Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

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Ep. 4729: Communist Coup Includes Assassination Attempt | In Studio – Landon from SaveThem Joins Doug Hagmann | August 21, 2024

https:/ /www.hagmannpi. com/ep-4729-communist-coup-includes-assassination-attempt-in-studio-landon-from-savethem-joins-doug-hagmann-august-21-2024/

The object on the roof that I didn’t recognize was the same 12 channel remote control switch just flipped over in a separate photo.

Note the range: 1000 meters = 3280 feet.
Distance from the dead shooter on the AGR roof to Lawrence Avenue (white van) or the Sheetz gas station (where Crooks’ car may have been parked) is no more than 1500 feet (see map here:
Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot? - #828 by macd).

Suspicious devices

Investigators said Tuesday they found a remote transmitter in the suspect’s pocket that may have been intended to set off two suspicious devices found in the suspect’s car and one in his home, according to law enforcement sources. Devices at both locations were similarly constructed in ammunition containers using components including receivers that appear to have been paired with the remote control found in the suspect’s pocket, sources said.

The receivers in each device were connected to a series of components that investigators say met the “eye test” – having parts present that could have made viable explosives, although the functionality of the devices is still being determined. The purpose of the devices is also unknown. Whether they were intended to cause a significant blast to hurt people or if they were designed to create smoke, fire and a low-grade blast for a diversion is unclear.
Secret Service spotted Trump rally shooter on roof 20 minutes before gunfire erupted - ABC News

if you watch Grey Hugues Investigates’ video

you will see that the southern snipers switched position about 1 minute before the first shots were fired. localizing the threat, aiming in on it and taking it down takes some time.

the SWAT officer who fired the 9th shot responded immediately after the 1st shot was fired and fired his shot about 6-7 seconds after the first shot was fired…

it may look “too long”, but these are very good reaction times…

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from my view, the reason why he was walking/jogging on top of the roofs behind the building behind the one he was shot on, is that he HAD to be at that EXACT spot at the EXACT time as the action HAD to start at EXACTLY 18:11:33, and he was RUNNING late for that appointment…

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The ESU counter-assault who fired #9 most likely had a LPVO scope. As a low power scope, it has a much bigger ‘field’ of view. Hearing the shots, he probably had a good idea where Crooks was on the roof. He was half the distance of the USSS C-S.

The USSS counter-sniper has a high power variable scope. Even at its lowest power, it doesn’t have the large field of view that a LPVO does. They turned around and then had to find Crooks place on all those roofs out there.


Here’s a question that I feel hangs over our entire effort: when the FBI takes over an investigation, what are the exact mechanisms that prevent local homicide detectives from doing their own parallel investigation?

One reason I think local homicide detectives would give is, the FBI already collected all the evidence. But that doesn’t get to the heart of the issue, because at this point, there’s no need to have access to special evidence from the crime scene. We basically understand the story, and all that needs to happen is for the persons of interest to be interviewed. Most of the people of interest are there in PA.

Yet nobody will interview them. Some invisible force stops them. What is it? Can we seriously not find one honest detective in PA who will learn the story and go talk to the people that we already know can answer the remaining questions we have?


whether it is a police investigation or an independent citizens investigation, the fast buriers of information apply the same tactics…

they install assets in the “independent” investigation teams that divert the “independent” investigations and push towards nonsensical hypotheses. for those with eyes to read and a brain to see, if you read my posts, you will know who I am referring to as a judas goat in the Peak Prosperity team.
I trust Chris and his long-term core PP-team, but certain recent additions are highly suspect.

there are a few very simple ways you can spot suspicious behaviour:

  • consistently ignoring valid criticism
  • gaslighting people who bring critiques or alternative views
  • personal attacks
  • consistently pushing one or a few hypotheses while ignoring or ridiculing alternative views
  • even ignoring people (who have previously made valid criticisms) when they are sharing information that is not about critiques or similar, but that can endanger their own narrative
  • the use of violent and hostile language while communicating with people with views other than the ones that are being pushed

so, now ask yourself the following question: who in this forum’s actions meet several of these properties?

do these points also apply to me?
let’s see:

  • I do not ignore any criticism
  • I do not gaslight anyone who has a different view than mine
  • I do not push my hypothesis: I defend my hypothesis… totally different story!
  • I do not ignore anyone in this forum, even though several have muted me, I still read their comments, and if I want to say something, I do, but as they have muted me, they will never know…
  • I do not use violent or hostile language whatsoever

Blowing up Sheetz would have been a Big Bang for sure. Maybe he just was there at one point, filling up his car or get something in the store. But if so, why no surveillance camera release?

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Uses same sniper gun as Greg.
In ABC interview camera in on him as well when Greg’s speaking.
Never went into building 6 after 18:11.


That thing pictured beside him on the roof didn’t have an antenna though.

I considered all the possible explanations for “parking at Sheetz” early in my analysis, because the timeline was looking like he would need to drive elsewhere to make some timings work. That’s when I still had 3 pm as the SS security area time. I spent the better part of a day trying to find a way to make his travels fit. Once I read that statement from Sen. Brasso and realized the FBI arrival time of 3:45 pm was correct, and the security sighting came later, the pieces just fell into place. Crook’s day wasn’t that packed with activities, but one thing I noticed was he didn’t have much free time. That’s why I kept playing around with him using his car instead of walking everywhere. Anyways, I’ve got one more slide to go on my analysis, which looks at other potential hiding places for his rifle, none of which are near as good as keeping it in his car. The only time that would work time wise for him to hide it was during his walk to the vendor area and the rally entrance, and that’s in the wrong direction from his shooting location.


The problem is those were all members of the Beaver County ESU. The third sniper was Butler County ESU.



This is interesting. Are you saying if we watch the entire long dashcam video, we see him leave AGR 6 but we never see him enter?

Haha-all true!


Chris, I believe I can tell you where Crooks hid his rifle and backpack with a relatively high level of confidence. I’m convinced, anyways. Think Occam 's Razor. As for the location, perhaps Greg Nicol had a late Freudian slip when he said he’s heading towards Sheetz. That’s where I believe Crooks went to retrieve it, but he hid it when he left the house.

Here is my analysis, sighting by sighting.

Thanks for the help @sorey and @rawroku.


I guess he had no backpack at magnetometers. I don’t think he took the risk of it with rifle. But he had to hide the weapon somewhere. So I think he left the rifle in the backpack at some place.

My ideas on Crooks himself…

All’s Well That Ends Well?

Why would GN, if he was “in on it”, reveal that Crooks was headed towards Sheetz??

I don’t think he would’ve made that mistake. He would’ve avoided saying that. I think it’s the last thing he would’ve said. But maybe I am not giving him enough credit for his ignorance. I’m not a fan of GN

I don’t think he would’ve made that mistake.

He would’ve avoided saying that.

I also acknowledge that Crooks definitely could’ve gone from the west of AGR to Sheetz and back in 20 minutes, if indeed it’s only a third of a mile, but it just is beyond belief that none of the four or five law enforcement on the west side would’ve not seen him going north and then coming back with a backpack if everybody had already been alerted to him.

If he did fly a drone, from where would he have done that? Where was his car? Did he put the drone back in the car? Hard to believe he would have done all of that in plain sight at Sheetz

Dan. BOngino suggested the honeypot radicalization theory on a podcast this past week

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