What Should I Be Doing Now?

Uncertainty and anxiety have returned to the financial markets. Gold is down 18% from its high last year, and silver down over 40%. Europe is a powder keg and Greece a smoldering fuse. An Asian slowdown is happening in real-time before our eyes. Energy prices remain stubbornly elevated. Dangerously high unemployment persists in many countries and consumer confidence is again on the wane. Housing prices show no signs of rebounding anytime soon. Budget woes are accelerating at both the federal and state level. The cost of key essentials for living (food, fuel, medical care) and taxes relentlessly march upwards.

In the midst of all this, we're hearing many longtime readers ask: What should I be doing now?

The short answer is: making the most of the time you have today, putting into action your prioritized plans to increase the resiliency of yourself, your family and community.

This is the focus of our last weekend seminar of 2012, which will be held a month from now, from June 29-July 1.

If you don't yet have your plan together, or could use some help in re-grounding yourself on what steps to take and how to prioritize them, you should really consider this opportunity.

The Seminar

Fresh off of a very successful seminar weekend at Rowe in March, we're gearing up for the last seminar we plan to offer this year.

It will be at the beautiful Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, located in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, at a wonderful time of year:

We're very excited to have been invited to conduct our workshop at such a well-regarded and respected destination as Kripalu, where internationally-known speakers like Deepak Chopra present regularly.

This June, we'll be building on the new material we debuted at Rowe, which addresses how we are much farther along the "Three E" timeline than when the Crash Course videos were created four years ago. As evidenced by:

  • Economy: The '08 credit bubble contraction, the ensuing flood of money printing and other liquidity measures by the Fed and other central banks, the European credit crisis and Greek default, persistently high US unemployment, and slowing Asian economies...
  • Energy: $4+ gas at the pumps, the potential tapping of the US & UK strategic petroleum reserves, Deepwater Horizon, Fukushima and the subsequent closing of all but two of Japan's nuclear facilities, the fracking boom, and the saber-rattling with oil-rich Iran...
  • Environment: Massive jumps in commodity prices (and the resulting social unrest in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East), China's use of its rare earth monopoly as a trade weapon, the battle over the Keystone pipeline, raw milk raids by the FBI, growing competition for water reserves among states, the 'pink slime' scandals in our meat supply...

As a result, we are moving quickly from the realm of "what will likely happen," as predicted by the Crash Course, into "what is happening." In my opinion, the type of dot-connecting and probability assessment that Chris conducts is more valuable than ever during a time of accelerating change like this. 

This seminar is designed to provide whatever help you need to take action now in your preparations, while the system still largely works as we're accustomed to.

If that sounds like help you could use, come join us. And build relationships with dozen of others just like you who are looking to tap the know-how and support of other like-minded folks. 

If it's time for you to kick your personal resiliency into a higher gear, we would love for you to participate:

"Peak Prosperity" Seminar
Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health
57 Interlaken Road
Stockbridge, MA 01262

Friday June 29 through Sunday, July 1, 2012

Presented by Chris & Becca Martenson with Adam Taggart
Cost varies -- click here for more information

Click here to register online

We have an extremely well developed seminar model that has been honed over the years and combines teachings, breakouts, and exercises that will provide both critical insights and actionable ideas. Specifically, this Kripalu workshop offers

  • Skill-building exercises to develop emotional, financial, and physical resilience
  • An insider’s understanding of the Crash Course framework and how to use it to determine which aspects of your life are most vulnerable to future risks
  • Becca Martenson’s expertise in focusing and visioning
  • A personalized action plan to increase your prosperity
  • Building community with like-minded participants that will last long after the weekend ends.

The connections made at these conferences have lasted between participants for years and are another significant benefit of the experience. For others, simply having the chance to engage with other highly successful people on these topics in a safe environment is worth the effort to attend.

But don't just take our word for it. Here's what participants of the March Rowe seminar had to say about the experience:

"I was deeply impressed with Chris, Becca and Adam during this weekend. They have obviously put a lot of thought into the curriculum and done their own work. The exercises had an organic feel of having been worked from the inside out by them before being shared with us. The sense of openness, transparency in the workshop participants was immediate and, I believe was catalyzed by the clear minds of Chris and Becca who come from a place of love not fear. I came away with a clear action plan and a deeper sense of peace in a world with imminent change upon us." - Debra

"The opportunity to meet Chris, Becca, and Adam  face to face was invaluable. An unexpected result of our time together was the opportunity to meet with other concerned individuals and share ideas. Moving forward from the workshop I felt empowered with the knowledge that I don't have to do this alone. There is a growing community here and we are poised to guide each other into a truly prosperous future." - Nan

