Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Right, shame on him for not knowing there’s a dead end there, and as I said in a prior post too bad for Corey and his family too

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The Secret Service is fucked.

What type of culture do they have when Secret Service agents break and enter into businesses and… sneak their family members and infant into a secured area to breastfeed??

Why has this organization fallen apart to this incredible low? Disband it and make a new one. This is getting insane.



i have no experience in this field, but i would assume that upon arrival at AGR buildings, after the Briefing at 9:15 the ESU sniper team would walk around the whole AGR complex to familiarise themselves and understand the lay of the land BEFORE setting up shop in the 2nd floor windows…


i wont dig up the article, but the SS service did the same thing for a Kamala the Hyena event…broke into a barbers and taped over the security cameras and used the bathrooms, stayed inside for an hour before leaving,…

I don’t see how Goldinger can have any credibility. The certainty he conveyed in the TV interview I found preposterous. How could he have known? We can be pretty sure Goldinger was not in AGR next to the ESU snipers - it’s not his role as DA; besides, he would have added this detail of his presence in his emphatic “correction” to the reporter.

But if Goldinger was not in AGR, we can surmise that what he knows came from GN and the yet unknown ESU sniper. So whatever Goldinger gives as excuse for GN’s failure to see Crooks on the roof below (while overhearing bystanders below pointing to Crooks) and then take him out, is whatever GN would give as an excuse.

For the same reason, the timing and location of both ESU snipers as represented in the post-action report are based on info generated by those two snipers - again, they are self-interested, and those representations have little credibility.

It would be great if the FBI were to subpoena all cell phone records, including location data, for all people within 50 feet of AGR from 4:40 - 6:30 pm on July 13. That would be a reasonable search that a judge would permit. It would answer so many questions:

  • Where was GN’s phone located 6:06-6:12, and does the location match the post-action report?
  • Whose phone, if any, was located at the other 2nd floor window and did it stay there 6-6:11:38 or did it move?
  • Whose phone was the person who looked like and dressed like Crooks seen walking with a local policeman in Greg Smith’s wife video?
  • Was there a cell phone moving back and forth along the fence south of AGR around 6 pm, that would match the trajectory of the rude grey hair+shirt man shooing people away around 6 pm in the D Stewart video?
  • Was any other cell phone inside AGR 6 or 7 during 6-6:11:38 pm?

If the FBI got geo-location data on thousands of people around the Capitol on J6, then so it should here.

Does anyone know if the US Congress, or at least an oversight committee, has the power to subpoena these cell phone records and bypass the clearly political DoJ/FBI? I think probably not, just cell phone records of federal employees.


First thing in assessment would have been how do we cover the Blind Spot for N SS CS team blocking view of over half of the building rooftop.

To accomplish this was simple to utilize the E window of 2nd story of their post.

Not only that but this window could be used to simply step out onto the Bld 3 rooftop which they didn’t even do after shots fired. Wouldn’t take 4 minutes to have LEO’s boosted up because they didn’t have a ladder.

so it turns out i did find it…lol

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None of these people have credibility. They are looking to avoid criminal prosecution or civil lawsuits


This guy is wearing pants instead of shorts, a longer and looser shirt than Crooks in GN’s pic, and seems to have a bigger build - much bigger shoulders. These multiple look-alikes in the same area and at the same time do suggest a plan to confuse - either LEOs on that day, or us one month later.


What do you think the odds are that this would be Patrolman Goldie, Greg’s ole pal?

Among the under fire officers is Thomas Goldie, a patrolman for Pennsylvania Zelienople Borough Police Department whose wife uploaded a picture of him attending the protest to Facebook.

In the since-deleted post, captioned ‘We made it!!’, Goldie is seen wearing a bobble hat that reads: ‘Trump MAGA 2020 f*** your feelings.’

Zelienople Police Chief Jim Miller has said that Goldie was not believed to have taken part in the skirmish inside the Capitol, but added the matter has been referred to the borough’s legal department.


I think that the ESU’s position inside windows was defined by SS for them. SS defines its perimeter and tells local LEOs where to station outside, in general.

Further evidence that it was SS is the f*-laden venting post-shooting of that local LEO heard on video, that a few days earlier he had told SS to post people on those roofs. So SS either “agreed” to post someone but did not, or just said, “no.”

The morning meeting with local LEOs to review plans was skipped by SS. That review would have identified nobody was planned to be on any AGR roofs.

It really does seem as if SS rally chiefs defined plans, and obstructed comms, so as to handicap all the snipers, both local and SS.


It seems so…sloppy.

I’ll say it: she should be fired. The agent that snuck in family members, abandoned her post, and put her protectee’s safety at risk should be fired.

I don’t care that it was to breastfeed. You don’t bring your infant to a security detail AND sneak people past checkpoints AND use a room intended for security issues to breastfeed in.

Which brings me back full circle to the two snipers who clearly abandoned their posts: I can’t help but think that they should be fired and deeply investigated. Nothing adds up.

Oh, they don’t have time to provide accurate and detailed timelines for a massive security failure that ended in death, but they can get on a group media gab session and blab nonsense?

The victim’s family should already be prepping a lawsuit for gross negligence.


What’s the source, please? That some “Olayer” was in SS command is potentially precious, given how poorly SS command passed on info to SS snipers.

This is a work in progress. I’m still working to substantiate sighting 1 and locate sightings 4 and 6.


It’s completely insane. She should be immediately placed on leave and then fired.
Abandon your post? Fired!
Sneak your family past the checkpoint? Fired!

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Holy shiat…the trust blows just keep coming:

This just-released report by representative Clay Higgins is eye-popping.

A few “highlights” if you can call them that:


This fact-pattern by the FBI is beyond “troubling” it stands as evidence of malfeasance until PROVEN otherwise.


more interesting body cam video that I haven’t seen before. This LEO was near the stage, facing the AGR building


Have you seen the “Guided” YouTube video where his brother describes the Washington County ESU driving to and setting up in the Farm Show Grandstand? Although he didn’t give a time, it was while he was in line to get into the rally, and was there very early. So, I doubt that team took any time to scout the site after the morning meeting. Maybe they did prior to that day.

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I’m not even surprised by this gross FBI conduct including all of the destruction of evidence, tearing down the crime scene, washing the roof, releasing body for creamation.

We saw it all in JFK, with the immediate hiding of JFKs body from examination and the mystery bullet and nonsense Commission report and murder of Oswald. We saw it in RFK with the destruction of evidence like tearing out the door frame holding bullets. The MLK murderer allegedly fired from a position but the next day the Feds went in and cut down all the trees without explanation. In more recent times the Osama Bin Laden raid and killing is surrounded in unexplained happenings, and the mysterious burial at sea with few pictures or videos and a lot of muddy information. Epsteins “suicide,” the Seth Rich murder, and hundreds more.

Professional Lying Liars Who Lie…

Just wait until the AGR building is somehow destroyed, and a bunch of these LEOs involved die in single car accidents, drownings, suicides, and plane crashes.


Why do we keep hearing about the hair, the guy got shot in the head with blood everywhere. Pushing it’s not Crooks for some reason. Show evidence other then bloody hair? Looks like him to me in the shot in the head pictures and video. I’m sure he has finger prints on file if he’s working at a nursing home, aren’t those people required to have background checks?

Nursing Home Employee Background Checks (nursinghomeabuseguide.org)