Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Right. The snipers were apparently supposed to keep watch to the west and the south. If one sniper left, it’s obvious that the remaining one would have to keep a watch in both directions.

If the remaining sniper (Butler, last name “M”), looked west, he would have seen people frantically looking and pointing at the building he was next to. If he was looking out the south windows, he would have seen Crooks.


According to the Detail Plan. Both Beaver County ESU & Butler County ESU were suppose to have counter-sniper teams in the corner of the 2 story building.


Aloha Peak People!

Chris, what you said about earning the rights back is so true! Can you imagine burning down one Nanny State and replacing it with another…NANNY STATE? What a waste of time that would be.

These amazing tech tools we have are proving to be a double edged sword. Like all fine swords, they cut both ways! Dash CAM for the win. Citizen journalism with direct financial input to the Journalists I Trust To Journal. The Way of the Future.

Thank you and thank you PeakTeam


Weird observation.

So… we have an attempted assassination of an ex President & presidential candidate Trump.

Event as big as Reagan attempted assassination. Worse it would be a monumental event like JFK assassination if the attempt was successful.

Yet barely 2 hours after the attempt, key local law enforcement officials, counter snipers etc all get to go leave & go home? go for a drink?

No going to police stations for depositions, interviews etc ? Maybe they did. Who knows. Probably we shall know 100 years later when it’s unclassified.

Maybe ex police, law enforcement, CSI, detective PP members here can enlighten us on what’s the protocol if local enforcement themselves are witnesses or in the crime scene area to an attempted murder.


so, in the beginning…Jason Woods (job description lead sniper) in chat group…5 Days prior. (Grassley Materials)

Monday July 8th

Tuesday July 9th

Wednesday July 10th

Friday July 12th

Jason Woods who doesn’t get replaced even though he is supposed to be replaced by xxxx(redacted) Finishes his shift @ 16:20.

anyone see a problem with planning here…? or are we all coolio.


Sorry, what I mean is, if one sniper had to leave the room temporarily (bathroom or whatever), the other sniper would understand they had to cover. I’m not talking about the guy who left about 4:25 pm.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Was the Shooting Staged?

If anyone is confused by Chris saying there was a sniper in the 1st floor of Building 2 facing south…there wasn’t, and a photo from this window would be looking up at people heads not from above them as they clearly are in each of the 3 Grassley photo’s…

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Was the Shooting Staged?

Not sure if anyone else noticed but I think when we see the cops pulling up to AGR building right before the “boost me up” and shots, I think I can see Greg entering the building through that main door. It could be reflection. But every time that door is opened/closed a vertical reflection is made. On the police dash cam, as soon as they drive up, you see the reflection on that door. My thoughts are Greg was returning to his post as soon as the police were arriving. Anyone else notice this?



I see what you’re talking about (18:09 in the long AGR 6 door dashcam video) but I don’t think it’s the door closing. I don’t see anyone near the door as the car is rolling up.


I believed this pic was taken of supposedly Crooks sitting on the retaining wall and at the same time there was supposedly another Crooks walking around in front of the building.

2 Crooks at the same time!

Have speculated that there were 2 patsies that day. One got shot on the roof. The other got away.

Hence, 2 different hairdo. Lol. That hair difference between Crooks sitting on the cement retaining wall and Crooks on the roof still bothers me much.


Where is the body cam footage from the west side officers on the ground??
They had a commanding view, a long one, but there should have been absolutely NO confusion about where the shooter was - “He’s Right There On The Roof” said a middle aged lady who saw the gunman from the start…
All this confusion, they are claiming, is actually incompetence on the kindest side, but more likey an act to manufacture Plausible-Excusibility.
We must be intollerant of their excuses…
We saw from Smith’s video that one of the Uni cops walked westward in the shadow of a tree and would have had a clear view of the guy on the roof… So where is the Quick Reaction Force, why did they go to the east side in the last minute, where they didn’t have long-gun advantage, because the sun would have been in their face… They should have been on the west side from the two minute point… All these Uni’s wandering around like ballet dancers is Keystone Cop-ish to the max… They had a low level causeway on the west side with protection, and the sun to their backs…

