Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

i would imagine its not hard from the window Nicol was at to use binoculars to see what was on the screen of his phone…but seems an odd thing to do for someone just under your window…

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Really? Look at us, look at how snoopy we all are.

I would look. Besides, that is actually a good security move: kid looks weird, try to see what he is doing on his phone.


i cropped it down, to show the controlled area…acording to news reports you could walk straight in from the road to the section where Crooks was filmed at…the vendors section.

he is checking news feeds, and the ESU snipers are made aware of Trump being behind schedule, so its possible its reported somewhere in the press around that time Crooks is looking

I did a lot of looking around the areas between tha airport hangers and the subdivisions, too. You may have to jump a fence or two is all.

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I would agree with Chris that the linchpin of this whole thing lies with GN and the overlook building.

I think we all agree that GN’s actions are highly dubious, and hence the story has changed several times and none of it makes sense if his sole mission was to lend oversight to AGR building 6.

So having thought about this quite a bit, and listening to Nathan Bible explain how GN viewed crooks heading to Sheetz (note that Bible changes the wording saying that GN noticed him going “between the buildings”; not surprising since that’s what GN should’ve said), and where GN must’ve been when he viewed that line of travel, one has to ask the question why GN didn’t just simply enter out the west side door with his revolver, chasing the guy down. By this point, according to GN, he had seen him several times, including with the rangefinder so GN was apparently “very concerned“ that this guy was up to no good. He was so concerned that he left his post and abandoned it.

Note that there’s not a single individual who has spoken on the record who has said that GN was given permission to abandon his post.

One may ask well why do that? Why Go out the west side exit and chase him down? Isn’t he a sniper whose ONLY job is to lend over sight. However, my response would be that it makes less sense that he then goes to the EAST side door (according to him) to meet patrol (a story that we now know is false based on the east side dash cam video) and then stay outside for six minutes (according to GN) or at least stay away from his post for six minutes.

If GN answer to all this was as “well I didn’t want to track him alone”; my response would be “you had a revolver, and he did not have any visible weapon when you saw him.”

So, to me, if he was that concerned to leave his post for six minutes at the most critical time, he simply should’ve been the one to go out the door to follow him instead of going to the east side of building. After all, he made the cardinal sin of abandoning his post because supposedly he saw this guy with a rangefinder and that’s what had him especially concerned.

And then, finally to say that the shooter was going to Sheetz seems like an obvious attempt at misdirection. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m not sure anybody else hearing that over the radio would’ve known that was GN speaking on the radio and maybe everyone would’ve been diverted Northeast towards Sheetz rather than where they should’ve been looking. This would’ve been especially convenient if GN knew that was a minute the shooter would be running along the roof for anyone to see who was then still watching AGR 6

Unfortunately, for GN at least two different municipals on patrol from quite a distance saw the shooter running on the roof; that is the only reason that the shooter was rushed, and if indeed he took the first three shots, perhaps the only reason he missed President Trump.

As I mentioned, GN should be on unpaid administrative leave, and Corey‘s family should be looking to sue Beaver county and GN



I think this is too harsh. Remember, Beaver seemed to be the relatively subservient organization (with Butler being superior). AFAICT, Beaver was really just trying to help out. GN may have screwed up, and he’s definitely withholding information, but we don’t know what he did wrong yet. We probably would be very critical of the Butler sniper if we knew who he was.

And, consider this: GN and/or the Butler sniper wouldn’t have even gotten a chance to do anything suspicious if the SS had taken Trump off the stage when Hercules 1 said he was turning to deal with a threat. So I still place primary blame on the SS. Who in the SS was able to communicate with Hercules that day? Those people have a lot to answer for, and so far they’ve successfully been weasels and kept themselves secret.

I think it’s important to remember that all these people we want to interview, they are all just people of interest. We’ve just done the detective work to know that they are the people who can answer the critical questions. The case would be over except that the government is actively blocking the investigation.

What I hope is that the Comperatores’ lawyer will use whatever power he has to compel people to give depositions or whatever under pressure of having their careers ruined and being economically obliterated.


so far we only have the washington post for reference of who said what and when…and its clear from GN transmission at 18:02 that he already was at the north window and spotted Crooks at the picnic table walking north, which means he would have left his post after the 18:00 transmission from command asking which direction he travelled…not excusing GN, but crooks was walking in the direction of sheetz between the buildings…but i think we all can see with hindsight this is lousy directions, and GN should have given a clearer description…and yes he shouldnt have gone down stairs either…and until he testifies under oath we wont know what lousy excuse he has for doing so.

