Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

I see where you’re coming from.

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Agreed and in support, just isolate what the Deep State has done in collusion with large numbers of current and former members of their club against Trump.

  1. Russia-gate nonsense
  2. Not prosecuting Hillary for many obvious serious crimes (their words!)
  3. 50+ members of their club LIED about the Hunter Biden laptop claiming Russia disinformation
  4. Entire legal teams and justice systems prosecuting Trump on total nonsense
  5. I can recall numerous statements/actions by leftist media and celebrities that threatened Trump’s life (famously the Kathy G. beheading his likeness) that were not pursued for criminal prosecutions. By contrast there were people who did similar with Obama and they were prosecuted.
  6. Leftists tried storming the WH and caused Trump to evacuate, not made into a big deal. But entire legal systems have been devoted to villainizing J6 as a Trump insurrection and heavy sentences handed out.

I could continue but the fact is that quite possibly the majority of the Deep State MIC and subordinates are anti-Trump and would easily collude to have him ended. I have been puzzled why, since 2016, he doesn’t have his own primary private loyal security detail and anytime he is in public there should be 8’ ballistic glass panels around him.



Sorry to say, i really can’t put a lot of confidence in what Webb said here…
You’re going to want to sit down before you listen to what George Webb posted on the 18th…
For what it worth, in measure credibility, Webb is still mis-identifying where Copenhaver was standing, so he’s all over the map with confusion, as can be heard here: status/1825088845442166847
But at least he backed off on the 2-for-1 magic bullet-shooter fiction that Cullen was pushing…
I can’t explain why his guy in white tumbled, but that was not Copenhaver.

Now for the 18th stuffing…
Crooks was enrolled in a state run program run by Tony Guy’s deputy is Greg Nicol who ran the program at Claraton in which Crooks was enrolled… TOO wild for my tastes…
In another post andhis substack he goes into details that are just too wild to repeat…


Even more now, i’m getting the 2020 nagging impression that the Dark State is in Rage_Building_Mode… We’ve had 4 year of stupid-weirdness from the O’bidEn regime, and i think they’re just trying to push our buttons so we burn our candles from both ends…

The Hyundai Sonata and Elantra are very similar vehicles. The initial CNN report on July 15th was based on interviewing a law enforcement officer (https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/15/us/thomas-crooks-trump-rally-shooting-invs/index.html). What are the chances that he (inadvertantly) mixed them up? If you can’t find a Sonata, I would explore the possibility that Crooks actually had an Elantra.

For some reason, I cannot access this link. I have seen that link elsewhere and had a similar problem trying to access it. Has anybody else had that problem? For anyone that has seen this, does it sound valid? If so, GN has more to answer to then we thought.

All vehicles on the AGR complex have been accounted for at the time of the shooting, except for an Alpha Romeo that likely belonged to Greg Nicol. So, he either never parked it there, not including his morning visit to the rally site if he parked at AGR then, or he did park on site then drove it off site before the shooting.

The only Elantra we saw was parked in the street across from the AGR main entrance. That would align with Jon Malis’ dashcam video which captured him walking next the sign like he just crossed the street. Unfortunately the clip presented by News Nation cut off before it got close enough to tell if that car was parked there. I can’t find a reliable source that says what color it was, but I did read unconfirmed accounts of it being red and another that said grey.

What amazes me is there was nothing in the news about the car being checked by the bomb squad or being towed away. All we are told is that he parked near the rally.

Why its there more questions about Maxwell Yearick. He was the person of interest right in the being they must of known he was
In the area because of the white GMC Serria Van with Arizona plates on it. They need address all the details of the van.We need the vans Vin # also the name on registration and title of this van. This guy is missing form what his parents are reporting you would think a person who like to stick out and make himself vocal and relevant to his supposed beliefs would have shown himself by now. There are more questions to be asked and more answers to be given.

Greg Smith now has a new photo correctly showing the west side of the AGR building 2 with an arrow to where he saw the snipers.


For what it’s worth, Greg Smith thought the Elantra was probably his car. x.com

Crooks car, yes. I saw that but it is unconfirmed.

what is your time estimate for Crooks walking around to the AGR building from the point he is at in that new video (@16:26) to be filmed in front of building 1 at 17:06…i thought you might want that on your timeline of Crooks movements etc

There was a white Hyundai Sonata in the nursing home parking lot in July 2022.

That does not mean it belonged to Crooks. I just thought it was interesting.

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Thank you for keeping us informed.

A regular comedian you are. :joy: When did he start working there?

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How so? According to articles, Crooks worked at the nursing home for years. He graduated in 2022. The street view is from July 2022. Maybe it is his car, maybe not. I think it was the only Hyundai in the lot at all. Lots of kids pick up hours in the summer. It may be a nothing burger. /shrug


if anyones knows the family address streetview could be used to see what car is parked there each time (date) the image is updated…(i dont know the address otherwise i would look, couldnt find it anywhere(

It’s a 13-minute walk from the vendor alley to the AGT complex. If he drove from AGR to park his car, I included drive times for a few different locations. I am cleaning up my maps, and each location or sighting point will have a detail page(s), which this will be on.

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thats for a return journey i presume, i had it at 6minutes

It’s not there. There’s a black vehicle in the driveway-not a Sonata, not an Elantra. It jumps from 2013 to 2022.

Correct. Yes, I was trying to see how much time it might take to drive his car to go and park it, then walk back for showtime, assuming he was parked at AGR.