Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

This is the only spot that would have been neded as a nest!


That would never doā€¦itā€™s too slopey. :joy:

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Thanks for confirming it was open at least till 18:17:00. Establishes someone on inside which presumably is 1 of 2 snipers closed it.

The ESU walking on roof had to notice as he is walking across rooftop at that same time clearing area.

Looks to me like itā€™s simply sealant for an overlapping seam of the roof cap.


Sure, but itā€™s a really good ā€œshoot from hereā€ marker. Nobody would bat an eye at it. Silicone is supposed to be on many roofs. If you use anything else, it would be suspicious.

4 dollar tube of silicone and youā€™ve marked the spot for your patsy.


Iā€™m not confirming the window was open but the footage strongly supports that impression.
Would be great to have a bodycam from guy walking around AGR3.

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Greg Nichols is a member on this board making a sound profile.
Greg Nicol is the BC-ESU sniper.

What would make you think anyone here has access to any of the buildings in the AGR complex?


I have difficulty recognizing people, so Iā€™m looking for name tags. Hereā€™s one.

ā€œGianvitoā€, back of his helmet.

Now, please look at the big chonker on Gianvitoā€™s right. He has a somewhat distinctive beard. Do we think that this is the same person unidentified in the ABC interview?

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s him based on his beard and tattoos, especially near the elbow.

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No, thatā€™s not him.

The tattoos are clearly different. The guy in the interview is more tan and Iā€™m going to guess, taller.

I would love to know who that guy is. I wonder if itā€™s the guy who had to leave early or the sniper who actually stayed at his post.

Not sure why, but I think heā€™s one of those two.


The guy who had to leave early is Jason Woods. Heā€™s identified in the ABC video.

Maybe heā€™s the Butler sniper that actually stayed at his post then.

The interview says they are all Beaver County, so maybe he was Beaver Swat assigned to one of the southern positions??

If we assume all the people in the ABC interview are associated with Beaver (seems like a safe assumption) then all Beaver people in the AGR building overlooking the critical roof are accounted for, because we see Woods and Nicol. I still just want to know who everybody is so we can know who to focus on.

Hereā€™s something that seems useful to know. The guys in black kit like the big chonker who meets with Michel the medic and Gianvito, they are apparently with Washington Regional SWAT.

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No, there was a third.

Per their own accounting: Beaver had 3 snipers in AGR. One had to leave at 4 and left around 4:20. If Woods left early, that left Greg and one more.

The Butler sniper was supposedly downstairs. But he wouldnā€™t be at the interview.

So eitherā€¦he is the other sniper with Greg, 2nd story, or he was assigned somewhere other than AGR.

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I think Butler Beaver had two snipers, Nicol and Woods. Woods left early as prearranged. That left Nicol and the as-of-yet-unidentified Butler ā€œMā€ sniper.

Are they not with Beaver?

Per their interview: they are Beaver ESU.

And his wife Michel is Beaver County as well.

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Sorry, youā€™re correct.

In video 1382_202407131800_BWC2122110-0RATF, 9/12 of the body/dashcam videos from Matthew Pearson, at 18:18:32 we can see that the black-clad guy with Washington Regional SWAT is Shaffer, first name probably Ben.

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For anyone that doesnā€™t know who is who on Beaver County ESU from the ABC interview:


Thanks for the PA firearms instructor list. I found G Nicol on the list. He might have taught at the gun club Crooks when to.