Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

I really want to hammer on this issue. Right now we are like homicide detectives closing in on the perp. Here’s how CNN reported it:

When [Nicol] pushed open the door, the kid was nowhere to be seen. Just then two police officers pulled up outside AGR and Nicol shouted to them about where he’d last seen the suspect. The officers took off on foot in opposite directions around the sprawling AGR complex.

The “two police officers pulled up”, that’s the same thing that the after-action report described as “1 Marked vehicle and unmarked vehicle pull in together”.

Problem: the vehicles pulled up about two minutes before the shooting, and Nicol wasn’t there at the door. He came out two minutes after the shooting.

If the two cars pulling up is just an odd coincidence and the same thing happened in some other parking lot (like the northwest lot), let’s see the body/dashcam footage that shows that. But, they probably can’t show any such thing because there is no such footage because it didn’t happen.

I personally don’t think that Nicol is the main villain here. But his story doesn’t work. This is just another instance of a thing we’ve seen a million times where somebody involved with a case doesn’t want to be honest because it’ll be bad for them, even though they didn’t do the main crime.

Maybe he thinks the truth is going to destroy his career. Well, F his career. Put him in a small room and ask him hard questions until he starts saying stuff that actually makes sense.


Thanks for the compliment. I am working on a mapped timeline to follow Crooks and thus Greg around, to see what I can learn. As for Butler S2, if you haven’t already watched Chris’ video posted today he points out a possible S2 towards the end.


This face to face profile comparison may not resolve your concern…



Hey Vegas i tracked down the timestamp for the Crooks person walking at the front of ‘Building 1’ acting suspicious…(which may give a reason Greg takes photo @17:10)

AT 0:38 In this video…the timestamp of Crooks walking around front is 17:06…

i hope this helps plot some kind of dotted trail where Crooks is walking etc and at what time.
using timestamp of when Photo’s are taken not sent…etc etc.

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This lovely bouncy looking silky well groomed hair of his.

Like hair for a shampoo ad. Lol

This is allegedly Crooks on the roof.

Compare that to him before sitting at the retaining wall. His hair all greasy, flat and sticks to his scalp.


You’re mistaken. This has been debunked many times. Crooks was seen all day in white/tan shorts. His legs are almost the same color. In every picture, and there are many, he’s got black shoes and socks, tan/white shorts that match his legs, and a gray shirt and glasses, and the same color and length hair in every picture.

His shorts got dirty from belly crawling on a dirty roof. Go try it yourself. His hair was probably matted a big from many ounces of blood from a head gun shot wound. I don’t recommend you try that one though.


Hard to tell from the pic he’s wearing a white cap. But could be.

Now I recalled there was a similar looking guy with white cap that sat on the grass next to that retaining wall.

Quite a few were wearing light colored knee length shorts that day on the west side of the building.


yes, that guy was by the retaining wall with cap on as the shooting occurred…the problem is, there were loads of people with grey t-shirts and light shorts with a white b-ball cap…regular older guy attire…


This is not true, Ron Rowe is equivocating, misleading.

Ron Johnson’s timeline makes clear that local LEO did communicate to a SS sniper:

“5:45pm—A sniper with Butler County sends the images and description given by AGR sniper 1 of Crooks to one of the Secret Service counter snipers at the rally, including that Crooks was seen using a rangefinder in the direction of the rally stage.
o The Secret Service counter sniper responds, “Roger. I’ll notify teams on AGR side.”
o Acting Director Rowe confirms the Butler County sniper sends the Secret Service counter sniper team leader a text with the images and description of Crooks.4”

Further, Rowe himself acknowledged the receipt by SS of the picture and description of Crooks at 5:45 pm.

So when Ron Rowe claims there was no “unified command,” while this may technically be true, it misleads in suggesting that local LEO could not communicate with SS. They could and did, and Rowe knew they did when he made this statement about lack of unified command.

Further, local LEO gave - not just offered - Secret Service radios with the right frequencies to be used on the day of the rally. Secret Service claims it never used the radios.

Lastly, Rowe speaks as if the lack of unified command was just happenstance. He is hoping we buy the “incompetence” excuse. We can dismiss this out of basic principle. No, it is the responsibility of the SS to protect its protectee, and this entails relying on local assets and their ability to communicate. Wherever SS goes, it must have a protocol to establish local LEO’s ability to communicate effectively - this is not the local LEOs’ responsibility. So the lack of unified command is not happenstance, but criminal negligence.

In the particular case of the Butler rally, we can dismiss Rowe’s attempt at “incompetence” by the facts, more importantly, not just principles. Local LEO gave SS radios, SS chose not to use them. Local LEO wanted an embed in SS command; SS refused. Local LEO wanted a morning review of plans with SS; SS did not show up. Despite these SS efforts to block communication with local LEO, local LEO did manage to send a photo and description of Crooks by phone to a SS sniper at 5:45 pm; for Rowe to allege there was no "unified command as an excuse is to omit all the prior blocking and suggest this key info was not received?