Agreed as to Corey’s lawyer.
I am not absolving Secret Service at all. But as far as I can tell nobody who is a counter sniper should’ve left his post.


However, if you are walking up the west side and we take that to be 12 o’clock on the dial isn’t Sheetz more like two or 230 on the dial? In other words, GN watched him walk Northeast not just north.
As I said in a prior post, it would be unforgivable for him not to know that between those two buildings was a “dead end.” Presumably, he had an overhead shot of the entire AGR complex and don’t you think he should’ve known if he saw him walking that way that he would not be “headed to (towards) Sheetz?” He rather simply would have said he’s walking between building X and building Y ? His gross negligence is just too unfathomable.

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@cmartenson, @sorey, @catamaran45 , @bumblebeeez , @commenter, @rawroku

Here are my updated and improved maps showing Crooks’ activities and sightings the day of the assassination attempt. Thanks to all of you who have helped me work through this. Together we are stronger! Please let me know if you think I got anything wrong. My next step is to finish the detailed pages that provide the supporting evidence for each point that I’ve been compiling along the way.

Map 1 captures movements before Crooks’ final visit the AGR property, and the sighting by LEO. At this point Crooks is an unknown threat, thus green.

Edit: Added another reported sighting at rally security since it supports his path from vendor alley to the AGR main entrance. Included travel time between sightings.

Map 2 shows the movements while Crooks was on the ground at the AGR property. At this point he is a potential threat, thus yellow.

Edit: Added information regarding the sighting with no backpack and the one with it. This coincides with the period where they lost sight of him, which may lead to where he hid it. I also made a Nicols timeline insert.

Map 3 shows the sightings of Crooks on the AGR roofs. At this point Crooks is an imminent threat, thus red.

Edit: Cleaned up the roof travel lines that I forgot to go back and do. Also added to the title that this slide is essentially a timeline, not an exact location of roof positions.


if you use google maps you can see sheetz from the window GN is looking out of (north window opposite his overwatch window facing south), so when he says walking north its true, the heading towards sheetz also true…but as a LEO its disastrous directions for anyone who isnt aware of where GN is stationed or looking from…


we have a difference on opinion as to which picnic table is being referred to and could be both…i used google street view to see view from the east car park and how easy it would be to see Jason Woods leaving by door 9, and how only GN was in the south facing windows…you will notice the large air blower vent that must stick out 2 ft blocking his view…

the west facing window, which we now know was occupied can see the west car park though not the picnic table…so its either or until we know better…just my opinion

That’s good to know. Given that Nicol is from Beaver County, he might not be as familiat with compass directions. Seeing a well known landmark makes for a logical, albeit confusing direction. It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback their actions, but we also need to understand their actions from their perspective, not what we would have done or think they should have done. That’s what I would hope for if I were in their position. Having said that, if they are complicit in any way with a plot to assassinate Trump, all bets are off.

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here is the view from the most eastern part of the car park using google streetview…as you can see the car park itself is not visible…

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I think I’m saying the same thing. As I said if you were walking up the west side, that would be 12 o’clock on the dial. Apparently though clearly he was walking 2 o’clock on the dial Which GN must have observed, which is Northeast. GN had to know (Or was grossly negligent in not knowing ) that someone walking northeast between the buildings would’ve led to a dead end that’s all I’m really saying.

I agree I think with everything you’re saying I’m just saying it’s gross negligence to have said he’s walking towards Sheetz when anybody would have known that he could not get to Sheetz. As I was trying to explain anybody hearing this explanation might think he has walked all the way past the AGR complex north and is now headed towards Sheetz


Well again, it’s unforgivable. I’m sure he had an overhead map of the entire complex or could’ve viewed it. My original point was if I were in his position and I left my post because I was so concerned Crooks was dangerous, I would not have left the post for six minutes purportedly to go to the EAST side of the building to meet patrol people that turn out not to be there. I think we’re giving him way too much credit for gross negligence if not complicity

i am not saying its not negligence, we can see GN hasnt memorised the site plan when he says he is stationed in building 1, when its 2…and to be fair, from the 2nd story window looking north east, you cant see that its a dead end, but can assume its open if you havent payed attention to the sight map, and havent walked the site before taking position for the day…


Agreed he does not appear to have memorized the site.

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I don’t think he was saying AGR 1, as in AGR “one”. I think he is texting AGR, I (I as in himself). “AGR I believe” It’s not a roman numeral.