Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

On a side note, why not a Crooks smelling dog all over including two story Ag building.

At second thought, what if GN went down to take Crooks “a” backpack. Or left it somewhere along the ground hidden before he climbed up the first building. No one would think anything weird about a sniper with backpack at that point.

Also GN being AWOL and running around gives him an excuse (albeit bad) for not seeing Crooks or preshooting Crooks from the window.

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It does make sense that he would go west after climbing onto each roof to stay out of view from LEOs in the east parking lot.

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I took a break from my analysis to find the video I saw that was clearer. Gray Hughes Investigates got a copy of the body cam video via FOIA act, and created a stabilized version from that. In this updated version you can see Crooks walking almost all of the way across the roof.


Thanks for your dedicated work. Two suggestions. 1) Add a version or revised date at the top of the document so one can keep track of which iteration one is working with. 2) Extend the timeline beyond the death of shooter. For instance, the time when most of the officers went home (and only a few remained with the body on the roof or to secure the premises?), the time next morning when the Butler coroner arrived, etc. Also, include the press conference on the evening of the 13th and any other official statements, briefing to Congress, etc. It will be essential to document the changing stories as the official narrative emerges, because this will reveal what aspects are being downplayed or covered up.


The object on the roof that I didn’t recognize was the same 12 channel remote control switch just flipped over.

Note the range: 1000 meters = 3280 feet.


Thanks for sharing that. I needed the range for it and didn’t even know I needed to have the range until reading the screenshot.

Clear evidence that he got the backpack before the video shows him.

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Excellent. But see the video of the cop body cam who is clearing the S. AGR and then W. AGR complex minutes after the event. His video shows the West of the complex including the EMPTY parking lot. So, where/who did Crooks get his backpack from?

Secondly, I think the answer is that he was seen on the West picnic table but could it be that Nicols saw him from the South 2nd story windows (not the North), looking at Crooks at position 1 on the picnic table to the SE of AGR? Then he might have seen Crooks moving north toward Sheetz, thru the Eastern parking lot where he lost sight of him.

That might help explain why we next see Nicols at the Eastern AGR doors moments after the shooting, in that Nicols ran down to that Eastern parking lot.

I have tried to find any pictures from those windows where that table might be in view but haven’t yet.

Your thoughts?

I posted my analysis earlier this morning of where I think Crooks hid his rifle and why, going through my timeline map one dot (sighting or report) at a time to find or avoid any conflicts.

Here is some more footage about the white van. They also zooming in and showing the rear of the van as well. Maybe someone with better video equipment can find out the number plate.
Watch between 1:37:37 and 1:38:38 // 2:25:00 and 2:25:22 //2:26:42 - 2:27:08
Live: Trump assassination attempt investigation - YouTube


Great work. Can you show us a photo of the Alfa Romeo, and what makes you suspect it belonged to GN? Have you considered that it might be a Nissan 350Z and belong to Henry Dimmick Jr., the owner of AGR, who evidently was present that day because he is referred to on the police radio?

I’m speculating the Alpha Romeo belongs to Nicol because it was the only civilian vehicle left in the east lot, and in his text message Woods stated: “our cars.”

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There is a report coming from George Webb about a DHS / Clairton Sniper Program which, according to him, was run by Tony Guy, who’s deputy was Greg Nicol… One of the enrollees is said to be Crooks…
Here is his post on that subject:

https:/ /x. com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1825238731579879853

There are fences. He could not arrive from south or east wit back pack I guess.

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. I was aware of that.

My point principally was not where his vehicle was, but HOW and WHEN he got his backpack to the picnic table and then to the roof

I don’t believe he could’ve done it after 5:45 after he had been flagged several times because he would’ve had to have gone up the west side of the AGR complex to get it and come back the same way where there were clearly at least 4 (maybe as many as 6) law enforcement officers all standing around who already had been alerted to his existence. At least two of those were in the place where there was almost nobody else standing, according to some of the video that we’ve seen .

The implications to me would be that these officers were all in on it if they indeed let that happen. I don’t have any evidence of that, but we can all speculate.

I believe it’s much more likely that he hid the backpack perhaps taking it right after he flew the drone (If indeed he did), and then hid it in the alcove on the west side of the AGR complex closer to the south. That might explain how he could have simply walked by law enforcement officers, without being noticed as no one had flagged him yet. Or perhaps he even stashed it the night before after he had gone shooting, and the reason his parents were concerned about him the next day is he perhaps had no good explanation as to where the rifle was.

Of course, all of this is speculation, which is by definition “subjective” and not “objective”. Some of us know the difference.

Let it be more clear. Where is he from with back pack (yellow arrows)?
Which window GN looked out?

Where are the fence lines?

I have a hard time recognizing faces. Please tell me if you think these images could be of the same person.


The first image is a still from this video, about 19:54:30.

I’ll say no right off but will go back and study that video and pics. Eyebrows, nose, ear length, etc- so far a no.

No, not the guy on picnic table. But I think I found the guy in the uniform! Right in the middle with play button on him.

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I would like to note a few things after looking through some posts:

I saw that you assumed that the snipers were positioned at the two left most windows at one point. A few problems with that:

  • Firstly there exist a contradiction where the detail plan and after action report swap the two positions the snipers must take in.
  • Secondly I think it is not too presumptuous to assume that there were open windows for a reason. They should be prime locations where sniper nests were posted. If not, then it is likely that they were opened to allow snipers throughout the day to move around and look through these open windows. Bit speculative, but reasonable to keep in mind.
  • Secondly the snipers did not stay stationary at their post and moved freely through the building even at periods of no alarm. If looking at the bike photo, the line of sight goes to the NW window. Look at Google Maps streetview and draw a line from the stump. If this is true, then that would mean that GN was wandering around before he got alarmed over the range finder. Remember prior to 17:32, GN was not alarmed. The snipers probably want to cover their ass and state that they could see nuthin in their wee widdle windows.

I saw that you gave a list of GN Location in one of your slides. It seems you missed the fact that in the After Action report it is claimed that GN is in a completely different building in a corner when the shots were fired. Look at page 16. The name of the building seems to be no.2, when looking at bodycam footage.