What Does The Latest Bank Failure And Bailout Mean?

Selco survived Bosnia which was worse and more violent than Argentina. He’s from the same mold as FerFAL.


Good Day :wink:
I just bought the little stovetop unit as test model; it performs as anticipated!!!

Topic Suggestion: Vax Shedding And How To Protect Oneself

I am interested to hear what you know about vax shedding and how to protect oneself from getting spiked by being around people who were recently vaxxed. Is this something you are concerned about? If so, what precautions do you take when you travel?

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Bank Losses

We’ve money in a regional credit union.
Would you recommend moving to one of the big banks? Or???

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The main water pump in our village failed yesterday (our time), cutting water to our whole village of about 500 houses. We turned off our mains water (to stop back-flow into the mains system) and turned on the pump to our water tank, and continued living our life as normal, until the mains pump got fixed today.
Resiliency allows for continuity of lifestyle, and I can vouch for the value of that. :slight_smile:

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What Are Bank Notes

Hi Chris, i am looking for an explanation on what ‘Bank Notes’ are. I so disagreed in investing in anything bank related but my Hubby went ahead anyway and invested a substantial (for us) amount if money in Bank Notes for CIBC Bank in Canada. I have no idea what they are, is it just currency exchange of some kind ?


Great coverage on the banks and the Fed’s financial shenanigans.
You asked us to put in requests for future topics. I would love to hear more about how the truth about the terrible Covid response is going to come out and how or whether we are going to see heads roll of those responsible for this carnage. Every video and interview with the vaccine injured is a gut punch and makes me want these sons of bitches to pay for the harm they cause, and the inexcusable gaslighting the vax injured have been subjected to.
Also, would welcome ongoing coverage about Bobby Kennedy’s run for president. I don’t want to get my hopes up but he seems to be the only person out there who can make a dent in the institutional corruption that has so badly damaged this nation–whether it’s our so-called public health agencies, the ‘Deep State’ or whatever. (I respect what Marianne Williamson stands for, but she hasn’t got the chance of a snowball in hell of getting the nomination.)
Also, get Ed Dowd on! He’s truly a hero in all this, and I can’t imagine that Life Insurance and Disability Insurance companies aren’t going to come out of the woodwork and start spiling the beans. I mean you can’t argue against actuarial data. The data doesn’t lie.
Thanks for all you do!