Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

screenshot from the ABC article linked in Grassleys news page.

Local SWAT team blames Trump assassination attempt on lack of planning, communication - ABC News.

It is possible that he cracked the door and shouted at officers during a point we can’t see on cam. There are officers walking the building perimeter prior to the body cam officer seeing Crooks running on the roof.

It is also possible that this interaction took place on the west side of AGR Bldg1, not east, and so we don’t have footage of that side either.

We need more details of locations and the timeline. That 8:06 to 8:12 is such a load of B.S.

And even if it were weirdly true: where the hell was sniper 2 when Crooks was bear crawling up the roof? Don’t pee on our legs and tell us its raining.


It would be interesting to know what door on the west side that the article would be referring to, but of course the article doesn’t say anything about that. Is this the possible infamous door 13?

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it could be the door at the east end of building 1
but then someone would have caught it on camera and we would have seen it
door 13 is extremely well hidden, behind a wall and down some steps
meaning it would be very hard to catch any LEO attention

we dont know if he ever opened a door
but we do know the whole story stinks
i will say the ABC news article although not a factual account, they did interview the squad, and obviously haven’t released the whole interview
so i wonder if statements made have been included in the newspaper section that were too damming to release in the video interview
and he doesnt say in the article he opened a door, he says he could see the people outside and hear them



I guess that would make Chris Masterson the other person that sees the same way I do.

Chris begs to differ from you. He thinks some of us makes great observations.

Here’s a screenshot from his video.

Please watch this video of July 19 of Chris agreeing with what he sees too.

Please know that at PP you bring your receipt and let everyone think for themselves. You think you.

PP is not an echo chamber. It’s ok to think and see things differently with supporting explanation & receipts.

I am just highlighting an observation I find peculiar. Maybe it’s the one and same person on the roof and sitting on the wall. Who knows!!

But isn’t it curious the hair look so different within a short time.

Plus the weather on that day of the rally is so hot. That could explain the greasy sweaty sticky looking hair condition of the pic sitting on the wall. And what with him running around the whole day here & there getting ready.

Yet Crooks hair on the roof is impeccably good looking. Lol

Again, please watch Chris video link below. Here’s what Chris said in his video.


maybe brushed his hair took a little time wanted to look good for the one to look good for Whatever was coming next in his life


I do not see what you’re seeing, sorry. Hair looks the same to me.

Sorry you are an echo chamber.

Idk why you’re trying to insult me because I don’t agree with you.

OK I’m done being nice. Unless someone comes forward & pushes the envelope we’ll never know which deep state entity actually pulled the trigger just like JFK whose real autopsy showed half his head was blown off, RFK was shot point blank from behind while his patsy was 6 feet ahead of him. And now we find out Crooks range was the OFFICIAL law enforcement training range in that area for DHS and other LEO’s.
Commies required you to ignor your feelings & your lying eyes. It’s very simple. No one was using normal SS protectee protocols that day (Dan Bongino). All the windows were open as you have shown. The Beaver County sniper suddenly left so he wouldn’t be a part of what was happening & to create all this drama.
SOMEONE WITH INTEGRITY like yourself Chris need to find out who the Butler County sniper was. You need to do an off the record in person interview with them to find the lead you need to follow. Them meaning for you to conduct an off the record interview with the beaver county sniper team & butler county sniper team!
CROOKS WAS A PATSY GROOMED BY THE FEDS OR INTEL! The shots that did the damage came from those windows behind the roof he was on! During the last 5 shots Trump wasn’t a target so they were a spree to inflict damage in the crowd & terrorize the people. PLEASE GET THIS DONE! Steer clear of Paramount Tactical. It’s either directly or indirectly groomed to be an intel misinformation op
 If you have questions just watch some of the videos he made since you two did the live.
This is a case of MADE IT HAPPEN!

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Crooks didn’t have an escape plan it appears yet it’s 100% certain he knew Secret Service Snipers were on the roof (Hercules 1 and 2) that’s why he setup behind the tree blocking their view of that side of the roof. Flew a drone over the area. Also all the assault teams on the ground. He didn’t have binoculars just a range finder. So it was scouted out ahead of time, just get up there and shoot.

