Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

I don’t remember where I saw/read it. It was reported that someone from the State, in the Unified Command Center, turned to his side and passed on a message to a US-SS siting next to him. A SWAG it was in one of the Barns or Tents around the general stage area.

AI can only do so much with what it has to work with… LOL



It worked immediately. I didn’t have to play around with spacing at all. All I did is put a text box in approximately the right place, stretch it to cover the text, and then type "Woods 8-4 Nicol the".


when you say both instances can you explain which ones…thanks Commenter.

i was beeten with the ugly stick at birth…lol…and i believe the report you mentioned is right, i cant remember where it was from though…but that detail is correct…a SS member was in the Butler command centre and the friend who ESU member rang (who was state police ) was stationed in the command centre turned his head and told the SS guy…a tel number or contact detail was then given to ESU member to text pictures of Crooks to…

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In the news article @catamaran45 shared it states:

“For more than five hours, the three snipers – Nicol, a fellow SWAT team member from Beaver County named Jason Woods and a third shooter from Butler County’s SWAT team – remained hidden in their second-floor perch without incident.“


Neat! What font?

hats of to Brian… :tophat:

i wonder if anyone told SS that from the 5th July they were only going to have 2 snipers on duty at the time Trump was supposed to arrive at Farm Ground…a.k.a 4:20pm…when the plan for overwatch shows 3…

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In this video they have a better cleaner larger pic of this P/C cop. The badge in the video has been digitally altered so we can’t identify where he is from. This makes me question any pics/videos released by any level of PoPo.



I’m just picking “System Font (Default)” in macOS Preview. I think that font is called SF Pro.


Thanks. I just tried Arial, and with a little tweaking of character spacing it lines right up.

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just typed message in iphone messenger and took screenshot, then overlayed with original text messages…i can confirm Brian nailed it…the text message was written whilst phone was in landscape mode…


I’m working some leads trying to track down “M”, the Butler sniper who was working with Greg Nicol. Do we know the name of any sniper or operator who works for Butler ESU (Butler County Emergency Services Unit)?

It seems like we know the names of a bunch of people who work for Beaver County ESU, but almost nothing about Butler County ESU.


i will have a look as well Brian…if i find any i will link here…


Hi Elisa welcome…be aware you are post limited, so don’t wast them…i may be wrong but i believe its 3 in any topic…you can always edit the same post to add a question or answer someones reply…and mention thats what you are doing


If you mean the patrolman who drove up and got boosted up, he saw somebody was on the roof, but to him, AGR was just a locked building in the area that he had no access to.


from the Grassley link absent

i thought you might want to kep Gregs statement in mind thats covered here…


Thanks. Yes, I am confirming each change in location I can identify from the timelines and video evidence with testimonial evidence.


They are not in a easy place to run from and it all happened so fast. Then when Trump got up to exit the stage and held his fist up, they were probably more relieved he was alive and pissed off than scared.

Also, you look at it from a Danish point of view, not a MAGA American point of view.

Welcome to our little family Elisa, have a look around and enjoy yourself.


Why did the county counter sniper team on the second floor corner of Building 7 (or Building 2 for some) evidently leave their post? If not by choice, then why else? Were they really alone on the second floor?