When It Comes To Protection From The Coronavirus, You're On Your Own

There’s always F minus.

Keshan disease is a congestive cardiomyopathy caused by a combination of dietary deficiency of selenium and the presence of a mutated strain of Coxsackievirus, named after Keshan County of Heilongjiang province, Northeast China, where symptoms were first noted. These symptoms were later found prevalent in a wide belt extending from northeast to southwest China, all due to selenium-deficient soil. The disease peaked in 1960–1970, claiming thousands of lives.[1][2]
Often fatal, the disease afflicts children and women of child bearing age, characterized by heart failure and pulmonary edema. Over decades, supplementation with selenium reduced this affliction.[3]
It had been linked to the coxsackie B virus. Current research suggests that the lack of selenium results in a more virulent strain of the coxsackievirus becoming the dominant viral species present in the population of virus, but the mechanism of this selection event is unclear.
Coxsackieviruses are a few related enteroviruses that belong to the Picornaviridae family of nonenveloped, linear, positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses, as well as its genus Enterovirus, which also includes poliovirus and echovirus. Enteroviruses are among the most common and important human pathogens, and ordinarily its members are transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Coxsackieviruses share many characteristics with poliovirus. With control of poliovirus infections in much of the world, more attention has been focused on understanding the nonpolio enteroviruses such as coxsackievirus.
Coxsackieviruses are among the leading causes of aseptic meningitis (the other usual suspects being echovirus and mumps virus).
The entry of coxsackievirus into cells, especially endothelial cells, is mediated by Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor.

These are the nursing guidelines put out today in a blog of the American Journal of Nursing.
It claims that many countries have the virus under control:
COVID-19 transmission in China appears to have plateaued, and, while the virus has been detected in numerous other countries this week, several countries have also been successful in controlling the spread of COVID-19 within their borders
It also cites the flu:

How worried should I be?

The WHO reports that as of February 28, there have been nearly 84,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide and fewer than 3,000 deaths. In contrast, the CDC estimates that from October 1, 2019, through February 22, 2020, in the U.S. alone, there have been at least 32 million cases of influenza and 18,000 flu deaths.   https://ajnoffthecharts.com/covid-19-for-nurses-skip-the-rumors-and-stick-to-the-basics/

At some point I decided it was certain that CoVid 19 spreads via aerosol as well as droplets but now I can’t recall what the sources were that convinced me of that fact. What would any of you consider the best resources for determining how it spreads.