My point is if he’s not on a suicide mission, “no escape plan” then he’s part of the team i.e. Butler/Beaver DHS mission to kill Trump. he’s on the team all of them utter contempt for MAGA red hats lead by the guy on the X. Looking at his thinking here. Met in DC, Boston, they came to his house, practiced at a range with DHS people etc.

Pipe bombs were intended to be used on Maga as well, didn’t find a place to put them to kill Maga Hats People. Defaulted to get on the roof and take shots at the X.

Again repeating this doesn’t appear to be a suicide mission, he’s on the team, I’ve got backup. Thinking outside the box of what he’s thinking by what he is doing. “going to be my premier” meaning his first big mission I assume is what he meant. Like he’s in a game a video game. Weird isn’t it when you put yourself in his shoes.

The hole in the deep state storyline is why did the Snipers leave their post? Obvious hole in their story implies they let this 20 year old up on the roof to fire on the X from 130 yards away, a Hickock 45 easy shot. Screams Patsy and pro sniper shooting out of one of 4 open windows, police all around so the pro shooter blended in including crooks. It’s so goofy and weird it’s a perfect plan until who ever shot at the X Crooks and another window shooter missed.

The biggest tell here is “shooter down” how did they know it was only one shooter?


I think what I was suggesting, without actually saying it, was (if we assume the most nefarious of GN), which I am still unsure of, is it possible that he had the sniper rifle on site in an area where he could access it (ceiling shooting through a vent, etc), then take the shot(s), make a ridiculous excuse about leaving his post (criminal negligence or at least gross civil negligence), then have an excuse about where he was (with two officers---------that we never see and I doubt exist), then is not “smart enough” to figure out that he should go back to his post to pretend he’s too late to stop the shooting, but rather simply exists the east side casually (and obviously knowing no threat exists) two minutes after the shooting.

It seems to me that when law enforcement does their investigation, they always ask for the “whereabouts” of the suspect during x time and y time. When the suspect’s story is unbelievable, the reaction is NOT to say “okay” (I would guess).

Is it any wonder GN’s boss, Mr. Young and Young’s boss (I think) (Nathan Bible) are defending GN and even lauding him for great old fashion police work, when the rest of the known universe, including Chris and virtually every person here on PP believes he is either grossly negligent or intentionally and conspiratorialy involved

Chris is correct; many of the answers to this mess would be discovered if we really knew what GN (and the Butler sniper–if he exists) were doing between 6:02-6:13 pm on 7/13/24

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Who said Crooks was alive or innocent? All we see is that someone dressed like him and vaguely resembling him was found dead in a compromising position. Having a gun (allegedly) registered to Crook’s father is not proof of identity. The gun registration is a lead that needs to be confirmed by DNA evidence from his home. And where is the autopsy report? Crooks may well have been an accomplice and is either dead or hiding for good reason.

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OK, I may have found a candidate for “M”, the Butler sniper.

If we go to this page, we read “The Zelienople Police Department is proud to have three active members in the Butler County ESU.”

If we go to their directory page we see one high-ranking officer whose surname begins with M.

I can’t read the content of this Google result because I don’t have a Facebook account, but it looks promising.

If we look at these emails obtained through FOIA by Judicial Watch, this person is cc’d.

I want to stress, this is just a candidate for M. This is not necessarily meaningful, it just seems like progress in the search. If this is not M, it seems likely they know M.

Edit: Edward Lenz is another Butler County ESU member (commander, apparently). Reference.


