Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

For what it’s worth, Greg Smith thought the Elantra was probably his car. x.com

Crooks car, yes. I saw that but it is unconfirmed.

what is your time estimate for Crooks walking around to the AGR building from the point he is at in that new video (@16:26) to be filmed in front of building 1 at 17:06…i thought you might want that on your timeline of Crooks movements etc

There was a white Hyundai Sonata in the nursing home parking lot in July 2022.

That does not mean it belonged to Crooks. I just thought it was interesting.

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Thank you for keeping us informed.

A regular comedian you are. :joy: When did he start working there?

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How so? According to articles, Crooks worked at the nursing home for years. He graduated in 2022. The street view is from July 2022. Maybe it is his car, maybe not. I think it was the only Hyundai in the lot at all. Lots of kids pick up hours in the summer. It may be a nothing burger. /shrug


if anyones knows the family address streetview could be used to see what car is parked there each time (date) the image is updated…(i dont know the address otherwise i would look, couldnt find it anywhere(

It’s a 13-minute walk from the vendor alley to the AGT complex. If he drove from AGR to park his car, I included drive times for a few different locations. I am cleaning up my maps, and each location or sighting point will have a detail page(s), which this will be on.

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thats for a return journey i presume, i had it at 6minutes

It’s not there. There’s a black vehicle in the driveway-not a Sonata, not an Elantra. It jumps from 2013 to 2022.

Correct. Yes, I was trying to see how much time it might take to drive his car to go and park it, then walk back for showtime, assuming he was parked at AGR.

Thanks Bumblebeeez, that is good info to know.

he is walking North, so must have walked further south increasing his time there, maybe he was scoping things out that side of the rally or just wanting to avoid being seen lurking too much at AGR after his drone flight…so maybe drops drone of at car (wherever it is parked) and then heads of to waste some time, Crooks wouldnt have known Trump was running 1 hour behind, i presume…

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That makes sense, it just depends where his car was. Good point on him not knowing Trump was running an hour late. I’ll keep that in mind as I try to reason the new information out. Of course there is the possibility that he had a handler who would inform him of that.


plenty of things to scope out with a walk like that…knowing what time Crooks is seen crossing the road into AGR would help of course…(if it is Crooks)…

He was checking news feeds too. Doesn’t the media update on arrival times? He probably knew even if he was a true lone wolf or a lone wolf with a hand that fed him. Besides, if he was part of a pack: they all knew the schedule and he was told when to be ready by a handler/partner as you describe.

Show me the receipts.

Didn’t the AGR 6 snipers observe him scrolling through the newsfeeds at the retaining wall? I mean, maybe they lied. They seem like lying liars, whether of their own accord or being forced to.

Perhaps this would be the better map to use since access to the marked areas was being controlled. Of course the AGR area is not included in the map. It was out of control. :grin:

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