Phytother. Res. 22, 141–148 (2008)
Published online 20 September 2007 in Wiley InterScience
(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/ptr.2295
Antiviral Effects of Glycyrrhiza species
In vitro studies revealed antiviral
activity against HIV-1, SARS related coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, arboviruses, vaccinia virus and
vesicular stomatitis virus.
Of all the
compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting
replication of the SARS-associated virus. Our findings
suggest that glycyrrhizin should be assessed for treatment of
Lancet 2003; 361: 2045–46
You can still buy licorice root extract at Piping Rock - (2) 2-oz bottles for just $14.
I also posted the following comment to the YouTube video today, but with ~ 7000 comments there, I’m sure most folks overlooked it. Please copy and forward this as you see fit:
Make your own viral-killing mask, and disinfectant. Make your own nano or colloidal silver for pennies, and spray it on your mask (or even on a towel wrapped around your face). I have been making colloidal silver at home for years. Colloidal silver will kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and they do not develop resistance. You can find “how to” videos online. Simply use PURE silver wire, or two silver Eagles or Maple Leafs (0.999 pure), as the electrodes, and suspend them with alligator clips in a quart jar of distilled water. Run a couple feet of copper wire from the alligator clips to another set of alligator clips connected to your power source. Three 9-volt batteries will work fine, for many batches before replacing the batteries. You can also use an AC plug-in cell phone charger, rated at 500 to 800 milli-amps (0.5 to 0.8 amps). DO NOT use 90% silver coins or any impure silver-containing materials! DO NOT let the alligator clips contact the water! or you can contaminate it with undesirable metals. Approx 2 hours running time should give you approx 10 ppm of silver (nano silver and silver ions). As the solution develops, there will be some electrolysis and you will see a “cloud” in the water, and a dark coating on the coins; if some of this falls off, simply strain the solution through a coffee filter when you are finished. Get a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter for about $15 from Amazon to check your product; it should read Zero for the distilled water when you start, and 10-12 ppm when you are finished making the nano silver solution. If you have a red laser pointer, you can shine it through the distilled water before you start, and you will not see anything in the water; the light will pass through without interruption. After your ~ 2-hour production time, when you shine the laser through the bottle, you will see a continuous bright red line through the water, which is the laser beam reflecting off of the invisible silver particles. You start with distilled water and pure silver coins, and you end up with a 10 ppm solution of nano or colloidal silver that will kill the bacteria and viruses that you want to destroy. Research the literature on silver ! I have been using this with no problems for years. I can add an ounce of 10 ppm silver solution to a half-gallon of milk, and it will not spoil. I spray my socks and sandals (and my hunting clothes), and they do not stink! That’s why cheap $10 sandals stink, but the $100 sandals and sports shirts can be worn for weeks; the manufacturers add silver to the product to kill any bacteria. After the price collapse this week, you can probably buy two silver Eagles for $40 or less. Add some copper wire, four alligator clips, (3) 9-volt batteries, and a gallon of distilled water - and you are in business! With that setup, assuming you buy another ~ 800 gallons of distilled water and use a cheap AC converter energy source, your two silver Eagles can provide enough colloidal silver at 10 ppm (before they have totally disappeared) - that if you were to buy an equivalent volume of 10 ppm commercial product at your local health food store - it would cost you approx $320,000. That mark-up is YOUR SAVINGS. Punch the numbers and confirm the research yourself. This is something EVERYBODY should be aware of, and be ready to make and use. It can save your life. Colloidal silver can kill MRSA, Ebola, and certainly Corona. I have seen case studies of colloidal silver curing flesh-eating bacteria. You can use it internally &/or externally - for eye, ear, foot infections, cuts & scrapes, etc, for food poisoning, for mildew, for sanitizing surfaces, for treating river or pond water if you need something to drink. CHECK IT OUT - Please.

China NHC released this (its 6th edition) on 19 Feb:
Source: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2020-02/19/content_5480948.htm
Mostly translated apart from the section on TCM treatments

Seems like the insomnia isn’t much of an issue if i just sleep when the fatigue hits.
Before anybody claims it’s a flu: i slept more then 8 hours after a long day yesterday, i woke up around 7-8 today, did my normal routine, bought some remaining supplies, got hit by fatigue around 13:30, went to bed around 14:00, woke up around 22:00 after another 8 hours of sleep.
My regular day? Smoke blunts while playing video games and watching videos/streams allllll day for 12 to 16 hour days. It’s impossible for me to sleep 8 hours within 7 hours of sleeping 8 hours, minimum.
Symptoms continue to be intermittent. I’ve had atleast 11 symptoms of Covid but they keep coming and going. Even when i was in the store i was fine and out of nowhere i start burning up. I made very sure not to cough in an enclosed space but regardless; if i have it, a few people have it more now.
Another good example:
[Admin – the language used here to describe his gastrointestinal distress was unnecessarily graphic, so we’ve removed it. A warning to adhere to our site posting rules has been sent to the author.]
My nose remains remarkably clear. I can hyperventilate using only my nose and not a speck of fluid gets blasted anywhere.
The confusion is the worst part. Sometimes i do things which look absolutely normal to me but just seconds later; and bonkers. Currently it’s down to spelling mistakes which i no longer catch but yesterday evening it was running a red light and ending up on the other side of the road while thinking everything was just fine, almost like a goddamn zombie.
Until policy changes i have done all i can do and am going into self isolation now. I taped up the vents ages ago so even the rest of the building is safe. From me, that is.
I have also calmed down now. Not because i ever was afraid i would die or even get seriously ill (even though it was pretty bad yesterday). I once walked around with a collapsed lung for 2+ months. I can’t be killed.
But because the rest of society refuses to consider/treat me like the walking bioweapon that i am. The reason i’m calm now? Because i’ve come to realise whatever i have/do no longer matters.
The next person who has it, but DOES believe the policy, will just spread this thing all over the place. Regardless of what i do now.
I urge again; if you have multiple symptoms of covid but they keep coming and going so you’re consistently gaslighting yourself, get checked out if you can. Take all the precautions (mouth guard eye gear etc) incase you dont have it.
This virus is a nasty one. It hides. Im sticking with the stealth virus name. Because those are the mild cases. The majority will never know they have this.

