliency. Thx for sharing the great dialogue between yourself and Canuck21

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Bitcoin developers are working on the lightning network which could solve the energy problem. Also a lot of cryptos are moving to proof of stake model which required a fraction of the electricity. Cardano, Ethereum, Polkadot etc.
lightning network - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBh4DcM-0pg
proof of stake - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3EFi_POhps&t=2s
Crypto can also be mined with geothermal energy. There are plans in El Salvador to put crypto mining operations near volcanos. These mining operation dont have to be staffed with many people so this could work. And it’s just one solution of many to come.
El Salvador volcanoes to power bitcoin mining
Yes I agree that there are whales right now in crypto…but I think your missing the point. The power of the blockchain is that it makes it harder for rent seekers to work within the system. If an algorithm can take the place of a bank vault, than rent seeking bankers can’t extract fees from the people anymore. The people can get a better price on the blockchain…and they will because it’s the path of least resistance. And this isn’t limited to just banks…it’s everything!! Like a blockchain Amazon where jeff bezos is an algorithm. The blockchain has the potential to greatly reduce inequality but you can never eliminate it. And probably in 100 years we’ll get another wealth concentration followed by a revolution. Thats the arc of history. But to dismiss the blockchain because of some whales is to miss the forest for the trees…in my opinion.

The Bitcoin crowd doesn't get it, either, in my opinion. I've asked how they use it without access to energy? Crickets. I've asked how it avoids the systemic usury and centripetal velocity? Again, crickets. Guess what? Nunya Bitcoin enthusiasts have as much as the whales do (which are now countries, btw).

If we dare to apply systems thinking, we can visualize the that the “master” crowd does not have the ability to develop solutions, only problems and propaganda. It‘s one thing to assert that no fossil fuels will be used. Yet…

Are there any viable plans to satisfy an energy hungry world? Something simple would suffice:

> current energy requirements for a ‘typical’ household - Watts, MW, GW

> future energy, car chargers will sharply drive demand

> the only viable solution is going to be nuclear. No need to panic, the physics has matured. 4th generation nuclear is safe (cannot go critical), when thorium reactors come online very little fissile material is created, newer reactors can eat the waste of older reactors. Dr. David Ruzic University of Illinois Urbana Champagne developed a course that covers all forms of energy production. The course can be audited free on Coursera or seen on YouTube by searching for IllinoisEnergyProf

People will put up with a lot… but when one tries to pry the smartphone, tablet, laptop etc. form the hands of billions who have put these devices at the center of their worlds… even the disgusting overlords will be in serious trouble. Another aspect of systems thinking that was overlooked. The dopamine addiction that seemed like a good idea for control is in fact an addiction. Addicts will literally do anything to get their fix.

As energy become sketchy, (green energy in the form of wind & solar have NO chance of meeting energy demands), the revolution will begin.

Again applying systems thinking, an unexpected negative side effect of trying to deploy 600,000 massive windmills and miles of solar farms… that pesky thing called the ecosystem will being to erode… THIS is likely an existential threat. Making a few degrees warmer and Obama’s 14 million dollar house flood (does he really believe climate change is an issue and still by beachfront?)

When chaos becomes the norm, I rather doubt the ability of the masters to have the ability to meet their basic needs once the slaves have fled.

As with most things, the story is rather complex. It should make a great movie

Wow, Never thought this website would become a far out fearmongering far right, hating conspiracy theory pusher. What happened to you Dr. Martenson?

Stick around; You might learn something.

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wow…that was an eye opener. i knew this was coming but it’s moving much faster then i though. i pray for our youth…what will happen to them…sheesh…

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You wrote:

Wow, Never thought this website would become a far out fearmongering far right, hating conspiracy theory pusher. What happened to you Dr. Martenson?
Could you demonstrate, with examples from posts and articles: 1) what you consider "fear mongering, far right, hating, conspiracy theory pusher," and, 2) why you think Chris Martinson has gone wrong in some way? There are a lot of people here who do not agree with such allegations and would be willing to address and debate any fact-based contentions to the contrary.

Very good info. I have been working on this list too. still thinking. let me know if you come up with more good ideas. One thing is if someone you trust has had the shot then they could do all the stuff and own the stuff that we wont be able too if not vaxxed. I still think people will band together and trade under the watchful evil eyes…We just have to find them.

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  1. as a registered independent I reject being called far right!

  2. I don’t really hate anyone. There are some people I dislike. There are others that I would rather not spend any time with. Hate is a very strong word.

  3. Now for the conspiracy theories, its hard to call them that with so many turning out to be true lately.



Most people aren’t happy without putting ideas, events, and others into square boxes. In the case of “political” classifications, this need to “stamp” everyone is massively supported and encouraged by TPTB.
In truth, since politics CANNOT be reasonably segregated with less than two axes (and probably more like 10 or more, when you properly respect nuances), the process of “labelling” others more tellingly labels the person doing the labelling. It identifies the labeler as as either low-IQ, grossly ignorant by choice, or a provocateur/minion of deception.
To identify yourself as “independent” should be enough – what could be better sign of intelligence and character than an independent thinker? However, that doesn’t satisfy a nation where the majority regard picking a football team to support and picking a political party to support as effectively equivalent – and generally brain dead – enterprises. I don’t waste my time voting for ANY team sport; although I can vote against a team quite easily once I get a handle on the politics or ethics being practiced by the team members in general. If there are three demonstrable racists on a basketball team – such as a cabal of BLM touting members or KKK members (functionally equivalent, to my mind) – I will actively support the racist team losing and, ideally, going bankrupt.
With “politics” my metrics are
(1) The Constitution and Rule of Law. I have a lot less concern about any amendment added after the Bill of Rights, as most of these are badly written and were put in place by enemies of the Constitution, as best I can determine; however even latter laws and regulations are better than “interpreting” by political winds – which should be a crime of high magnitude, IMO. I like rules clearly delineated, so everyone can know exactly what they are, and 100% enforced with everyone (well, doubly so against those who write and enforce the rules).What I’ve noticed is that rather few who identify as either Republican or Democrat care much about the Constitution. (Although there currently seems to be a trend, for “Conservatives” to favor “conserving” the Constitution, I have my doubts about how heartfelt that actually is when people can’t even cite the Amendments intelligently, nor define a republic as distinct from a democracy, and haven’t a clue about Polybius).
What I have also noticed, is that MOST people who identify with EITHER political party seem oddly complacent with endless foreign wars on thin pretense. I have been known to prefer, and sometimes actively support, ANYONE who seems clear and congruent about avoiding initiation of foreign violence.
Unfortunately, finding a candidate who has a clear and congruent position FOR Constitutional government and AGAINST initiating (including provoking or extending) foreign wars is remarkably difficult. So, generally, I follow the rule: “Don’t vote. It only encourages them.” If pressed, I will sometimes say I am libertarian (lower case, as I don’t support the party).
More recently, I have been getting a better response by saying I can’t vote for anyone who supports killing brown people in foreign wars." That’s why I hated. Hillary. That’s why I hated Bush.
That seems to shut up a lot of ignoramuses and hypocrites, who only vote by “basketball team” narrative du jour. Their ideologue brains proceed to have something that looks like a short circuit, as their eyes jerk around in their heads for a few seconds, and their tongues pause wagging.
That, in turn, usually gets me off the hook I would otherwise be in if I only said I was “independent” (and presumably available for conversion). It did cause a little problem with Bernie supporters, though, I confess; in response to that I say I appreciate Bernie’s “integrity”, and his support of “Occupy Wall Street” but I am still unsure about his position on the Constitution.

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