Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

let me know if you have any trouble with the link…

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Yes, I recall your post pointing out the Elantra. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make, though. It was not on the AR property, but I did mention that it was across the street. I don’t rule it out as potentially being Crooks’ car, and it would have been nice if the dashcam didn’t get stopped when it did, because that would have ruled it out as Crooks’ car if it wasn’t there then.

Good job! Thank you .

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I don’t disagree with you, but I’m not trying to convey what I think he should have done, but what the evidence supports. My first thought, until seeing the Post-Gazettes’s release of the video, was that Crook’s was taking the east parking lot route. These are screenshots taken just before the video stops the driving portion, which clearly show him crossing the front of the building to the west side.

Here is the link to the article with the video. It’s at the 5:56 point in their timeline.

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its easy to get around paywalls if you know the trick, but you need to succeed on the first attempt because if the cookie loads when you open a link, then you are done…so you just open a link and as soon as the text loads hit the stop button whilst the page is loading and you are set…if that fails copy the google link and head to wayback archive and paste the link in, and you get the complete history of when people have saved the page…

Below the refresh webpage button that turns to ‘x’ whilst page is loading…if you press this the page stops loading and hopefully the cookie hasnt been added…
Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 22.58.16

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Works perfectly, thank you.

I try to match/timeline this radio comm with the messages from the Grassley release.




Wow, if I get it right it took them from 5:38pm (sending the first message with the pictures as in 1) until 5:51pm (Message “Sent” as in 3) to relais that important information to the USSS (and here we don’t know how long it took the USSS to actually see the message sent at 5:51pm), that’s an amazing 13 minutes!
Also interesting that there is 7 People in group chat 1 and 8 People in group chat 3

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his route does lend itself to

1/ avoiding being seen walking up the west entrance road from window with sniper facing west…
2/ checking on something between west entrance and north entrance to the east car park, or whats in the east car park…
3/ his route cutting back on himself after walking past the entrance sign then walking to the west car park side keeps eyes of him entering as the building gives him cover until he pops around building 5…

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Maybe an add-blocker helps. I didn’t have any trouble opening the WaPo link.

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on wayback or normal google link

the screenshots taken of group chats were made on the 15th, so the number of people shown in the ‘group’ were the number at that time and dont represent the amount of people in the group when the text was sent or received…

I guess I didn’t get enough sleep last night, having stayed up late to finish my maps. so my mind is having a hard time trying to understand your point. First, I entered the Copenhaver video “start” time in my map, fitting it in with the bodycam timeline. Note that I include the bodycam times as displayed, not corrected times based on time discrepancies identified recently, The reason being is that if someone wanted to look it up and see for themself, that is the time they could search for to find the sighting. Whether or not the Copenhaver start time would come after the last sighting time in the bodycam based on corrected time I don’t know, but I don’t recall seeing a 15 second delay mentioned. I will go back and look at the time differences of that bodycam because I want to document it for all bodycams that are off. Does this help address your issue? If not, can you please tell me where you think dot 4 should go? that might help me understand your point better.

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Just to pin down where the shooter walked in the dashcam video ba Jon Malis. red square = Jon Malis dashcam, driving west to east. red x = the shooter walking (east to west) as in left picture of your post. So to be precisely the shooter walked along the northern fron of the AGR building complex (towards the AGR parking lot on the west side).

used the link to the web archive you posted
Police radio traffic shows failed search for Trump rally shooter - The Washington Post (archive.org)

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Yes, that’s the way I see it. At first, the still image in his video made me think he was walking in the east lot. Then I slowed it down and captured hi actual path and it became apparent that the water tower was visible from that angle, thus allowing it to be in the background.

thats great, the trick i showed allows you to stop a page opening before it posts the subscriber box…(incase someone hasnt saved the webpage )

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Didn’t think of that, good input.
But what’s still curious to me. Assuming these screenshots were all taken at the same time at the 15th, would it be realistic that one group member left the group between taking two screenshots?


it would be purely speculation either way…

Didn’t want to make a point, just wasn’t sure anymore if you noticed my other post according the Elantra.

Would really be great that dashcam was just a few seconds longer. Maybe Jon Malis could provide a longer version.

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Yes, I pay close attention to your posts, and I would not have known that car was an Elantra had it not been for your post. I should have, because I was comparing the car in the east parking lot from the Google screenshot to an Elantra because I couldn’t ID it. That was before my oversight on the trees not having leaves was pointed out. If memory serves, I believe I attached a link of your post to a reply to someone else.

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I know someone else has mentioned this but is anyone noticing that his hair in this photo appears much shorter than that of the shooter on the roof