I am adding Selenium supplementation to my anti-viral protocol - I bought Brazil nuts. Plenty of data to say that you don’t want to be at all deficient if and when you get exposed to this virus.
Dietary Selenium in Adjuvant Therapy of Viral
and Bacterial Infections1,2

I think he’s just playing with us. We are getting punked. This is senseless - I should have shut him off earlier;
“This diarrhea smelled something foul too. I’ve had plenty of times to smell my own diseased shit and this was definitely the worst it’s been in a long long time.”

I bought a colloidal silver generator many years ago. It works and produces 10 PPM solution automatically. It is a simple DC device with an internal regulator that reduces the voltage as the solution develops. If I were to make it manually, I’d pretty much follow the recommendations that you posted; however, I’d recommend getting Canadian Maple Leafs (99.99%) rather than American Eagles (99.9%) since the Maples are purer and cheaper. Two coins would be a life time supply. (You need one for each electrode.) Definitely keep the alligator clips out of the water!
Doing it manually, a total dissolved solids (TDS) meter is critical! You need to know when it is finished. Distilled water doesn’t conduct electricity very well. As the solution intensifies, it will conduct more easily and accelerate the process. Without the meter, you’ll only be guessing at the concentration.
Also, I’ve read that the best way to consume the colloidal silver is via inhalation using a mister or nebulizer. If you drink it, the acid in your stomach will convert it to silver chloride - which isn’t as effective. Also, store it in glass bottles rather than plastic and keep it in the dark. It will leach chemicals in plastic over time. I reuse a gallon wine bottle with a screw top. One gallon lasts my wife and me for several years.
This isn’t to be used as a prophylactic. I only use this at the first signs of getting sick (1/4 to 1/2 oz (7-15 ml) morning and night) and I continue to use it until I feel well - normally a few days. I don’t want to destroy the good microbiome that keeps me healthy during normal times. Afterwards, I eat yogurt and raw sauerkraut to help restore the gut bugs.
Argyria, “blue man syndrome” is caused by using too much silver for too long. How much? How long? I don’t know. A gallon (3.78 liters) of 10 PPM solution contains about 38 milligrams of silver. I don’t consider that something to worry about. Just for a perspective, a Troy oz of silver is ~31,100 milligrams.
Edit: Since Covid-19 can incubate for days to weeks before showing symptoms, I’ll probably inhale a 1/4 oz after coming home from a shopping trip or social gathering.

