Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

So they did have a drone, but only used it once in the morning? Were they too busy to use the drone, I don’t know say …… maybe right before Trump took the stage🧐


yes, Gray Hugues Investigates and Gary from Paramount Tactical mentioned this yesterday…

Yes. Chris mentioned in previous videos about the 9th shot that surprised Crooks. Seemed like Crooks didn’t expect return fire.

But we didn’t know what that shot hit etc.

Check out the Higgins prelim report. Fox news info came from that report.

This is helpful. Thanks. I think any where a solid steel plate, especially on a glancing angle would be ideal.

I believed SS were offered drones to use on the day of rally but SS turned it down.

If that is not intentional stupidity for an elite security organization I don’t know what to say. Just defund the SS.

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Great detective work there. Previous video from different angle suggested side rail right where your lower arrow crosses it. For reference your pic would indicate impact approximately 1 foot left of corner post.

Anyone doing serious analytical analysis need to use this position for first shot!

Now how do we get full GPS (Lat Long and elevation) coordinates for all models to use for any trajectory analysis.

Can a drone be used to go to this position to give view and coordinate data?

I’ll answer the question, “YES”. So can Spa Guy go on another mission and collect this?

If so I would love to have a talk with him to work on a mission plan to get anything and everything that could be useful to the whole community.


There was a rifle on the roof. Did it look like to be (seriously) damaged?
Or, did they take the shooter’s rifle away and that was anoter replacement gun?

Here are a bunch of employment records about Beaver County ESU. For posterity:

Michael Biskup T
Matthew Doerschner
Richard Gianvito C
Keith Girting E
Timothy Higby
Richard Lockhart A
Aaron Lopez S
Gregory Nicol M
Jeffrey Nolfi B
Jonathan Pisano J
Michael Priolo
Shawn Reese M
Jeffrey Roberts W Jr
Steve Roberts
Jared Rogers
Michael Scheers
Nicholas Shawger C
Derek Shipley
Zachary Spearing S
Eugene Clair R St
Giovanni Trello
Austin Turner L
Robert Turyan T Jr
Jason Woods

Why is this useful? Well, it provides some names to guess when we try to unredact stuff.

Even though it fits pretty well, please do not consider this definitive.

For the P name, none of the following fit: Jonathan Pisano, Jon Pisano, Michael Priolo, Mike Priolo. Maybe the P person is with Butler?


Don’t know. Am not an expert on guns.

From the bodycam video, it looks “normal”.
Then again, hard to tell.

Probably will never know the truth coz the FBI has custody of the said gun.

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As GPS signals travel down to the Earth from space, the layers of the atmosphere refracts and slightly delays the signals, particularly within the ionosphere. This delay interferes with the range solutions from the GPS receiver on the ground to the satellite, resulting in positional errors of several meters.

Here’s a picture of the entire south wall of building 6. There are 4 flapper vents. The vent next to the stacks is a hooded restroom or dryer-type vent. The farthest flapper vent to the west is near the corner of the building. It doesn’t line up well for clearance because the building is lower on that end.

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I’d estimate it a about 24" +/- from the west wall. The corner is seen here and there is a second reference from the furthers west window…

I can’t imagine why these vents would be installed above the drop ceiling, unless they added ducting from a ceiling fan in a bathroom.
The characteristics of the AGR ven are different than the example you pulled from zero… AGR’s louvers don’t hinge at the top… There is a gap above the top louver and the wall flange where your image shows a shadow…

What do you mean…

The vents are almost identical with the Zoro.com example. The open vent you found simply means a powered fan is pushing air and the top hinged louvers have swung out.

There is no gap, it is just the shadow covering the top louver.

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Another view showing the open windows. In one of the released bodycams (BWC2122109) from Butler Township PD, the officer walks in front of the 2-story building, just 7min after the shooting. On the south side the 2nd and the 3rd window are open. Likely the 5th window is open as well. Ground level windows closed.

Timestamp bodycam 18:18:44

On the west side the window closer to the farm show grounds is open.

Timestamp bodycam 18:19:31

Here is the full video

In this video from Eli Crane (taken out of window 5), you can see that there are separated rooms inside the building. Not really advantageous when it comes to switching between windows.

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Obviously the South windows could and should have been utilized by GN and or M to view Crooks any time after radio coms of suspect’s position 30 seconds prior to shots fire by boosted LEO seeing him on Bld 1.

Whats totally being ignored is the even better Window on East wall of building to see him.

This picture shows E window open in the BC footage provided by the Grassley report weeks ago. Note the white, which is reflection of roof, in the closed window right next to it. I would also note that the helicopter video sometime after this pic also shows the window open.

All the recently BC footages released more recently show this window closed!

Those two white bottom half of window reflection appear same way in every case of BC footage I reviewed in the 12 listed in Drop box via the forum. Unfortunately wasn’t able to confirm if any were at a time after the Grassley release.


  1. If was closed when LEO’s first got on roof why, when and who would have opened it approximately 20 minutes after the shooting?

  2. Why didn’t GN and or M use this window to get eyes on Crooks prior to 3 minutes it took LEO staning on shed/pallet to get eyes on him?

  3. Was BC footage doctored to show this window closed and really was open whole time?. Sorey Proved BC video of windows NOT doctored!

  4. Why did Grassley and others show only the S Windows as potential areas where they could have viewed Crooks and conveniently omitted showing E Window as potential with even better view and not even having to lean out of?

  5. Why didn’t anybody at any time utilize this window to access the roof without use of ladder?


5 is especially noteworthy especially since the reports were that these local law-enforcement had been to this farm site quite a bit and should’ve been aware of the layout of that entire building. I would think.


I would really like to know what those 4 large vents are used for. Being a glass research company perhaps they are testing ovens or something like that. That building clearly isn’t a production facility.

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It would be nice to have a floor plan for the building. It is theoretically possible that windows 1 & 2 and windows 3 & 4 are in one larger room. I would also be curious to know why Rep. Crane used window five instead of 1 or 2 where the counter-snipers were located. Perhaps he was prevented from using one of them for whatever reason, but if so why didn’t he state so?

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We’ve seen inside from one of the congressional videos. The rooms are partitioned off as offices/meeting rooms. There was a white board in one room. Maybe that room had two of the windows? Not sure.