Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

for a once in a lifetime assassination, expenses would not be a factor either, he…

that is very true…
using the bleachers’ corner as a reference point is a very weak and uncertain reference point:

  • the height of that particular corner of the bleachers cannot be established: the technical drawing specifies its height, but the terrain is very uneven and it is not known how many centimeters (!) that corner was from the ground. the height in ft is given, but 1 ft is 30 cm, and that makes a very big difference when using this value as a point of reference
  • based on many videos, the bullet did not graze the exact corner but a part of the horizontal railing of the back of the bleachers. this exact point cannot be established either

I have been saying this all along, but nobody seems to follow up on the very simple observation that the precision of all the ground levels must be increased from rounded feet to fractions of feet or cm…

in my model, I use the JCB hydraulic lift as the end point of “my” trajectory for the first bullet as I assume that a sniper rifle was used with a sniper cartridge similar to the one shown in https://youtu.be/XVQa42YI6LU

I will use the parameters of a semi-automatic Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) in my model, as it is not realistic to assume that a bolt action rifle can fire 3 rounds in 2 seconds, as was the case for the first 3 rounds…

for this lift, the height of the bullet impact can be very easily established and deduced from the height of the tractor (3.12m for this exact type and brand) and this photo:


the railings of the bleachers are made of galvanized steel. such steel is much softer and lighter than 16 gauge solid steel sheets, which makes the information of the video very relevant: the 180 grain bullet penetrates 10 sheets of this solid steel plate without any deflection.
this makes me assume that the deflection when touching the railing of the bleachers would have been very very small when a similar round had been used at the rally…

this is 180 grain solid ammuniton produced by Choice ammunition:

and it is shot with a suppressed rifle (Ruger M77 Hawkeye Alaskan) chambered in 300 winchester magnum (same caliber and similar configuration as that of the MK13 mod7 of the snipers behind Trump)

the 20 inch barrel of the rifle used results in about 2850 fps muzzle velocity

this rifle makes that bullet penetrate 10 sheets of 16 gauge solid steel, and it does this without any horizontal/vertical deviation whatsoever… that is 1.6 inch (4cm) of solid steel…

this is why I have kept saying that the bullet of the real shooter in my model would have pierced through the bleachers railing, which makes the end point of the 1st bullet the JCB hydraulic lift as a very reliable and unambiguously located end point of this bullet…

piercing the first solid steel metal sheet results in an impressive rain of sparks.

we did not see such sparks but a puffy cloud, which makes me believe that the trajectory was not very much deflected by that railing…

here the man points at the “entry” wound of the first 16 gauge solid steel metal sheet when receiving a hypersonic 180 grain solid ammunition bullet from a suppressed Ruger M77 Hawkeye Alaskan chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum:

here the man points at the bullet hole in the 10th sheet (i.e., this is the penetration hole after piercing 1.6 inches of solid steel…):

that hole easily fits the man’s pointing finger…



the suppressed Nemo, also chambered in 300 Win Mag, is also a very good candidate for the first 3 rounds:

When you compare the penetration of steel plates, you assume a direct hit. Anywhere but a center hit on a tube will have a different affect. I’ve seen reports where a steel pot helmet was hit, the bullet penetrated it in the front side, followed the interior between the helmet and the fiber helmet liner and exited it in the rear. Bullets do weird things all the time.


very true, but what do you think about using the JCB hydraulic lift as reference point vs the railing?

independent from where the bullet was fired,

  1. it first grazed Trump’s ear. I expect there will be no significant deviation of the bullet’s trajectory after this event
  2. then there are a couple of possibilities:
    2.1. the bullet grazed the upper part of the horizontal part of the railing. this will reduce the vertical drop of the bullet slightly, but the horizontal drift will be minimal
    2.2. the bullet penetrated the horizontal part of the railing. we do not have any evidence of this
    2.3. the bullet disintegrated and part of it continued in various directions and part of it injured David Dutch
  3. we also know that the hydraulics of the JCB beam started leaking after the first bullet hit Trump and encountered the railing, so here we have two options too:
    3.1. a part of the disintegrated bullet of 2.3 ended up in the hydraulic beam and had sufficient energy to puncture the hydraulic line
    3.2. after the bullet grazed the railing, it did not lose too much energy and was sufficiently potent to damage the hydraulic line

about hydraulics lines: these are extremely strong due to the simple fact that they need to support serious weights and they can push and keep oil under very high pressure.