Hey Chris! Got the original of your CDC pandemic interim guidline? The CDC link has been updated with a version that's scrubbed all cat5 NPI recommendations from the document! https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/community_mitigation-sm.pdf

I’m struggling to find your recipe for that elderberry concoction. Can you post a link to it, please?
I’d say that maybe 10 percent of the population is taking this seriously, and we’re already seeing shortages. We have maybe a week left to prepare, I think. Many thanks to you and Adam for calling our attention this early.

thanks all for sharing the silver, selenium and other tips! I’ve been finding some very interesting info about minerals in a nutrition book I have, specifically related to health issues with hiv/ lymphocytes and immune deficiencies (due to covid reducing cd4/cd8). A couple things I wanted to mention:

  • IL6: increases with age as it is hormone driven (estrogen and Testosterone) something that naturally decreases with age. Makes sense why this also effects our older population as well. High IL6 is associated with poor outcome in patients and I believe ARDS if I remember correctly.
  • copper deficiency: in researching chloroquine phosphate (which has the current recommendation in China for covid19) it is copper sulfate and quinine salts. Much literature circles around copper deficiency and immune deficiencies In my book. Noteworthy, high dose vitamin zinc can deplete copper. Pumpkin seeds, nuts, chicken and avocado are a source of copper as well as other minerals. I added lots of seeds and nuts to our stash today. Thanks amazon!
    adding Brazil nuts for sure!
    thanks all!
    desogames, I’m amazed at your ability to recover and think so cognitively with intermittent fever symptoms. Not an easy task I’m sure. I know you feel unwell but it sounds as though you have a fighting spirit and won’t give up. Drink lots of water, maybe even orange juice if you can. Hope you can get some rest. I believe MedCram on YouTube discussed how sleep can heal us. Wishing you’re health improved ASAP.

1 resident and 1 worker confirmed. Facilities no longer allowing visitors…

Just thought i’d add this here. Best to keep regular updates bout my condition anyway.
Right now my right arm hurts even though i’ve done nothing in paticular with it. I’m still having hot flashes, my temperature quickly rising to a fever and then falling minutes or even less then a minute later back to normal. Chest continues to feel tight. I had trouble breathing earlyer, but that has since subsided. The main problem is the confusion - Sometimes my hands don’t obey my commands and i have extreme trouble either writing words or pronouncing words - You know how you sometimes know a word but just don’t manage to say it?
Anyway. I realised i’ve no where put down what medicine i’ve taken: The day i got home on feb 10th after being exposed to the hygienist i took 2 ibuprofen 400grams immediately. I figured, if she had it better try and nuke it. Obviously that hasn’t worked.
I remember when i developed the dry cough, i again took 2 ibuprofen, just to be sure. That was 8 days after exposure.
Since then i’ve taken absolutely nothing, not even a paracetamol, to track the disease as accurately as possible. Honestly - as long as i don’t go through a cycle where multiple symptoms pop up at once i don’t even need any medication. It’s not comfertable sure but i’m doing just fine. The confusion is the most annoying as long as i stay home (VERY dangerous if i where to drive right now. Extremely dangerous).
i have continued to smoke weed+damiana throughout all this, at a normal pace like i regulairly would, both to see what the effects are of smoking on this thing (because even though i know i have it, alot of smokers aren’t even going to notice so its a good time to get data).
Suprisingly, so far, i have detected NO discernible pattern between smoking and the symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are worse during smoking. Sometimes after smoking. Sometimes in the middle of my normal buzz, sometimes just before i go smoke again.
Obviously, if the chest burning and chest muscle aches are active while i smoke, it hurts a heck of a lot more - but not enough that i can’t power through it. If those two symptoms are not active, AKA a light cycle where only 1 symptom is active (lets say my sore throat) then smoking feels >No Different< from any other time i smoked weed.
Since weed is also an anesthetic (and you can’t OD from it), i wanted to see how much it affects my measurement of symptoms. Keep in mind that i’m a habitual smoker (5 blunts a day every day) so my body is very “used” to the drug. If i smoke one of these blunts after having been clean for 6 months, i’d be bed spacing out for 4 hours, while on a daily basis i go smoke, eat, then play a video game while watching a youtube video or a live stream (and chatting in it) at the same time, needing another hit after 2 hours (if i didn’t control myself).
1 regular blunt does NOT affect the measurement of symptoms. I can still clearly feel the difference between when i’m stoned, coming down, or suffering from the headache and/or dizzyness at the same time. Again, this goes for habitual users only.
2 regular blunts within 1 hour Barely affects the symptoms. There is some effect - but as long as i compensate for it i’m very much still capable of diagnosing accurately. As in - There is a distinct difference between the mellow feel of weed and the unpleasant uncontrollable dizzyness or foggy brain that the disease produces.
3 regular blunts within 2 hours (effectively tripling my normal dose) DOES affect my ability to diagnose symptoms. I’m at that point still very much aware, cause my brain’s a friggin boss. But - the anesthetic part of weed kicks in and, as long as i don’t have the difficulty breathing, chest pains or burning lungs symptoms While smoking, i feel quite good for a few hours afterwards.
But even after 3 blunts in a row, i still notice a few of the symptoms. One thing that stands out is the burning lungs: Before smoking, it’s fine. During smoking, it’s fine. After smoking it’s fine. While making food in the kitchen after smoking it’s fine. When i go to sit down behind the PC it’s fine.
After i’ve been sitting behind the PC for ~15 minutes… my lungs start burning again…
That also goes for other activities. Even when i don’t smoke (i’ve had those periods too otherwise i can’t compare with smoking regularly/alot) i notice that if i feel fine, and then go sit behind the PC for 15 minutes in the most relaxing way possible… my lungs start to burn again.

