Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

No, do you? I know he used it a few hours earlier then went and put it back in his car. I don’t really need that time, though, since I’m only looking at his movements and the snipers during his second and final visit to the AGR complex.


do you have a link for the video that shows Crooks walking into the venue, i just want to look at the exact spot he is…thanks Vegas

Thank you for sharing, Sonja, I did not mean in any way my message to reflect on you. Knowing what SS is alleging as an excuse in a timely manner gives us all a chance to test its truthfulness before a misleading narrative such as “lack of unified command” can establish itself.


Start at the 4:25 mark. It’s the main entrance that also leads to the east side parking area.


thank you so much…

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Vegas…what direction is he walking at 5:04 in that video…(0.25 speed is best)

This thing I’m doing here is not really useful by itself, but I think it helps us see that we can have pretty good success overlaying the iOS system font (I think it’s called SF Pro).

We can see here that it’s the right font. Small differences in letter spacing, I chalk it up to different versions of font rendering software.


Bravo Brian…thats brilliant

Tim, the image of the guy walking with the policeman is not Crooks, I’m pretty sure. This is a snapshot of a moment about 55 seconds before the first shots, when people already were pointing to Crooks on the roof. You can see these two guys together here in a video taken by Greg Smith’s wife:


The guy next to the cop is dressed similarly to Crooks. (This would have confused and defused LEOs.) But he is not Crooks. There is no way this guy in 55 seconds from there could have gotten an AR, climbed the roof, and positioned himself, before getting shot.

I would not be surprised if this guy, who looks similar in person and clothing to Crooks, is working for DHS or part of the assassination team. If you are local LEO and have gotten over radio a description of Crooks as a suspect, then see this guy matching the description, but on the grounds, unarmed, chatting with police … you’d think, “Nah, the suspect is on the grounds and he’s actually not suspect.” You stop looking for a suspect with that description, because in your mind you’ve judged him fine … you may even radio this judgement to others, infecting their minds. This helps to disarm local LEO, and give Crooks more freedom to move around without raising suspicion … a predictable consequence highly convenient for the assassination plotters.


He’s walking towards the main entrance of AGR, the sign for which he’s seen walking next to. The whole east side of the AGR complex is accessible, as that is the way to get to the parking lot for AGR 6. Unless your “propped up” cop then you can just go cross country.

is he walking into the car park, or is he walking towards the camera at the sign…

He’s walking parallel to the sign, left to right, west to east, which is parallel to the entrance drive.

does Jason Woods or Greg Nicol fit into this, either christian or surnames…?

can you do that Brian…as that piece of work you just did was bloody brilliant

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 12.36.30

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Thank you, I think you are correct. It was a image I grabbed from the interwebs since I wanted one of Crooks on the grounds, I didn’t see that one with the guy in a white hat with the police.

It’s across the street from the greenhouses.


got it…

Hi VP, I know that Jason Woods was the lead sniper in the BC ESU/SWAT, per the ABC News piece. Where did you source that Jason Woods was the third sniper in the 2nd floor, please?

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all snipers were on the second floor…

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In both instances, the lack of communication is a choice by SS. Ronald Rowe’s statements deflect from this choice to thwart communication, always suggesting failures are happenstance.