The Institution of Policing has a dark side and we better be sure we are not seeing the manifestation of that dark side in America, like what is occurring in England…
Fraternal Order Of Police, research it, look at the symbols, look at the checker board bands on the hats (England, Australia, Canada)… If you don’t recognize the Clues behind the Cult, then you aren’t seeing the potential domestic enemy which globalist entity have fastened strings that can pull at will to control law enforcement…
We have just seen another warnig sign of Power Corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely…
A Jeffrey Prather podcast segment talks about the influence that the Feds have over top LEO management at the local level…
https://rumble. (don’t edit) com/v5atd9p-trump-musk-and-crook-price-of-selection-not-election.html

Reign in the Society of Policing before they turn on us like what has happened overseas, and appears to have surfaced in Butler, Politicized Policing… “Tolatitarian Tiptoe”.

A note of importance: High level Freemasons become Shriners, which is in bed with Islam, that is where their roots draw from, that and Kabalah, recognizable by symbols and statments, specifically that of Albert Pike…

But the greatest offense is that they’ve highjacked the symbols of significant ancient importance, marginalizing their relevance as Cryptic Clues to our actual history, while for centuries they’ve nearly exterminated the custodians of history destroying their history, their symbols & associated legends and ceremonies which provide for us evidence of our Ancient history, which has been buried by 'The Great Deception of our time, perpetuated by falsified s$cience… They’ve wiped inconvenient history off the books and they are doing it to the Trump Hit through media, AI and BigTech…

Reject Plaisible Excusibility regarding the Trump Hit…

Globalist are hijacking mankind’s future through well established societies that feign service to the public while enforcing economic slavery to foreign entities…

Cosmic-Plasma-In-Mythology .ddns.net
Legends are Cryptic Clues to our Actual History…

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what’s bothering you about the hair??

In this video they talk about others dressed like Crooks and strange things around the plainclothes cops. Also about irregularities in the bodycam videos that have been released. That they may have been digitally altered.


Benny Johnson interviews Mike Benz in this 25 minute interview. Mike Benz is well spoken and knowledgeable about many of these issues. I think he is a favorite here on this site for these issues.

There are tons of FBI and CIA conspiracies discussed in this interview. The first 10 minutes are about the J6 pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC which were probably planted by the FBI who refuses the release video camera footage.

Starting at 10 minutes and until the end, he discusses Crooks and the Trump assassination attemp and the links between Crooks and the FBI and DHS and CIA.

He discusses Crooks at the shooting range a day before the rally trying different rifles set to the range that he was expected to do this.

He discusses how in less than a week when the Butler rally was announced that Crooks was able to build 3 pipe bombs. He must have been coached to do this, just as the FBI did the same with the Gretchen Whitmer FBI stink in Michigan. Making pipe bombs is not easy to learn how to do.

It all stinks. A good listen. Benz speaks well and is engaging.


It is definitely possible that there was a second person on the roof.
However, even though he looks like he has long trouser on but it is just his Lilly white legs. And the hair is definitely going to be messed up when he is shot in the head.


We have 2 snipers assigned to Bld 2, Greg and S2 (Sniper 2) and the question here is where were they when shots were fired. VegasPatriot does good job of describing where were supposed to be and where thinks Greg may have went.

Note that S2 by all reports never left building and we don’t even know what he looks like. So we can’t look for him outside and with all the stories we can only assume he was at post 2nd story or was running to a door to let Greg back in???

So we simply need to know where Greg was and that will answer where S2 was.

Need to play Where’s Waldo (Greg) from 18:00 to 18:13 when he comes out Door 9.

The following pic at 18:10:25 might be a clue:

This LEO is looking as if he sees something inside Door 9 right before he runs to X-Over to get boost for look at Crooks.

Since we can’t see inside building we can only try to find when and if Greg can ever be found outside prior to 18:13.


Crooks was walking around the front of the building, whilst this person with a baseball cap was sitting on the wall…it would be good to get a timestamp of when this occurred…its quite important for the narrative surrounding Crooks movements at the time…also white trainers black trainers…