I’ll add this here as well. Because the BEST WAY we are going find this thing is NOT by looking at the symptoms.
>Every single symptom i have<, all 11 of them, i can also explain away by other means.
HOWEVER! Those other means DO NOT fit ALL the symptoms i do have!
For example: Almost everybody says i just have the flu. BUT! i’ve never had a flu without a runny nose and as i’ve kept saying, my nose has been, and still is, remarkably clear and open. EVEN THOUGH it is ~3C outside and 20C inside, and i only smoke outside. So every 3-4 hours i go from 20C to 3C for 20 minutes then back to 20C. Yesterday i spent half a day riding my bike in the rain and damp weather. Not even a sniffle.
The above does not line up with both the Flu and the Cold. So those two CANNOT be the case. Also - i can confirm i’ve NOT had any contact with any sick people (thanks to sheer paranoia) after the 10th of february; while i’m sure i wasn’t fatigued before the 17th. In other words - that’s a 7 day incubation time. That of the flu is 24 hours, of the cold is 3-5 days.
The only other disease i can think of that burns my lungs and chest, without stuffing my nose, is Pneumonia. But - i actually got tested for that last night, and they found no evidence of pneumonia. My lungs sound clear according to the (now infected idiot) doctor. My finger prick anti-virals also came back extremely low. Obviously these idiots don’t understand what they’re saying but it’s really weird, isn’t it, that i’m clearly suffering from something but any value i have is extremely low?
Deduction. That’s the key. Sherlock Holmes Deduction.
“If one eliminates the impossible, whatever is left, however improbably, must be the truth”.

The Last Day To Prepare (Mostly)

”If one eliminates the impossible, whatever is left, however improbably, must be the truth”
Unless your cognitive biases blind you to the relevant variables! Climate Science is a good example where, without making mistakes, hordes of people are drawing the wrong conclusions. Consider abstaining from mind-altering drugs for a week before continuing your research!

I’m struggling to find your recipe for that elderberry concoction. Can you post a link to it, please?
Nick, read this thread. The recipe and other good comments is compiled there Coronavirus: Medicinals, Herbals and Supplements Megathread

I am also new.
I read somewhere, in two articles and they were some form of academic report. I can go into my search maybe and find them but from what I read, and please do see if you can verify this for good measure, but I did read that thirty minutes of 51 C (the other report said 58 C I recall) would kill the virus.
To me I think your idea is really good. It most certainly cannot hurt, it is easy and free, and non toxic. You could check the temperature of the radiator surface to see.
Nice to hear from you and good idea to share.