When It Comes To Protection From The Coronavirus, You're On Your Own

Ozone is damaging to electronics and electrical apparatus. Be careful using ozone around anything electrical or electronic. Even the generators are not protected from the ozone they generate.

Looks like they’re going to go with option “C”…get a bunch of people killed.
Wonder if they realize this is going to destroy the last shreds of faith. 4th turning indeed.


In the last few days the internet and mass media have suddenly been publishing a wearying amount of stories on the CoronaVirus. We went from a trickle to an avalanche. It is just too much to absorb. Thankfully I found Chris’s site early in January and got ahead of this curve (like many others out there who come to talk) and the necessary preparations and purchases have been completed.
And then just like that bedlam broke out in a few supermarkets across the country as more people caught on that COVID19 has arrived and is indeed a very serious infectious disease that cannot be ignored anymore. I actually spent the day trying to tune it all out since the news feeds are getting to the stage of overwhelming as we arrived at the self evident portion of the show.
But amidst all the noise there was a couple stories that caught my attention and one of them is quite serious. That was this mornings comments from the President where he stated that a closure of the Southern Border with Mexico is being considered. This is clearly the biggest story of the day in my opinion since the US relies upon Mexico for a very substantial portion of all its fruits and vegetables. It is even more of a concern for us Canadians who do not have any domestic supply of greens whatsoever during the winter months.
It does not take much thinking to appreciate that the prices for fresh foods is going to sky rocket if that border is closed. But of course it is much more than that because next to China, Mexico is one of the largest providers to the US and Canada of auto parts, electronics, manufactured goods and well…pretty much anything you can name that does not already have a “Made in China” label. It is so much trade that during 2019 it exceeded 600 billion dollars.
And that is probably not the worst of it. With China effectively shut down, Mexico possibly in the cross hairs and airlines, cargo, shipping and borders around the world being severely impacted then we might be mindful to consider the shortages that will develop that we never even considered yesterday.
I went out and bought extra coffee and cocoa powder! We don’t grow either of those things in Canada so it just seemed like a good idea. But deeper down I suddenly had the sense that should this virus impact North America as its done in China that maybe a little extra preparations are in line.
Just in case…

I watched Desogames’ video and his eyes and actions tell the story. I think he is genuine about being autistic. That’s why I refrained from responding when he verbally attacked me and swore up and down at me. It’d be like engaging a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest … just not fair. I not only think he’s autistic but there are also signs of possible narcissistic personality disorder and another probable mental affliction (which will go unnamed). That being said, I agree that it’s best to ignore the poor fellow although his rambling raving and ranting is rather annoying and takes up considerable bandwidth.

Just because i don’t have a social media presence (yet) because i HATE social media and i’ve had, up until this point, very little desire to speak out about anything, considering you normal people have already made me try and kill myself 6 times (That is not a joke), doesn’t mean i haven’t been warning whoever does care about me.
You can add the HTTP yourself so i dont mess up the layout more then i already have. Those are just the pinned messages. You think i write walls of text here? You should see my place.

Supply chain disruptions are starting to hit main stream news. The man does have 10 million subs on the new media afterall.

This interlude from the coronavirus cacophony is made possible by a caring and talented nurse, a loving Dad, and a swarm of little “grasshoppers”:

I’ve been trying to reconcile a number of difficult mathematical anomalies in the outbreak:

  1. inconsistent deaths in some countries
  2. under-reporting illness in most countries including not testing everyone
  3. CDC / WHO response (if CFR > 2.0% this response makes no sense)
Like Ebola, I find fatalities to be the closest accurate measure of spread. Monitoring ill patients can be slow or delayed (or completely made up). Furthermore, "serious/critical" is a subjective measure. Considering the preference for no-checks going forward - reported deaths may become the only way to track the virus. On January 2, 2020 - there were 25-40 reported infections. By January 10, 2020 there was 1 death. Assuming a 0.5% CFR - this would mean there should have been about 200+ cases on January 2, 2020 (a week or so earlier). The Wuhan Fish market may have had several infected people attend on the same day. This also supports a November 2019 start date (assuming a 4-day doubling period) The WHO likely knows there were significantly more infected people than reported in early January - China certainly knew (and may be less concerned due to the lower CFR). To me, it seems reasonable that the CFR is probably closer to 0.5% and the cases are generally under-reported by a magnitude of 10x or more. We can thus conclude the infection count from about a week ago based on the death count today. So Korea with 17 deaths means 3,500+ people infected a week ago (at the current doubling rate that means 10-20,000 infected today). This will also give us an idea of the current infection count using deaths:
  • infected count today = total deaths / 0.05 x 2 x 2 [spread doubles every 4 days / kills in 8 days]
Estimates based on the above assumptions:
  • US = 1/0.005 x 2 x 2 = 800 infections
  • China = 1/0.005 x 2 x 2 = 2.3m
    • + 7,000 new cases per day [35 deaths / 0.005]
  • Korea = 17/.005 x 2 x 2 = 13,600
  • Iran = 43/.005 x 2 x 2 = 34,400
  • Italy = 29/.005 x 2 x 2 = 23,200
These numbers seem more reasonable given the spread via travel from these countries (exported cases). These numbers may still be too low due to asymptomatic cases. Something to think about.... this is my best explanations for variations seen between countries.


