Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Yes, and the confusion is evident in all interviews with law enforcement because either that interviewee is lying or was grossly misinformed by someone else who was lying, or grossly misinformed by someone else. Examples:

  • Someone must have told Cheetos that the roof angle was too steep, and she might have just believed it without verification.
  • Somewhere in the communications we were told by someone that the sniper team was on the AGR#6 roof but left because it was too hot.
  • Some interviewed officer gave us the story of the boosted officer cutting his hand and injuring his foot from an 8’ fall, which is a false narrative relayed somewhere, and to many people who repeated it.
  • We have big timeline discrepancies from different “official” sources.
  • We have radio/coms discrepancies from different sources.
  • We were told confusion as to who was responsible for the rooftop, nobody seemed to know and everyone thought someone else was doing it.
  • Part of this is the lax attitude about scouting, setting it up, attending briefings, etc.
  • The Butler DA praising GN for leaving his post for an inexplicable 6-10 minutes and getting locked out, ‘looking for Crooks,’ which is beyond comprehension.
    And so forth.

It’s as though they couldn’t communicate, didn’t want to, or someone(s) were purposefully feeding bad intel thru sources.

But it’s systemic. We the public taxpayer are being stonewall, lied to, and given obfuscation. Imagine within these agencies the walls put up to compartmentalize information = an impossible situation to work thru.


Where were the two snipers?
They could have been breast feeding. They could have been busy investigating Maryann and the professor, who we now know were involved in blowing up the Nordstream pipeline (a three hour tour my ass). Purple unicorns could have just pooped delicious Skittles so the two wanted to get in line before they were all gone. I mean, there’s a ton of legitimate reasons because Save Our Democracy or something.


See second diagram in post #200, above.

Thanks for bringing some material evidence to this debate. Other members please take lead and help make a Positive ID.

The Butler D.A. stated the snipers could not see Crooks on the roof unless they leaned out the window. The windows were open so why didn’t they hear people yelling and pointing at Crooks? The story is not plausible


He is a prime candidate
Team Leader for Butler ESU
promoted to lieutenant just 3 days prior, getting the chance to lead at a Trump rally would be a great accomplishment

except if it all went tits up
then you would keep your mouth shut and hide
because thats not how you want to be remembered when you have just been promoted.

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A 1 minute assessment of the building from a few photos would demonstrate the roof could be visible from the 2nd floor windows, albeit one might have to lean out.

The DAs statement there raises a host of non-mutually exclusive questions and challenges the veracity, honestly, qualifications, and competency of those involved.

  1. If it is true that it was a bad location to view the 1 story roof, then why are they positioned in a bad location? There are two, 2 story rooftops that are far more suited for overwatch of the AGR complex. Not selecting those 2 better locations, is a sign of at minimum gross negligence and cause for dismissal. Someone was murdered due to this. It should be investigated as a criminal conspiracy to allow the assassination attempt.

  2. Did someone intentionally lie to the DA, a possible crime of obstructing justice? Or is the DA so dumb and lazy he didn’t bother looking at any images which would instantly debunk his beliefs and cause him to question the narrative?

So many other questions, such as why the DA praised GN for abandoning his post and rifle at the crucial time, for an implausible excuse.

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I just received this via DM on Twitter.

Putting it out there as part of the evidence pile to be confirmed or refuted:


Or, a promotion as a forward looking bribe, and his successful participation is an initiation test of newly bestowed leadership and skillsets.

I don’t want any harm to befall anyone but I’m predicting AGR #6 mysteriously burns down or is destroyed somehow, and several members of these teams mysteriously die in the near future, plane crashes, car accidents, suicides, etc.

i do doubt why an Army vet who served in Iraq would abandon their post
doesn’t sound kosher to me.

Also this
not terribly helpful since it comes with no time-stamp.


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it does come with a time stamp Chris
i posted the video yesterday or the day before
i can get the video with interview of the crowd member who took it if you would like.timestamp was 17:06

199,044 views Jul 18, 2024

From this NY Post Article:

“New footage from Saturday’s rally shows Crooks walking back and forth near a building just outside the secured perimeter at around 5:06 p.m., Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 reports.”

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You are spot on about GN actions outside after shooting. A sniper by design utilized as intelligence gathering from highest point possible to provide information to resources on the ground of any threats including additional threats even after first threat is neutralized.

If Greg was not already on his post when 1st shot was fire, he would immediately return to his post to not only get eyes on Crooks but to continue to assess any additional threats.

The radio coms of all the LEO’s show urgency to get eyes on suspect and subsequently personnel onto roof. They were also securing the entire perimeter of AGR and all access points at X-Overs b/t Bld.s. Even worried about window of X-Over where Crooks jumped down to b/t Bld. 6 and Bld. 2 as someone might be inside still.

Note first coms report of Crooks position and status is by LEO on top of shed with skid at 3 minute mark and continues with Eyes Up command twice which indicates not sure Crooks is fully neutralized and proceed with caution.

Then the first LEO accesses roof at 4 minutes followed by 3 more guys.

Both Greg and M’s jobs would have been to get the intel of Crooks being motionless and keep eyes on him entire time to maintain cover and allow LEO’s to access roof safely.

NO REAL TRAINED SNIPER would have left his post and went outside after shots were fired! PERIOD.

Which also brings to question, what was M Sniper doing when he should have been focused on Crooks providing intel and cover for everyone to access roof safely???


Very possible unfortunately for Corey and his family

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Here is a Tru-View 3D image-pair of the causeway at west side of building 6 where an easy assault could have been initiated at the first indication of a suspicious character that presented a potential threat.
Uni-cops there had means & opportunity. All they needed was a little team work to provide a step from the AC unit to the covered part of the causeway
 They even had a backstop
 for goodness sake

Reject Plausible Excusibility

Image from drone footage taken by SpaGuy on youtube.
https:/ /www. youtube (snip) .com/watch?v=euZXscg2mV0

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If GN reports to command “headed toward Sheetz” from NW window there is no reason to leave that window till he sees suspect again or gets intel from LEO’s on ground to direct him simply to another window.


Greg Nicol

6:02 p.m
“All right, subject is in between the AGR building. He has a backpack,”
“He just went towards the Sheetz,”

Butler County command center, Lenz again called Olayer in the Secret Service command post to pass on a message during a 40-second call at 6:03 p.m.

“All units be advised also that individual is headed towards Sheetz,” a sheriff’s deputy radioed to his colleagues at 6:04 p.m.


First they surely could have leaned out after first shot was fired and would have.