When It Comes To Protection From The Coronavirus, You're On Your Own

Nailed It!

Many surgeons are “sub contractors.” Anesthesiologists as well. I know this from personal experience.
The hospital supplies everything. The “subs” show up, pick the parts, supplies, etc. that they need and do the surgery. Once the task accomplished and the “sub” is good with the outcome. Adios.

Considering a still. Any home brewers out there?
Methinks it might have value?

Thomas Labs (.com) sells fish antibiotics in a FDA approved facility. I would find their products to be much more trustworthy than anything off Amazon. If/when you order, you can request that they send you products with the longest expiration date they have in stock.

Condolences to this person’s family.
The window to prep is getting smaller by the hour.


Armstrong talks about the collapse of confidence in public solutions vs private solutions. I have a sneaky suspicion that the CDC (public) is funded better than Chris and Adam (private). Shall we assign grades regarding the current pandemic to each? Don’t know what grade is below an F.


He didn’t fit criteria, so I’m curious if anyone knows why he got tested? (Can you imagine testing all the teenagers with headache and chills? Lucky find, I understand, but it feels like we are missing some story here).

Oh, f**k, seriously not reassuring statements from our so-called “leaders”.
I missed part of the press conference, but so far, here’s the rap:
Low risk, continue to “go on with our lives”, hoax/no hoax, we’re doing a great job/CDC great people, only 22 (NN) cases, things improving–Starbucks reopening in China and great trade deals… “Only” 20% or so serious and requiring hospitalization, mainly elderly and those with diabetes, obesity… On and on. Good 'ol American Exceptionalism should protect us (now if only the Fed would lower those interest rates!!!)
We are truly on our own. :-/

Did he really say “only 20% or so serious and requiring hospitalization”? If so, wow, I don’t think that he knows what he admitted to! This the number that Chris (and many others) keep estimating and if true will completely overwhelm our medical system…unless of course we can substantially lower the bell curve which relies on draconian measures (which we all know will never happen in the US).

Just concluded. In case you missed it, here is the link w/the press conference actually starting at -53 minutes.

Hi chloecasy, I was typing while listening, but I believe that was essentially what Dr. Faucci (spelled right?) stated. I’m listening to the press conference from the beginning and will try to get the exact quote and post it. I do recall thinking the same thing: Wow! Our health care systems will be completely overwhelmed!! Chris has been right on this from the start.

Sparky, this sounds exactly the same as the main points from the Wednesday briefing when Trump assigned Pence to be the scapegoat … oops I mean point man.

Yes. Excellent Idea! You don’t want masks… or grandstand people for having worn one once, you want RESPIRATORS. No, not the gas-mask looking things, but the funky masks with the plastic bits in front.
And you don’t want to listen to adam’s one mask a day lunacy either. Having pickled a whole bunch of onions this afternoon, I dug out my plastic eye protection thingie and N95 ‘masks’ and just finished chopping 4kg onions to make soup … since I had altogether too many empty glass containers.
Result: Eye-protection: Great! Never do onions without
Respirator: After 90mins… not so good. It gets wet even though the point of them is that they have a valve for exhaling. It’s now hanging above my hallway radiator… along with my outside clothing.
If I was driving someone somewhere, one would not do it. Even going to town, one wouldn’t be enough. Thus a 5 pack, in rotation over a radiator so that the virus becomes deactivated, with 2…3 in use per day might work in our collective fantasy here. At least my corner of it :slight_smile:
A mask, such as those shown on the CDC site
is what you should not buy. so, yeah! you got good advise! go to https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/masks-and-n95-respirators for a good write-up on the difference.
Alright, back to my soup. … oh, and btw … last night was the first time that i saw a report on panic buying in Germany. I called my retail friend and there hadn’t been any in his store. But tonight, the discounter where I bought my unashamedly non-bio onions looked like it had gotten hit by a bomb. The cashiers looked worn out and said that, yes, they had had a lot more traffic than usual.

It would be helpful for me if we had a visual timeline. Our leadership continues to reinforce how many lives were saved when it was ordered to stop all flights with China. Seems to me the USA wasn’t the 1st country to stop flights. Does anybody recall the dates for the progression of the virus within China and when countries started restricting flights? Also, what date did we finally fly-out the Americans? Regarding the Diamond Princess, what date did we finally fly-out the Americans? Would be interesting to see the facts, pictorially.

It would be great, for anyone on this site with this skill set, to create a visually appealing, simple, timeline of this outbreak.
So much data, it is tough to juggle it all in the mind now.