"This was my second Rowe conference with Chris and Becca. It was very nice to renew previous acquaintances and to make many new ones. For me, already attuned to the "peak prosperity" message,  it was satisfying and reassuring to take stock of my resilience advances in my life since the last gathering and to share what I have learned along the way with participants just starting their journey.  In addition, having a reluctant spouse and being surrounded by generally closed minded family and community, being among an enlightened and enthusiastic group provided me with a huge morale boost to keep me moving in the right direction".  - Daniel

"Chris and Becca's seminar was a thoroughly enjoyable and uplifting experience.  One might imagine a lot of negativity at an event on this topic, and we did discuss each other's fears and concerns, but I left feeling a great deal better about the future.  I really enjoyed getting to know Chris and Becca more as they gave us a peek into their lives, but it was also great to meet so many other like-minded people.  Before the seminar I felt like I had no one I could talk to about our predicament, but that isolation just melted away as we formed our own little community at the seminar." - Jamie

"Attending The Crash Course seminar was life changing for me.  When I went, I had already been studying the material of which The Course is comprised for several years, and had, more recently, viewed it online, so frankly, I wasn't expecting to gain all that much from attending the seminar.  However, I ended up learning a lot, and what was even more valuable to me was connecting with others who are familiar with the material in The Course and are implementing it in their lives.  Chris and Becca are excellent teachers, and brought a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, humor, and heart to a subject which can be really frightening and overwhelming.  I highly recommend attending The Crash Course or related seminars to anyone who is interested in learning about the changes that are currently unfolding around the world, and how to adapt to them (even and especially those who think they already have all the information they need about this). " - Heather

"This is an engaging, down-to-earth and practical program. As late as it seems,  we are all still "early adopters" in preparing for a very different future.  That means most of our families and friends don't understand what we see coming, and it's great to be in a group of intelligent people who "get it".  It's also a treat to hear Becca's story of having to help process things as a spouse, and to see how they work as a couple in the art of sharing a difficult message with the world. The delivery is as important as the content. Bravo!" - Doug

"As to the crash Course Presentation recently delivered at Rowe, let me say I have been referring to it as perhaps the best workshop that I have ever attended. The team of Chris, Becca, Adam, Justin and Bill was outstanding and seamless. Rowe is a superb venue to hold such an event.  I love Rowe and it was great to return. Subject matter such as contained in Chris' CC could be, and too often is, lopsidedly left brained delivered and ingested. But you guys know that. With such an intelligent academic, financial and scientific background as Chris' I think we in attendance all benefited from his charts and coherent premises that point toward the many societal shifts currently taking place. Becca skillfully grounds the workshop family and charts the course through turbulent waters frothy with our fears and insecurities, our too tightly held individualisms, and inspires in us a greater vision of community building and earth stewardship. I really found the whole experience fantastic." - Mark

In short, the goal of the weekend is for you to return home with peace of mind, knowing that you are equipped to meet the future head-on and prosper in it. 

To register, click this link.

Chris, Becca and I hope to see you there.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/what-should-i-be-doing-now-2/

I am considering attending the seminar in Massachusetts (June 29 - July 1)

It’s a 7 hour drive for me, so would like to know what time it starts on Friday and when does it end on Sunday.



Do you have some details about the program?
Also, what are the transportation options for someone coming from the west coast?


nelligda -
The Kripalu program begins on Friday at 7:30pm (EST) and ends on Sunday at 11:30am (EST).

lkline -
From Albany International Airport

  • Albany International Airport is the nearest airport to Kripalu.
  • Kripalu offers transportation Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and some holidays from Albany Airport to Kripalu at 1:30 pm and again at 5:00 pm and from Kripalu to Albany Airport at 12:00 pm and again at 3:30 pm
  • Cost for the shuttle is $65. A full refund is available if you cancel at least 3 days (72 hours) in advance. No refund is available if less than 3 days notice is given.
  • Please call Kripalu Registration for rates and to register. You must preregister at least 48 hours in advance for the regularly scheduled shuttle that runs on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday with the Kripalu Registration staff.
  • For any other times, contact Tobi’s Limo service at 413-637-1224www.tobislimo.com
Bradley International (Hartford, CT/Springfield, MA)
  • Take a taxi into Springfield. Peter Pan/Bonanza Bus Lines travel from Springfield to Lenox several times daily.
And here's the program schedule:


Friday, June 29, 2012:

  • Program session 7:30–9:30 pm
Saturday, June 30, 2012:
  • Program session 8:30–11:30 am
  • Program session 1:45–4:45 pm
  • Program session 7:30–9:30 pm
Sunday, July 01, 2012:
  • Program session 8:30–11:30 am
Further detail on the workshop content can be found at http://kripalu.org/program/view/WPP-121/peak_prosperity