When It Comes To Protection From The Coronavirus, You're On Your Own

Well i’ve been to the emergency room and when i was screaming because my lungs where on fire, they told me i needed to calm down. When i told them calmly i didn’t get air, that was because i was hyperventilating before. when i had been calmed for 30 minutes, and they gave me an oxazepam (diazepam), i saw a shrink, who advised me to seek help tomorrow for panic attacks and autism.
I recieved no tests. No oxygen mask. No blood pressure gage. No oxygen saturation measurement (which fluctuates between 97% and 99% anyway).
So here’s what i’m going to do. I’m goin to stop posting here. I’ve had enough people tell me i’m exadurating. I want to be left alone now in the comfort of my own home. I coughed in plenty of places, so if there’s a Covid outbreak in tilburg within ~14 days, think of me :slight_smile: If not. Well turns out i was overreacting all along! yay!.
SO. Fuck you guys. Fuck the system. Fuck the world. You guys got what you wanted. I won’t spam anymore. I won’t post here for a week or two. If i’m going to go through this, i want it to be as alone as the world i came into.
I just wanna leave you guys with the video i made before it was so bad i had to call the ambulance. Just so you guys know what hyperventilation looks like. Oh, as a final thought: Nobody in the hospital bothered to look at my sick diary, my blood pressure readings or photographs of WILDLY swinging pulse ox readings in hospital.

fuck it i got rate limited on the forum because i was wresteling with cookies. Protections are WAY too tight. Anyway. That just means you people get an imgur thread here. I stopped caring.
i took these readings when the psychiatrist was writing his report. Again, i did not recieve a single test and got no drugs other then oxazepam to calm down and 2 cups of water
EDIT: I just remembered you fuckwits, just like all the doctors who i’ve met, don’t even know what PI% is. I didn’t either, but at least i know how to fucking google.
https://www.amperordirect.com/pc/help-pulse-oximeter/z-what-is-pi.html there ya go.

This has probably already been posted here already somewhere, but I found a more recent video from Chris on YouTube,“The Last Day To Prepare (Mostly)”, released Feb. 29, 2020.

Chris the open letter to the Belgian minister states the basic CFR is 4.7 to 7, this is the number without any isolation measures; latest CFR given is 2.3% https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762130?guestAccessKey=bdcca6fa-a48c-4028-8406-7f3d04a3e932&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=022420
Preprint Feb 26: CFR 0.8 in China ex Wuhan, Wuhan 5 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.26.20028076v1

A pandemic is not a pandemic when there’s a lot of money involved in NOT using the word “pandemic” - some crazy bonds tied to it…

Referring to DesoG… Why cant the site, when we are being so obviously spammed, not just cut that account off as we do other spam accounts ? Sure ignore would be easy if we had a way to chose members to ignore, but there is no way to do that. Otherwise, when scrolling too often unwanted foul language and bodily descriptions end up on the screen

I have been a user and maker of colloidal silver for 15 years with very good results. It has been found to be most effective treating congestion and colds. We have also experienced vastly reduced healing times when it has been applied to lacerations. With the onset of the flu immediate consumption of CS has resulted in good recovery times and sometimes an immediate cure. Today we purchased a nebulizer which apparently can be used even more effectively getting the CS directly to the lungs more efficiently. It would seem it may be a very good weapon to be used against CV. Find following an explanation of the process.

Just a heads up in regards to sprouting. We have never tried it before but I did buy sprouting kits during the last global medical concern (SARS)
I pulled those kits out today as we have concerns about food supply disruptions in the coming weeks or months. I recall a dental surgeon of mine from the past told me he lived on a diet of sprouts for many months and said he never felt better for it. I just wanted to bring this up as a possible option for those out there, like myself, who have no gardening options. Its a perfect way to supplement ones diet if vegetable supply experience disruptions. Its also very inexpensive and I was amazed with the assortment of sprouts one could choose from. What a fantastic option for many with limited resources!


This Dr. Ghebreyesus is either a moron or a criminal–maybe even both. The WHO, the WH, DHS, the CDC and their so-called “leaders” should be held accountable for their gross incompetence and criminal negligence regarding this pandemic.
Coronavirus is a deadly threat — but fear and panic are more dangerous, global health chief says
‘“Stigma, to be honest, is more dangerous than the virus itself. Fear and panic are dangerous,” World Health Organization director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. “It’s fine to be concerned and worried, but let’s calm down and do the right things.”’
‘“I think we have a common enemy,” said Tedros. “We have to stand together in unison to fight it, and these early signs are very encouraging.”’
“Of the 62 countries affected by COVID-19, 55 have fewer than 100 cases. Only four countries have more than 1,000 cases, Tedros said.”

How drive-through testing could limit coronavirus contagion
Free and available to anyone whether or not a resident. One drive-thru site can test more than 380 people per day. Process: Stay in your car, complete a questionnaire, Dr. and nurses on site take temperature and secure nasal and throat samples, test results available in 2-3 days, limits exposure and potential for infection for all concerned. (Note reporter’s poor use of respirator. Good thing the health care workers are suited-up and taking appropriate precautions.)
So, tell me again why the US can’t get their act together regarding coronavirus testing?? Oh right, American Exceptionalism! Not just embarrassing, but debilitating and deadly.

I appreciate it, dtrammel.

Sick and tired of so called authorities unwilling to share information so we can stay ahead of this!
I have a brother with special needs whom I care for, and my husband has diabetes and Parkinson’s.
They don’t have to give names, but for Pete’s sake; let us know where they are!

It seems this is the best and quickest way to test and definitely minimizes the risk to HCW’s.
We cannot afford to have them infected and to have people going into clinics or hospitals for testing just is exposing too many people to a potential risk. Wake up America and get it together! You have enough game plans you can copy from those countries who have put them in place.