Of course there will be overwhelm, social distancing, draconian measures, and the heralding of the new order as first saturn, then pluto enter the sign of aquarius (that’s a 3 year thing by the end of which you might still be reacting if you cling to what was). You know that the new age ‘(statistical) you as an idiot hippie’ assented to way way back. heck, we might even get a day-time visible comet later this year to really make that point. I mean, heck, for some people its just not enough to hear the footsteps of the horsemen.
My point? There are no mistakes… one smart person above pointed out that its all about avoiding liability. add https://www.oftwominds.com/blogfeb20/healthcare-collapse2-20.html point #3 and extend this to politics. So many Doctors are not there because its their calling. Neither politicians or figureheads. Lets be practical lest N.A. becomes n/a!

I’m sure that someone will be happy to sell you one in short order, just wait a few more days while the persuaders are getting their excuses lined up. until then, how about working through Adam’s videos? there’s also https://www.youtube.com/user/Campbellteaching/videos and https://www.youtube.com/user/MEDCRAMvideos/videos and several dozen leading international newspapers which are doing an admirable job recording details since January. For the story since November there are fewer sources sharable in polite company.

In this blog yagasjai came with an interesting facebook page. Can we do a group effort to look at this ? It contained this :
Lipinski 2015, Ebola and Selenium: How not to catch the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
The only people that can be infected by the 2019-n Coronavirus have less than 98.7 µg/L of Selenium in plasma or serum. Those who have enough Selenium are immune to this and all other enveloped viruses. Selenium can be obtained from Brazil nuts, Selenium pills or Astragalus tea.
This is why only some people get the flu and why others get it infrequently or never at all.
We only found this out in 2015 when Lipinski @ Harvard figured out why some people were immune to Ebola, a fact well documented in medical archives.
Two Brazil nuts a day will do it. An Asia astragalus tea is the primary source of selenium.
2014 NYTimes: Many in West Africa May Be Immune to Ebola Virus http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/06/health/ebola-immunity.html
2000 Gonzales: Ebola and Marburg virus antibody prevalence in selected populations of the Central African Republic https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10717539
2010-Becquart: High Prevalence of Both Humoral and Cellular Immunity to Zaire ebolavirus among Rural Populations in Gabon http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0009126
2010-IRD: A surprisingly high proportion of the Gabonese population could have immunity against Ebola. Antibodies to the virus were found in 15.3% of rural communities http://en.ird.fr/the-media-centre/scientific-newssheets/337-possible-natural-immunity-to-ebola
2016 Richardson: “The phenomenon of previously undetected, minimally symptomatic EBOV infection was evident around the discovery of the virus in 1976.” http://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0005087
2015 BBC: “We’ve now seen several cases that don’t have any symptoms at all, asymptomatic cases,” https://www.bbc.com/news/health-31019097
“29 Jan 2015 - Liberia: Harvard Scientist Lipinski Claims Selenium Can Treat Ebola” https://allafrica.com/stories/201501291709.html
2015 Lipinski - Can Selenite Be An Ultimate Inhibitor Of Ebola And Other Viral Infections?
“It is known that the virulence of Ebola and other RNA enveloped viruses involves in the first step their attachment to host cell membranes. Following this initial step the virus enters the target cell cytoplasm by forming hydrophobic spikes that make holes in the membrane lipid bilayer. Formation of such spikes is catalyzed by the reduced form of viral protein disulfide isomerase (PDIred) thus initiating chain of disulfide exchange reactions. Consequently, hydrophobic protein epitopes become exposed, which in the absence of proper chaperones form hydrophobic ‘spikes’ capable of penetrating the host cell membranes.
In this communication evidence is discussed showing that the chain of disulfide exchange events can be inhibited by a small redox molecule – sodium selenite.
It is suggested that this inexpensive and readily available food supplement can be an ultimate inhibitor of Ebola and other enveloped viral infections.”
“other enveloped viral infections” - that’s pretty much all of them.
2015 Stoffenell: “98.7 µg/L of Se in plasma or serum are required to optimize GPx activity” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4377864/
2008 Thomson: Brazil nuts: an effective way to improve selenium status http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/87/2/379.full
Dr. Damien Downing, former editor of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, writes: “Swine flu, bird flu, and SARS, all developed in selenium-deficient China. When patients were given selenium, viral mutation rates dropped and immunity improved.”
Map of coronavirus deaths in China:
Maps of selenium deficient soil in China:
See also:
The Changing Selenium Nutritional Status of Chinese Residents