i.e., pipes that are used for hydraulics are not easily damaged because they are super strong…

so, the bullet or parts of the bullet that struck the hydraulic line still had enough punch to puncture this line, and this is why I do not believe it was a simple round from an AR-15, let alone a 2013 DPMS A-15 that was fired at 200 yards…

and this is why I believe that the impact on the JCB hydraulic system is a much more reliable reference point for the 1st bullet than the railing…

if you look at the following picture taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O696aD_ssIk at 8:49, you see 5 victims in 1 picture (in order):

  1. Trump’s ear
  2. David Dutch
  3. the railing of the bleacher
  4. the JCB hydraulic lift
  5. James Copenhaver

so, the bullet was on its way to the hydraulic pipe of the JCB lift:

  • first, the bullet grazed Trump’s ear
  • then it straight between the bellies of the man in the dark t-shirt and the red cap and David Dutch (man with the American flag shirt)
  • the bullet touched the railing, and
  • the bullet ended up in the hydraulics system of the JCB lift…

the possibilities about David Dutch are:

  1. he got injured by some ricochet coming off the railing of bullet 1
  2. he got inured by parts of bullet 1 that disintegrated somehow, but still had enough punch to pierce the very strong hydraulics system of the JCB lift
  3. he got hit by the 2nd or 3rd bullet

all in all, it still looks to me that the hydraulic line of the JCB lift is a much better and much more reliable reference point than “somewhere” on the bleachers…

the yellow arrow represents the incoming first bullet:

This is good. The west vent is open due to air being exhausted. Exactly where is the west vent? It is a great example that the vents are flapper backdraft dampers, and I want to know how to reference its location. Thanks.

On Fox News this morning???!!! I had not heard this and it does NOT square up with Rowe’s testimony to congress


Yeah, Rowe “your own boat” is a bullshit artist. All this bullshit about interoperability, of course he never sought to mention under oath that his snipers never picked up radios offered to them and reminding them to even pick them up.


This is new to me, also in Fox. Anybody else hear this before?

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Why are we only hearing this over a month after the shooting. Does this comport with “Total Transparency”?

So they did have a drone, but only used it once in the morning? Were they too busy to use the drone, I don’t know say …… maybe right before Trump took the stage🧐


yes, Gray Hugues Investigates and Gary from Paramount Tactical mentioned this yesterday…

Yes. Chris mentioned in previous videos about the 9th shot that surprised Crooks. Seemed like Crooks didn’t expect return fire.

But we didn’t know what that shot hit etc.

Check out the Higgins prelim report. Fox news info came from that report.

This is helpful. Thanks. I think any where a solid steel plate, especially on a glancing angle would be ideal.

I believed SS were offered drones to use on the day of rally but SS turned it down.

If that is not intentional stupidity for an elite security organization I don’t know what to say. Just defund the SS.

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Great detective work there. Previous video from different angle suggested side rail right where your lower arrow crosses it. For reference your pic would indicate impact approximately 1 foot left of corner post.

Anyone doing serious analytical analysis need to use this position for first shot!

Now how do we get full GPS (Lat Long and elevation) coordinates for all models to use for any trajectory analysis.

Can a drone be used to go to this position to give view and coordinate data?

I’ll answer the question, “YES”. So can Spa Guy go on another mission and collect this?

If so I would love to have a talk with him to work on a mission plan to get anything and everything that could be useful to the whole community.


There was a rifle on the roof. Did it look like to be (seriously) damaged?
Or, did they take the shooter’s rifle away and that was anoter replacement gun?

Here are a bunch of employment records about Beaver County ESU. For posterity:

Michael Biskup T
Matthew Doerschner
Richard Gianvito C
Keith Girting E
Timothy Higby
Richard Lockhart A
Aaron Lopez S
Gregory Nicol M
Jeffrey Nolfi B
Jonathan Pisano J
Michael Priolo
Shawn Reese M
Jeffrey Roberts W Jr
Steve Roberts
Jared Rogers
Michael Scheers
Nicholas Shawger C
Derek Shipley
Zachary Spearing S
Eugene Clair R St
Giovanni Trello
Austin Turner L
Robert Turyan T Jr
Jason Woods

Why is this useful? Well, it provides some names to guess when we try to unredact stuff.

Even though it fits pretty well, please do not consider this definitive.

For the P name, none of the following fit: Jonathan Pisano, Jon Pisano, Michael Priolo, Mike Priolo. Maybe the P person is with Butler?


Don’t know. Am not an expert on guns.

From the bodycam video, it looks “normal”.
Then again, hard to tell.

Probably will never know the truth coz the FBI has custody of the said gun.

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