When It Comes To Protection From The Coronavirus, You're On Your Own

Sorry, that’s not “levity”, in any way, shape or form. People are literally dying on the streets, and increasingly so - and you think this is an opportunity for levity? Your comment is certainly not helpful or constructive. It’s the people who are the least prepared who will become the most desperate, and therefore the most dangerous to the rest of us who took the situation seriously and were actually somewhat prepared, at the point in time when the desire for “levity” finally evaporates from those who weren’t.

I spoke yesterday with my friend who is an MD specializing in contagious diseases. He told me he was swamped yesterday, and was getting lots of calls from doctors and nurses asking what he knew about Covid-19. The number one thing he was hearing from them - that face masks were mysteriously disappearing.

Response Summary For Category 4 and 5:

Source document: https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/11425

I just wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to all the first responders (health care workers, police and firefighters, etc) who have no choice to self isolate but must continue on in the line of duty. Our very own sand puppy (and I am sure other people here, sorry I can not give you a shout out too) is in this category.
Let us all send them some positive energy and hold them and their families in our thoughts, and yes prayers, if that is something you practice.
I am a skeptic about alot of whoowhoo stuff, but I have seen over the years those who feel loved and supported (even in a more abstract way from people they have never met in real life) have better outcomes. I wish that for every first responder.

Consider -

  • The Corporate Oligarchs decimated manufacturing by offshoring jobs from the US to low wage countries
  • The Corporate Oligarchs off-shored our drug manufacturing
  • The Corporate Oligarchs mainstreamed financialization (debt) instead of jobs
  • The Corporate Oligarchs made good healthcare out of reach for many middle and low income Americans.
  • The Corporate Oligarchs have enslaved our children with debt for the want of education.
  • The Corporate Oligarchs have taken over all industries, (prisons, communications, water, food, transportation, etc) made them for profit.
The motivation was and is profit and control. But now the consequences of these greedy and ill-conceived actions are being felt. I suggest this is not just The Fourth Turning its also The Age of Consequence.

Ive been musing about the CDC Level 4/5 Pandemic graphs overnight.
The Expectation of 1.8M deaths is really shocking and hard to even grasp as possible. As I look towards the info on wuflu a month into this outbreak, the jump from 3K deaths worldwide to 1.8M just in the USA is hard to even fathom even as we are seeing the envisioned L5 scenario start to play out. My mind cannot grasp a path for this to be accurate, and if I understand correctly, the 1.8 is a number to expect even with responsible tactics laid out to slow the spread.
Unless the china numbers are off by an order of magnitude (or more), and with 1.xB people they should have 10M dead, and yet they seem to have really slowed the spread from what I can tell. With only a few thousand deaths so far, its hard to bridge the gap to 10M deaths.
I am super worried as I perceive that the US executive branch is not taking this seriously. So when this hits, it will be like the Wuhan outbreak simultaneously in most parts of the US at the same time. No testing and no travel/gathering restrictions even with a month head start on getting ready to try and slow this epidemic? This will be a shocking level of incompetence in hindsight.
Best All!

“Kung Flu” fine with me. Everybody is so up tight and twisted about this shit. I’m with you drbruce, lighten up and smile.
There are more pressing things at hand to deal with.

Ok, window closing for sure. Trying to get my own home meds for just in case!! My doctors will not write Rx of antibiotics for my immune deficient child bc he doesnt think this is a big deal. Argh!
PET MEDS— I am considering buying pet meds to have just in case, she gets pneumonia with most every illness so I am very concerned for low supply or even open pharmacies at this point. Does anyone have a clue if pet meds are somewhat ok? I found some liquid clinda and I am sure there is amox, etc just wondering if I should even consider it. This is not my ideal situation, desperate mom stash.

  • alteranate masy suggestion, look into AC hi merv filters. I think if we buy alot of ac filters, cut fit, line exterior with muslin cotton (think baby blankets) these would be helpful if desperate for masks. BUt some elastic or just tie like a bandana around your face. Easy to wash the exterior and replace the AC filter lining. There are merv over 13 and higher. This is my other DIY.
  • I saw somewhere that military (militarytimes.com) I think is sourcing PPE for 5 years. Not sure if I should read into that too much, but I am now moving into preparation for wave 2. :frowning:
    and yes, many rounds of applause for our front line medical staff!!! I am hoping this is not nearly as bad as it seems and magically disappears!!! (We can hope right lol!)


Hundreds of millions still don’t get that.
By the number of gub related links posted here as gospel…well you get where I am coming from.

Your points are well made. It will be a slow return to our childhood communities if we are lucky. Most of us will not see it.
Everything that was stolen and taken from our communities by corps, gub, pols, etc. may never return. Only time will tell.
“my grandfather rode a camel…my father drove an expensive automobile, I flew in a G5, my son will ride a camel”

Man returns from Tokyo Japan with all the symptoms, pleads for testing but they shut him down. How many more people are there like this?

There have been a lot of comments recommending toxic disinfectants such as bleach be used. I thought it time to speak up. Given that Covid-19 attacks the lungs one should not be inhaling bleach fumes which is corrosive to the lungs. Vinegar, whether white, wine, or apple cider are safe and effective alternatives. When I ran a USDA slaughter and State poultry slaughter facilities a couple years back, we used a 5% vinegar solution for all our sanitation which allowed us to be certified organic processor. Just as effective as bleach but 100% safe. I drink fruit infused vinegar every day in water or kombucha as a heath tonic. I have not had a single viral infection (cold or flu) since I started this 10 years ago. I even make my own Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Once a batch is going simply add more apple cider. I believe this also to be far more effective and less toxic than flu immunization as well.
This is only advice from personal experience. I am not a doctor.