Most food imports are done by air, also I think that “Closing borders” refers to people, not goods. Anyway it is prudent to increase personal stock levels, certainly for foods that are consumed anyway and zero interest on your savingsaccount…

Maybe smoking fewer blunts and spending less time watching videos would help you feel better?

Most food imports are done by refrigerated trucks actually. Here in Canada its a pretty big industry since volumes are massive. If people cannot cross the border then that would probably include truckers and delivery guys. That is what closed borders are all about. In general there are no exceptions except for military, diplomats, government and emergency personal. Did you think that everyone would be locked out but drivers could just keep coming and going? That’s not what is happening elsewhere in the world where borders are being closed.

Ok my comments are not intended to be negative…but…
Ok…im not a individual with any agenda beyond curiosity and that reason drives me to to ask this “odd” but important question…
That being said:
Covid 19 is almost too perfect a fit to humans in its current form to be a natural mutation of previously known corana virus’ And even when its genome was 1st sequenced - researchers published info- stated 22% of its dna was not previously known in other similar virus models…a bit unsettling…
What if it made the jump across the species through a perfect host substitute?
A genetically modified animal being created as, a potential donor to humans…
I had even thought not about a psuedo human as,accidental host …and
Of course ITS IN CHINA!
Heres the link

Hello Granny,
Don’t know if you know this or not, but there is a book with that title written by Courtney White.

In Holland we have a huge farmer production, however I find many fresh vegetable as beans labeled “origin Senegal”. That’s West Africa… Airfreight is at this moment cheaper than by truck, amazing. Ofcourse a lot of food will be transported by truck also.
Truck companies are used to work with many kind of border issues. They will drop the container at the border, import agents work on the paperwork, a US truck will take over from there… Profit will find its way, I assume…

Alexis, you said, “desogames, I’m amazed at your ability to recover and think so cognitively with intermittent fever symptoms. Not an easy task I’m sure. I know you feel unwell but it sounds as though you have a fighting spirit and won’t give up. Drink lots of water, maybe even orange juice if you can. Hope you can get some rest. I believe MedCram on YouTube discussed how sleep can heal us. Wishing you’re health improved ASAP.”
Alexis, your sound advice and kind words may be especially helpful to desogames during this difficult time. I’ll second your best wishes for his improved health.
All the best to you and your family as well. :slight_smile:

Costa Mesa - the city that filed suit - is in orange county.
Doctors are told to go to the county web site.
www.oc.ca.gov – empty page.
Must know to search for “Orange County Health Care Agency”
What guidance does this county offer physicians, as of Feb 29th?
This: http://www.ochealthinfo.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=110492

  1. That flow chart does not include any pathway leading to anything with “test for COVID” in it
  2. Instead it points the physician to " Contact health department to report at-risk patients and their clinical status". At that juncture, the physician is referred to… guess where?
    Here: http://www.ochealthinfo.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=110492

1918 Pandemic - Approximate Stats
World. USA
Population. 1.9 billion 103 million
Infected 500 million 25 million
Died. 50 million. 775,000
Inf rate. 25% 25%
Mort % of Inf. 10% 3%
of infected


I agree. Something is not adding up.
But death rates can be different from country to country.
China being vitamine D and Selenium deficient, poor living conditions and who knows this ACE2 thing can be hit much harder then elsewhere.
In this PDF i think Jim H provided we read, for example :
Supranutritional selenium promotes proliferation and favors differentiation
of naive CD4-positive T lymphocytes toward T helper 1 cells, thus supporting the acute cellular immune response, whereas excessive activation
of the immune system and ensuing host tissue damage are counteracted through directing macrophages toward the M2 phenotype.