Hair style and facial hair on the 10th July 3 days before Rally


Hi Chris. Today, Tom Fitton / Judicial Watch report that Crooks had the text “Uriah the Hittite” on his mobile (as shown by Greg Nicol’s pic taken at about 5:14 PM I believe). Unclear if Crooks texted the message, or someone else texted the message to Crooks. King David’s soldier Uriah the Hittite was killed after King David, who hated Uriah after impregnating Uriah’s wife Batsheba, withdraw Uriah’s retinue. It’s no far leap of thought that “Uriah the Hittite” is code for Donald Trump, and “King David” code for President O’Biden. The text suggests two things: 1. Mike Benz’s suspecion that the DHS / HSI, that had an unusually large presens at Trump’s J 13 Butler rally, trained and brainwashed assassin Crooks at the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club’s gun range may be correct, and 2. HSI may have texted Crooks code “Uriah the Hittite” at about 5:14 pm, meaning Trump’s body guard had been, or was about to be withdrawn, i.e., the counter-snipers (Greg Nicol & Co) had or were being lured to abadon their positions at the AGR building (for reasons yet to be established).


This would link others into this plan to assassinate Donald Trump. Good take.

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NONE of it adds up, and it’s all just lies, obfuscation, malarkey, incompetence, and/or implausible or IMPOSSIBLE explanations (e.g. being in 2 different places at the same time).

  1. Some excuses such as from the DA include, “They couldn’t see the roof from their 2nd story window vantage.” Well, with respect Mr. DA, that’s either gross criminal incompetence on the part of the security team, setting up in a overwatch position where they cannot do the overwatch necessary due to obstructed views. In which case then the 2nd story roof would have been a superior location. And/or it’s an outright lie demonstrating dishonesty and incompetence because we KNOW the roof can be seen from those windows because we have photos proving it.

  2. I would demand an explanation why these interior rooms were chosen, rather than the rooftop which offers more deterrence visibility and a 360 degree elevated view. The rooms only offer very narrow fields of view. Incompetent choice for this mission set.

  3. And of course the myriad of questions about leaving their posts to go chase people around, getting locked out, what weapons were at what locations at what time and who was watching them if they left their postings, why were they bunched up in the corner versus spread out in the building, nailed down timeline inconsistencies, the myriad of highly suspicious communications failures (delayed texting, not using radios, going to meet people face-to-face, wrong radio channels, inter-department comms, etc.).


Well, that’s interesting
when we look straight out this window we are looking at what appears to be straight into the ground floor windows of the distant brick building. I don’t have any full-story elevation changes (~10-12 feet)in any of my site docs.


In fact, it kinda looks like we’re even looking at the foundation of the brick building? That comports with the idea that we’re on the first floor, but we’re 3-4 feet below the brick building’s elevation, which does match my site maps.

This image is why I thought there’s a ground-floor component to this, but it could be a trick of the lens, or a misunderstanding of the actual elevation changes.


I think it is an unknown because, while Greg Smith seems credible nobody to my knowledge has been able to nail down his location. Apparently his wife and maybe kids are on video from the west lawn near the west side ARG #6 at the time but it’s unclear. Best guess is that he was with his wife at that location, and had a good view of Crooks crawling as he stated, and that would give him visuals of the relatively close and well lighted open windows on the 2nd floor. I see no reason he’d manufacture seeing a guy with tattoos in the windows. Now we need to figure out who that was and why that person was inactive.

I’ve written elsewhere that it’s my opinion that stubby rifle under the concealment netting to break up it’s profile is a M14/M1A SOCOM .308 / 7.62x51mm semi-automatic rifle, with a large powerful optic and numerous forward attachments (white light, IR light/laser, and small bipod) sitting on a large monopod of some type that has a lockable articulating joint.

Similar rifles without all that hardware.

No, I’m sorry. That’s really not how rifles tend to work. While possible, the odds of that are 0% in this particular situation.


Reject Plausible Excusibility for the failure to find & neutralize gunman who killed Cory Comperator & injured others during the assassination attempt on President DJ Trump

@SpaGuyYouTuber’s drone footage advances the visual evidence to prove malicious negligence against the West side Uni-cops who failed to find or engage the gunman as they strolled around the area looking for the gunman.
Notice the tactical advantage from here.
https://www.youtube. (pde) com/watch?v=euZXscg2mV0 t= 6min
