What To Do With Your Cash?

Who created Bitcoin? And please don’t say Sato…if you can’t even identify the founder of a concept especially a recent one, how can you possibly trust the origins? Who is to say this wasn’t orchestrated by the powers already in place?
I play all angles, so I have a bit of money in bitcoin and others though minimal, but it is a pure hedge. I just don’t see how they (powers that be) can’t simply wipe you out same as bank account, brokerage, ira, 401k, or simply unplugging the internet.
Simplistic view,

Asking who created Bitcoin is akin to asking who created Euclidean Geometry. Who was Euclid? Why can we trust the geometry calculations and entire mathematical function and reasoning for deductions? How could a person write entire text books that we base modern mathematics thousands of years ago without knowing who Euclid was?
Was Euclid a man? A woman? A slave? A group of people? A space alien? Was heshethey rich?

Does it matter? We can all view the math, the rules, and validate that it works as always becomes the proof is of itself.
Break bitcoin down and it’s math. It’s formulas. It is open source and worked on by tens of thousands of people around the world. It has been rewritten, cleaned up, debugged, forked and modernized so that of the original code it is thought to be over 80% completely rewritten. Only the skeleton of logical principals remain. Game theory, consensus, encryption. And then it’s been copied thousands of times into newer various versions.
At what point did it become meaningless to continue to ask who Euclid was? The world benefited from the math and hesheitthey changed the world.
For a fun, I found and will share a little reminder to help one’s road of discovery - is to take a look at the illustrated book of bad arguments. This helps me and hopefully others think critically better to strip away the silly and nonsense from principal truth.

I understand the point you are making… and there are smart people who wonder the same. Brandon Smith for instance;

http://www.alt-market.com/articles/3239-the-globalist-one-world-currency... Enter cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Bitcoin arrives seemingly from nowhere, conjured by a magical crypto-wizard by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, a label supposed to represent a person or group of people that no one has ever seen or heard from. We are simply meant to have faith that they don't work for the NSA or a similar entity. But who cares who they are, right!? It doesn't matter because bitcoin is such a work of art it is nearly infallible — the perfect countermeasure to a monetary world lorded over by the dollar and the Federal Reserve. Numerous libertarians and anarchists collectively orgasm. They join what appears to be a grassroots effort to bring bitcoin and blockchain technology into the mainstream. They stop trading as many of their fed notes for gold and silver as before and buy digital nothings instead. To question the validity of the idea elicits dramatic displays of indignance from the bitcoin cult bordering on zealotry. The "smartest guys in the room" know bitcoin is the solution to everything — don't you want to be one of those guys, too? Bitcoin is the way, the truth, the life... Some of us are unconvinced, and even rather suspicious, and with good reason. For example, the advancement of cryptocurrencies into mainstream consciousness has been helped expertly by the corporate media, which frankly, does not make sense if they are a real threat to the central banking monolith. As they say, when the real revolution happens, it will not be televised. Bitcoin is televised everywhere.
I don't agree with Brandon that Bitcoin is being pumped by the mainstream media.. but that is one of this salient points. I agree with MRees.. it really doesn't matter who created it.. because it is what it is. It is a completely transparent set of code.. there are no cards being played that you cannot see.. at least not in the code itself. Bitcoin and the like is an idea. It uses decentralization and the profit motive in an elegant way, to shepherd and further the network (effect) that creates the underlying value (a trusted ledger). Much of the hashing now takes place in China.. can our authorities turn off the internet in China? As long as the DNA (the blockchain) is maintained somewhere on earth (and your BTC are safely stored) ... your claims to it, and use of it, are protected.. for whatever that is worth. Nothing is perfect. PS.. just now seeing, after posting this, that you referenced the same Brandon Smith article in an earlier post of yours : ) ... anyway.. doesn't change my comments...

Here we go again. Not much new information in the post or the comments.
Everyone here is still waiting for TEOTWAWKI.
Do the Amish take refugees?