What the Post-Covid Economy Looks Like with Jim Bianco

Welcome to a bonus episode of Finance U with our esteemed guest, Jim Bianco. Today, we’re diving deep into “The Awkward Global Economic Reboot,” navigating through the complex nuances that make up our current economic landscape.

Ever wondered about the pulse of the bond market? Or pondered which countries are in the lead when it comes to buying oil in these tumultuous times? Jim posits, and I think you’ll find this fascinating, that we’re operating in more of a unified world market than most of us are inclined to believe.

Now, let’s talk about the enigma that is the Federal Reserve. What are they really up to behind those monumental columns? And in a world that’s rapidly transforming, the ‘work from home’ culture is ushering in its own set of challenges, but it’s not the grim picture some are painting. In fact, there might be a silver lining we’re all overlooking. On the grimmer side, a distressing social trend has emerged: videos of people breaking down, unable to meet the basic costs of living. It’s a sign of the times, but how did we get here?

From the era of the ‘nifty fifty’ to today’s ‘magnificent seven,’ market powerhouses have shifted, and the influence of these giants is palpable. And before we wrap up today, we’ll touch upon the elephant in the room – the still untapped and unpredictable potential of AI on our global economy. Buckle up, folks; this is one episode you won’t want to miss.

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/what-the-post-covid-economy-looks-like-with-jim-bianco/

2020 Was An Interesting Year

When the pandemic hit, I was on the road about 40% of the time. I had the AA platinum status and Titanium Elite at Marriott. My main job function could not be performed remotely.
March 2020 was a crazy time. I remember going on a trip to interview for a new job in PA that would have been a promotion. I returned home on Friday to a busy airport. It was like everyone was in a rush to travel somewhere.
The biggest shock during this time was getting an automated text (SMS) on Sunday evening telling me to check my work email. This was odd because it was highly unusual for anyone to work on Sunday. You normally had to get a bunch of approvals before doing it. The email told me to not report to work on Monday.
Monday was maelstrom of crap. Everyone had to submit a bunch of paper work and get a bunch of approvals. It was a paper work nightmare. Once that subsided, I was able to perform my second main job function. The productivity was awesome. I was able to crank out the “product” in record time. What normally took me a month to complete took me only 2 weeks to complete. I simply logged in on time every day and kept my PC from going to sleep and answered Teams calls.
May hit and my entire work group was sent out on the road because our customers were demanding our services and it could not wait. Surprisingly, none of the other business units returned to the road. I was getting 1st class upgrades on all of the flights and the planes were mostly empty.
There is now a huge conflict going on between the workers and the managers. The managers are trying to get us back in the office more often and the workers are fighting it. I wanted no part in this fight and took a promotion last year. The new job is not compatible with work at home. I need to be present to perform my main job function now. The 30 minute commute sucks and eats an hour up of my day every time I go to work. I also now need to buy pants to go with my new shirts.
I do plan to eventually get back on the road. I will wait for this nonsense to settle down and find a new equilibrium. Going back to the 40% travel job would normally require me to move back to a large city. I want no part in that. I love where I live because the climate is mild and mountain views look a heck of a lot better than the concrete jungle.
The host is correct. Covid lead to a lot of change and its is not getting rolled back anytime soon.