Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

That thing pictured beside him on the roof didn’t have an antenna though.

I considered all the possible explanations for “parking at Sheetz” early in my analysis, because the timeline was looking like he would need to drive elsewhere to make some timings work. That’s when I still had 3 pm as the SS security area time. I spent the better part of a day trying to find a way to make his travels fit. Once I read that statement from Sen. Brasso and realized the FBI arrival time of 3:45 pm was correct, and the security sighting came later, the pieces just fell into place. Crook’s day wasn’t that packed with activities, but one thing I noticed was he didn’t have much free time. That’s why I kept playing around with him using his car instead of walking everywhere. Anyways, I’ve got one more slide to go on my analysis, which looks at other potential hiding places for his rifle, none of which are near as good as keeping it in his car. The only time that would work time wise for him to hide it was during his walk to the vendor area and the rally entrance, and that’s in the wrong direction from his shooting location.


The problem is those were all members of the Beaver County ESU. The third sniper was Butler County ESU.



This is interesting. Are you saying if we watch the entire long dashcam video, we see him leave AGR 6 but we never see him enter?

Haha-all true!


Chris, I believe I can tell you where Crooks hid his rifle and backpack with a relatively high level of confidence. I’m convinced, anyways. Think Occam 's Razor. As for the location, perhaps Greg Nicol had a late Freudian slip when he said he’s heading towards Sheetz. That’s where I believe Crooks went to retrieve it, but he hid it when he left the house.

Here is my analysis, sighting by sighting.

Thanks for the help @sorey and @rawroku.


I guess he had no backpack at magnetometers. I don’t think he took the risk of it with rifle. But he had to hide the weapon somewhere. So I think he left the rifle in the backpack at some place.

My ideas on Crooks himself…

All’s Well That Ends Well?

Why would GN, if he was “in on it”, reveal that Crooks was headed towards Sheetz??

I don’t think he would’ve made that mistake. He would’ve avoided saying that. I think it’s the last thing he would’ve said. But maybe I am not giving him enough credit for his ignorance. I’m not a fan of GN

I don’t think he would’ve made that mistake.

He would’ve avoided saying that.

I also acknowledge that Crooks definitely could’ve gone from the west of AGR to Sheetz and back in 20 minutes, if indeed it’s only a third of a mile, but it just is beyond belief that none of the four or five law enforcement on the west side would’ve not seen him going north and then coming back with a backpack if everybody had already been alerted to him.

If he did fly a drone, from where would he have done that? Where was his car? Did he put the drone back in the car? Hard to believe he would have done all of that in plain sight at Sheetz

Dan. BOngino suggested the honeypot radicalization theory on a podcast this past week

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As for my comment about Nicol’s “late Freudian slip,” I was having a little fun introducing the location.

As to why Nicol referenced Sheetz, I believe that being from Beaver County not Butler, he wasn’t as familiar with compass directions from where he was, nor was he that familiar with the AGR complex for calling out building numbers they had to have taped to the wall of their nests, which he wasn’t in at the time. He did have visibility to Sheetz, which is a popular gas station in that area. In Vegas we have Terrible Herbst’s. So, in his rush to get the message out he referenced the first landmark that came to mind that others would recognize. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t know there was a path to Sheetz given the way the buildings are arranged.

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You’ll have to read my analysis first before I answer questions that are answered in it already.

Thanks for doing this. Great work. Several things still puzzle me:

  1. Why would he purchase ammo on the way to the scene. This is so strange that he wouldn’t have purchase the chief element of the deed long before in preparation.

  2. Greg’s reference to “Sheetz” instead of a direction is puzzling, especially if Crook’s car was there. Did Greg know that and slip?

  3. Seems like a lot of back and forth to sheets given the items locations lists. Am I reading this wrong?


Yes, and I probably confused everybody with my prior post. SORRY!

I thought you were suggesting by “Freudian slip“ that GN was trying to suggest at 5:45 PM that crooks was headed to Sheetz and if GN was in on it, obviously he would never have directed them to where Crooks might have been going to retrieve his rifle.

I think my mistake was that you were NOT suggesting that GN sent that message at 5:45.

We “know” that he sent that message either at 6:02 PM or 6:05 PM so I am still (not being a big fan of GN) not convinced he wasn’t in on it and for him to say at 6:02 PM or 6:05 PM, that crooks was headed to Sheetz was far more nefarious than just not being familiar with the AGR layout.

If that’s all it was, and he simply was unfamiliar, he should be fired and if I were the family of Corey, I would be bringing a wrongful death action against Beaver county and GN.

I think that’s why the Butler county A.D. tried to backtrack on the Congressional Paris testimony under oath when Paris said that both snipers left the overlook building. The Butler county A.D. knew that that statement by Paris, if true, would result in severe criticism and a wrongful death lawsuit.

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See my reply just sent. I think I may have misinterpreted what you were saying.

Is your Toni line suggesting that there is “evidence”, it just speculation that he parked at Sheetz and that he flew his drone from there? Is that evidence from the FBI ?

Just trying to understand the basis/evidence for your conclusions

[quote=“VegasPatriot, post:123, topic:41855, username:vegaspatriot”]
s for my comment about Nicol’s “late Freudian slip,” I was having a little fun introducing the location.

Thank you.

The ammo - I don’t have a thought one way or another, except perhaps that early in I wondered if he wasn’t going there to commit a mass shooting. Keep in mind that he went to the shooting range the day before and probably spent all he had.

I initially had misinformation on times of arrival, and expected Crooks would need to use his car to get places in order for the timeline to fit. Once that resolved, I saw no need for Crooks to move his car, I was analyzing one sighting at a time ensuring no conflicts, and along with that I decided to track sightings of the various objects. In short, every sighting shows his car at Sheetz because he didn’t need to use it.

As for Nicol usibg Sheetz, here is a post where I gave my take on it.

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all this stuff about crooks’ background and these explosives and his car or cars, etc, etc are very unreliable…

they are looking for a motive and do whatever they can to obfuscate as much as possible…

I believe it is best to focus on what we know with high confidence:

  • the man who was found dead on the roof of AGR building 6 was crooks
  • the first 3 shots were fired from the AGR site towards Trump
  • the next 5 shots were fired in quick succession, but firing 5 shots in less than a second is highly challenging, certainly for someone who did not train this skill (the people at the ranges where he practiced would have noticed such rapid fire)
  • the 9th shot was fired by a SWAT officer and likely injured crooks
  • the 10th shot finished crooks off, but it is uncertain whether that same SWAT officer or a barn sniper took that 10th shot
  • crooks’ body was released for cremation way too early
  • there are several registrations of crooks taking aim, but no unquestionable recordings of crooks really shooting, not even a single bullet

as far as I am concerned, that is about it which we know…

all the rest about what was found next to his body and in whatever vehicle and what he could have done with all that stuff is pure speculation and I believe we should not focus on any questionable inputs and simply stick to the facts


I think it’s all interesting to try to figure out his movements before he got on the roof. But the real issue is where did he get the backpack. All the rest of it is interesting but unnecessary although the work patriot has done is incredibly detailed.

I think that’s all that’s really critical; namely, Where did he get his backpack—- because it helps determine perhaps whether law enforcement, someone like GN, was involved.

So, as I mentioned in prior posts, theoretically I could see how he might be able to walk to Sheets and back in 20 minutes to get his backpack and rifle, I just find it hard to believe that after all that chatter on the radio, no one would see him walk towards Sheetz and come back on the west side of the AGR with the backpack. I just find that too hard to believe unless law enforcement are all involved.