Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

that makes sense thank you

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Another thing that comes to mind is that when Beaver county sent out its timeline of events, by then GN would have thought to himself ā€œ I need an explanation for where I was for six minutes. I know, Iā€™ll just say I went to meet those officers on the east side of AGR.ā€ Remember, he scrolled out about two minutes after the shooting was over and wouldā€™ve viewed those officers . Apparently, though, he didnā€™t realize that the dash cam would show that he never did that. He is simply just a liar and either grossly negligent or complicit.


Great Maps, thx for sharing it.
My inputs for Map 1:

  • point 3 isnā€™t Sheetz (thatā€™s the petrol station further down the road) but the Brenckleā€™s Farms & Greenhouses

Question for Map 3:

  • point 6, could you share the source where it says the suspect has a back pack

Thanks again for your fantastic sum ups and visualisations.

This is evidenced by the BC footage from 122111 starting search by parking at the NE corner at 18:04:XX and 122110 entering from east along woods toward water tower and pulling up along State patrol.

The only evidence of anyone searching on entire E side of AGR is the image of someone walking N in BC video right at suspects begin of run and after radio coms of spotting on roof.

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I have trouble with position 4 (Copenhaver) 18:08:38 and position 5 (BC) 18:08:53.

First position 4 forward is completely out of view line during for first 3 seconds seen.

It wood appear from Copenhaver video that Crooks would be seen again after going out of view standing up relatively stationary from 18:08:45 to 18:08:48 at what appears to be getting on to Bld. 1. Yet BC video shows still running all this time.

Note this diagram was made to determine potential access points and paths well before BC videos were release and even before Spa Guy drone video.

Time and distances could never really support path 4 just by analyzing the Copenhaver video itself

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Just came across this earlier post of yours, bringing up the question about the car (Elantra) parked across the street. All news outlets reported Crooks has a Hyundai Sonata, maybe they mixed it up and he had an Hyundai Elantra as MacD suggested.
Here are my finidings about the car in question across the road, seen in bodycam footage from after the shooting.

car in question 2

Not even looking at the maps I recall the moment I cropped the top for the title and thinking I still had Sheetz in there. Goos eye! Iā€™ll fix it right offā€¦

The backpack was stated as being sighted in the After Report timeline. It was a radio communication that was included in The Washington Post article releasing some of those comms.

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The WaPo only allows subscribers to read articles. Do you by chance have access to the article where they released the comms?

Something between 5 & 6 doesnā€™t sit right with me. If heā€™s coming from 5, the angle heā€™s walking onto the AGR property (6) isnā€™t correct. Why would he walk clear up to (and then down) Whitestown Road? If Crooks is coming from 5, why wouldnā€™t he enter the west side parking lot of AGR, or simply cut across the grounds once he cleared the Farm Show boundary fence?

I concur. He may as well said, ā€œHeā€™s walking towards Lake Erie.ā€ It confuses the situation.

Thanks for the feedback. Iā€™ll go back and look at it, but keep in mind the map is more of a timeline, and not meant to be fine enough to do trajectory analysis with. My use of numbered circles throughout the maps made it difficult to be more precise on the roof. Iā€™ll see what I can do with the map zoomed in a little more. Thanks again.

let me know if you have any trouble with the linkā€¦

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Yes, I recall your post pointing out the Elantra. Iā€™m not sure what point youā€™re trying to make, though. It was not on the AR property, but I did mention that it was across the street. I donā€™t rule it out as potentially being Crooksā€™ car, and it would have been nice if the dashcam didnā€™t get stopped when it did, because that would have ruled it out as Crooksā€™ car if it wasnā€™t there then.

Good job! Thank you .

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I donā€™t disagree with you, but Iā€™m not trying to convey what I think he should have done, but what the evidence supports. My first thought, until seeing the Post-Gazettesā€™s release of the video, was that Crookā€™s was taking the east parking lot route. These are screenshots taken just before the video stops the driving portion, which clearly show him crossing the front of the building to the west side.

Here is the link to the article with the video. Itā€™s at the 5:56 point in their timeline.

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its easy to get around paywalls if you know the trick, but you need to succeed on the first attempt because if the cookie loads when you open a link, then you are doneā€¦so you just open a link and as soon as the text loads hit the stop button whilst the page is loading and you are setā€¦if that fails copy the google link and head to wayback archive and paste the link in, and you get the complete history of when people have saved the pageā€¦

Below the refresh webpage button that turns to ā€˜xā€™ whilst page is loadingā€¦if you press this the page stops loading and hopefully the cookie hasnt been addedā€¦
Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 22.58.16

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Works perfectly, thank you.

I try to match/timeline this radio comm with the messages from the Grassley release.




Wow, if I get it right it took them from 5:38pm (sending the first message with the pictures as in 1) until 5:51pm (Message ā€œSentā€ as in 3) to relais that important information to the USSS (and here we donā€™t know how long it took the USSS to actually see the message sent at 5:51pm), thatā€™s an amazing 13 minutes!
Also interesting that there is 7 People in group chat 1 and 8 People in group chat 3

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his route does lend itself to

1/ avoiding being seen walking up the west entrance road from window with sniper facing westā€¦
2/ checking on something between west entrance and north entrance to the east car park, or whats in the east car parkā€¦
3/ his route cutting back on himself after walking past the entrance sign then walking to the west car park side keeps eyes of him entering as the building gives him cover until he pops around building 5ā€¦

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Maybe an add-blocker helps. I didnā€™t have any trouble opening the WaPo link.

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on wayback or normal google link