Then SS sniper team leader waited 8 minutes to pass this information to SS snipers - this slow communication to SS snipers was by SS choice. And the information was passed in a slow and distracting way - by email. And it was generic, maybe not even including a picture or description of Crooks:

“5:53pm—According to Acting Director Rowe, the Secret Service counter sniper team leader emails the Secret Service counter sniper teams that “local law enforcement [is] looking for a suspicious individual outside the perimeter, ‘lurking around the AGR building’.”5”

SS sabotaged the receipt of information from local LEO (by not using radios provided) and refusing an embed in SS command; when some info from local LEO did seep through to SS (via private phone) despite all the SS obstruction, SS delayed and diluted the information when it did pass it to the SS snipers.

“Lack of unified command” is a misdirection! Let us not get into a discussion of

  • “how is this possible”
  • “this is how it should have been done”
  • “how come national importance events are different from candidate rallies in communication protocols”

To get into those discussions is to accept the false premise that “unified command” was a prerequisite to thwart the assassination attempt. It was not. SS needed only to turn on the radios given to it by local LEO that day (as well as accept the local LEO’s offer for local LEO to fly a drone); to pass on information it did receive to SS snipers more quickly and fully.

The real failure was that SS command and SS sniper team leader handicapped SS snipers by choice.


i just double checked the video at 0:56 and it looks like he doesnt have a white B-Ball hat on…i think the difference between them is the colour of their shoes…Crooks has black…

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I want to point out something that people may not realize. I see it sometimes if I ever look at pictures taken from other people’s phones: some phone software purposefully screws around with images to make people look better. This and video compression have wreaked absolute havoc on our investigation so far.


Brian…then why do i look so ugly in every photo no matter which brand of phone takes the picture…?


Lol too funny. Don’t we all.

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From all the images we have, yes, it’s the same guy:

  • Same black shoes and socks, and unusual combination.
  • Same white untanned legs.
  • Same tan/white shorts that match his legs.
  • Same Demolition Ranch shirt, a unique item.
  • Same eyeglasses, even the exact same ones he wore in high school from this photo.
  • Same long brown hair, parted on the left (so longer on the right)
  • Same underbite.
  • Same ear profile on his right ear.
    Extra credit.
  • Gun registered to his dad.
    If it was someone else where is his family to report him missing, and where is the Crooks family to report that he’s alive and clear their family name, afterall there’s reputation and lawsuits and probably criminal action at stake for the Crooks parents… Would be compelling for them to produce their son, say his gun was stolen, and explain the mixup.



His family did report him missing a few hours before shooting. Weird.

You raise some good points there. Hopefully he can be grilled on this under oath by a congressional committee before he’s suicided, and/or before the people he throws under bus get suicided or otherwise tragically die.

I didn’t mean to imply I believed what Rowe said. I was just giving a very short summary of what the story was about.


The Crooks family is probably facing criminal lawsuits, financial civil lawsuits, financial ruin, bankruptcy, and a destroyed family name. They’ll probably need to move, go anonymous, change names, etc.

IF Crooks was not involved and alive and well, they’d be parading him around to every news station and TV show and internet audiences declaring his innocence.

Notice something. That’s not happening. The Crooks family has gone underground and not said PEEP about this publicly. Why do you suppose that is? It’s not because he’s alive and innocent…


I watched it. Benz’s main point is that, if the attempted assassination had state support, it could have been done almost fully within DHS:

  • most of the non-local LEOs at Butler rally were not with SS, but HSI (Homeland Security Investigations), which is part of DHS
  • SS is part of DHS
  • HSI has more freedom than FBI to surveil and recruit patsies; FBI as part of Dept. of Justice needs a predicate for every surveillance, an approval from DoJ etc., whereas DHS can approve it internally … making the grooming of Crooks, if it happened, much easier to start and hide.

It’s an interesting thesis, but one that can easily redirect and diffuse our energies. The SS (not DHS, not HSI) had the full responsibility to protect, and it failed, so it must answer all the questions.


Thanks. I have all that information and then some. I’m starting with a Jon Malis dash cam video of what appears to be Crooks walking onto the AGR grounds “about an hour before the shooting.” He was giving a rough guess as to the time he was driving around the area. Malis is the eyewitness who filmed Crooks turning towards the crowd just before the kill shot. Giving some slack to that entry time, it puts him on the path to the AGR 6 picnic table where Jason Woods spots him at 4:26. The door 14 picnic table comes later in his travels.


do you have the time he was fying his drone for 20 minutes…?