Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

I would be very curious why you think it was Woods and who Woods is?

I think I found my answer. I see in a comment by brian60221

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We knew from texts Grassley released that some unknown person had made arrangements to cover part of the duty from 8-4. See page 5 of this PDF.

Then later we figured out that person had to be Jason Woods. CNN reported it. This is probably the first time CNN has ever reported a true fact.


When looking closer to that bodycam video “1382_202407131800_BWC2122110-0RATF.mp4” (by Butler officer Matthew Pearson, underlying the “Shooter Boom” video as posted by Sorey above) and comparing it to the police cruiser video “1382_202407131806_Unit5-0.mp4” (driven by the roof climber), then BWC2122110’s clock is also 12 s ahead wrt to the cruiser’s clock.

The woman at the fence with the white shirt may start running at 18:11:48 Pearson time, but the LEO in a military outfit (who probably fired shot 9) clearly enters the view from the right at this time. In the cruiser video the first shot can be heard between 18:11:31 and 18:11:32.

That means that the “D Stewart” video clock as used within the “Shooter Boom video” and the cruiser clock are synchronized, and probably synchronized to time of day.

@brian60221 was assumably right when commenting that the bodycams had no means for syncing to time of day. Yet I’d like to see a copy of the bodycam specifications.

There is yet another small detail: around 18:11:38 Pearson time, at the northern corner of the northern bleacher, someone with a white shirt appears to film AGR bldg. 6. Is that video known here already?

edit: “ahead” instead of “late”

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I think it’s something like this, maybe not this exact model. https://www.motorolasolutions.com/content/dam/msi/docs/products/body-worn-cameras/v300-datasheet.pdf

Edit: I’m a technical person, I help make stuff like that device. There’s no question that it could be made to know what time it is, somehow. But at the same time, it seems clear that either they weren’t designed to, or weren’t configured to actually do it. Maybe the police didn’t want to put SIM cards in all of them or something.


Thanks for the time difference info.

You are probably referring to Copenhaver, whose video captured Crooks walking across the roof from the stage area direction. It’s a well-known video to be sure.

Chris covered it in this video.

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There are so many people in those Gray Hughes vids. 2 SS guys running into tent? Others. Lots to look at. I tend to see people, behavior, expressions (when visible). And this. Blood on the flag (so to speak). When Trump was accused of impeachment, my flag wrapped and clung to the post. One the second impeachment, it actually froze to the post. Several stuff through the years. After he was shot a weird wind came up and the flag went over the op and made a hole in the flag. So here is the Flag in Hughes video.

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yes, I wondered why these cams should not have a GPS-receiver like in the v300 you just linked to, being a comparably cheap thing nowadays. But without GPS, costs for SIM-cards might be a reason.

Former air-force pilot @not-infringe-texan was pointing to this weird behaviour too. But someone who likes to post exploding MAGA-heads was trying to drown this thought.

People on most elevated position might noticed the LEOs running toward the fence before the shooting started.

Yes, I think it’s the same guy. I have been curious about his name. His shoulder patch says “Washington Regional-SWAT PA” but he could be local.

Which person is this? The one who opens door 9 of AGR 6 for the medics, in the Grassley video, and talks about the ladder on its way?

When I said “Anyone” I actually meant anyone at all, including reports by that they members of the community may have come across and I have not heard of yet. I sincerely doubt that anyone who may have access has thought to look closely at all the vents for signs of “tampering” or “coincidental” maintenance. Just trying to think outside the box out loud in this space because I have nowhere else to ask these kinds of questions of people that might have even an inkling of what really happened.

Great find. This suggests that shots 9 and 10 came from the same person? I thought SS had claimed one shot, which was the kill shot. In any case, the operator who shot 9 was about to shoot and then 10 was shot.

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John Goodwin said the SS shooter got the last shot in the video.

Shot 10 comes from the SS sniper guy. The audio is 100% consistent with this on my end.

My proof: The ‘snick’ of the bullet crushes the limiter/gate on Trump’s mic, ergo it went over it. This ESU guy is past that mic, so the snick would not, could not, pass over it.

So the way I interpret that fist pump by that ESU guy is he was watching through his optics and saw the headshot and reacted to that.


Information tidbit: The offset at the exterior wall of the suspected vent line of fire (3rd vent from east corner) and Crooks line of fire is only 4’-6".

Hi Ubb. I think I figured out a more direct way of explaining the optics of the west window in photo 2 (window 2 in my slides.) Please take a look at it and let me know if it makes sense to you.

@catamaran45, thanks again for challenging me to look closer. It turns out you were right. I was letting the order of the photos as provided to Sen. Grassley matching the sniper positions diagram (left to right) influence my thinking about what I was seeing in the window. I took some Windex to them and can see clearly now. :wink:


Is that what it seemed like to you, that they fell asleep on the job, or were they told to take a nap, and their guilt is now showing by their over compensation??

I really can’t imagine why officers didnn’t take action on the west side

If this was any other incident, like someone who didn’t wear a mask where told to, or pull over immediately for a ticket (regardless of safety concerns) or say you protested the bodyparts-industry of america, they would pounce violently link bees on honey

They could have disrupted him with just vocal commands

So what stopped them, were they not given bullets or rocks to throw??
There were rock all around the east causway

Something very sinister is going on here and we can’t let it get buried any deeper