Take it easy there Bitcoin

Yes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2818642/
So does Copper. Medicine is working on using nano coatings of copper on instruments that are used in surgery etc.

My wife is flying today from Manchester, NH, through Detroit, and finally to Des Moines. She was the only person in the Manchester airport with a mask on, and one of a handful in Detroit where she’s currently waiting for her connection. She has to have unavoidable surgery in April and in a visit with one of the surgeons yesterday I referenced Wuhu Flu and asked how many of the consumables he will use on her procedure come from China and may not be available in April. He said he is watching the Wuhu but he has no idea how much comes from China. He just places his order with the hospital and it magically appears on the date of the surgery, he implied. I hope my question causes him to think about that more because it obviously hadn’t occurred to him before I asked. ?‍♂️
We are largely on our own to get prepared but one day a tipping point will be reached and we will be in danger of being trampled by all those other people on their own who wake up way too late.
”Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups.”

That’s our “healthcare” system in a nutshell. Unless you are close to death and on a hospital bed you can not get help early for a disease even if you have leading indicator markers.

Came across this interesting article on Friday with some good information:

CDC officials said Friday that they had solved problems with COVID-19 coronavirus testing kits for state and local public health departments, which had plagued the agency over the last couple weeks: use only two components, and ignore the problematic one.
As we've known for some time, it's clear that the US can not test for COVID-19 in many places at all. Here's the latest:
Messonnier previously said 12 state and local public health departments have the ability to test for COVID-19 coronavirus. The agency's goal is that "every state and local health department" has that ability by the end of next week, she said.
There still seems to be some hierarchical flow in terms of who gets to report numbers, see here:
Ideally, this would allow states to report their own numbers of cases, though Messonnier said they are still working through "procedures ... with states and the FDA in terms of confirmatory testing."
Here's their plan for now:
While CDC works to get out these new testing kits, work on COVID-19 coronavirus surveillance continues. Messonnier noted that next week, the first six influenza surveillance sites should begin testing for COVID-19, with the hope to "rapidly move from six to all 50 states," she said.
The article cited some interesting stats from the Chinese 1,100 patient cohort that the New England Journal of Medicine reported also on Friday (https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2002032):
They examined data from about 1,100 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in 552 hospitals in 30 Chinese provinces through Jan. 29. Patients' median age was 47, and 42% were women. Just under one-quarter had a preexisting condition, such as hypertension or COPD.
Almost half that were admitted required mechanical ventilation (!):
Overall, about 5% were admitted to the ICU, 2.3% required mechanical ventilation, and 1.4% died.
Here are how things progressed for the patients and how they presented initially:
Cough was the most common symptom, with over two-thirds presenting with cough upon admission. Interestingly, only about 40% presented with fever, though nearly all developed fever while hospitalized. The authors also noted that about 16% of patients developed "severe illness" after admission to the hospital.
Here is some additional information about the patients studied:
Over 80% of patients had lymphocytopenia present at admission, and most had elevated levels of C-reactive protein. Researchers reported a median incubation period of 4 days. While ground-glass opacity was the most common finding on chest CT imaging, they added that in 18% of non-severe cases, no radiographic or CT abnormality was found. Around 60% of patients received intravenous antibiotics, while about 35% received oseltamivir therapy. About 40% of patients required oxygen therapy. Patients stayed in the hospital for a median of 12 days, during which time most received a diagnosis of pneumonia.

Replying to my own question about ‘heat’.
from: https://europepmc.org/article/med/14631830?javascript_support=no

The results showed that SARS coronavirus in the testing condition could survive in serum, 1:20 diluted sputum and feces for at least 96 h, whereas it could remain alive in urine for at least 72 h with a low level of infectivity. The survival abilities on the surfaces of eight different materials and in water were quite comparable, revealing reduction of infectivity after 72 to 96 h exposure. Viruses stayed stable at 4 degrees C, at room temperature (20 degrees C) and at 37 degrees C for at least 2 h without remarkable change in the infectious ability in cells, but were converted to be non-infectious after 90-, 60- and 30-min exposure at 56 degrees C, at 67 degrees C and at 75 degrees C, respectively. Irradiation of UV for 60 min on the virus in culture medium resulted in the destruction of viral infectivity at an undetectable level.The survival ability of SARS coronavirus in human specimens and in environments seems to be relatively strong. Heating and UV irradiation can efficiently eliminate the viral infectivity.
I think this means that: For my case, shoes, outer garments, masks, glasses, whatever, placed on a radiator overnight might be enough to eliminate infectivity without having to do anything but to get a good rest. Seems the article makes a case for a UV/sun-lamp in the bath-room, run via timer for a few hrs a day as well. If we have to stay inside, that might be a nice way to make some VitD and keep spirits up as well as insuring that I don't have to become a total neat freak over this. Your thoughts? anyone?

I think that’s excellent advise because, lol, i do the vinegar thing also! :slight_smile: same results. To add, I usually pickle onions in spices and balsamic vinegar for the fall and winter and just made another batch of (4kg, 3L, 6 jars, herbs, some pepper, some sugar) for the heck of it.
Also someone earlier mentioned the coolness of basil. That is the main ingredient in pesto of course and pesto on garlic and buttered toast is an awesome eat for feeling like you have a health force field around you.
Thanks for the reminder about that funky mushroom drink! Never could keep the cultures alive… but now that I’m going to keep a radiator going, I’ll try again!