Why Aren't Investigators Asking the Right Questions of the Right People?

I think it’s a big mistake, how Goodman is acting. Not only is it immoral from my perspective, but it’s not even pragmatic at all. I think Goodman has a problem where egotism is preventing him from being a good investigator. If we send out probes to various people and don’t get anything back, it may be partially because Goodman already used up their patience.

I don’t know, I think they just didn’t understand how to do it. I think they intended to hide the information, did it wrong, and if they know the cat is out of the bag, they probably just accept it because there’s nothing they can do about it now.


You could be right.
i will mention that at one point I did find a document available online from the PSP listing names and phone numbers of LEO’s in the state who completed a specific tactical course. I didn’t save a copy and would probably be hard-pressed to find it intentionally looking for it, but it did strike me as odd they would post the cell phone numbers.

Throughout my career I was always provided a company phone and realized I had no right to privacy with it. I’m wondering if all of those cell phones are department issued, and thus deemed public information. Some of the departments, like Cranberry Township, list phone numbers in their department directory on their website.


can share the actual audio here if ucan? i am blocked not sure what i said and i might hv said plenty enuf to piss him off.


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He posted this call on his YouTube channel.


yEARick pun :slight_smile:



Benny Johnson
Sep 13

BREAKING: A Secret Service investigation into the security breakdowns that led to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump revealed that agents never directed local police to secure the roof of the building used by the gunman.

Mike Benz
Sep 13

they deliberately left the roof unguarded, likely because a small compartmentalized cell inside DHS had advance awareness thru informants in Crooks’s encrypted chat network of his intent to go up to the roof to shoot Trump during the speech

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OK, but then it seems like Nicol and Murcko had to be in on it, or maybe just one of them, and the other was called away at a critical time or something. The roof guarding situation wasn’t ideal, but as we’ve talked about many times, if somebody was watching to the south, they’d see Crooks, and if somebody was watching to the west, they’d see the worried people in the crowd.

I like Mike Benz, but he’s basically impossible to communicate with. It’s the same situation everywhere – the people who have audiences big enough to make a difference absolutely will not listen to any normal person about important facts. I mean, Benz could tell everyone the very short list of people of interest in the case, but he won’t. I find it incredibly frustrating.


Just thinking aloud here. Jason Woods was originally watching out the west window, but then he left. According to the diagram drawn by (I think) Woods, Nicol was at the southwest corner of the building watching south, and Murcko was at the window to the east of that.

So let’s say that after Woods left, maybe Nicol was watching both west and south, and didn’t have a good view of the critical roof at all. Murcko was in a better position to see Crooks on the roof.

Let’s say that Nicol isn’t in on it, but he just chooses the most fantastically unlucky moment to leave his station. Murcko is apparently still at the relatively eastern window, which is open. When he hears the rifle being fired, how is it possible he’s not the first to engage Crooks with his pistol?

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Let’s look at some of the related evidence, shall we.

“A Butler sniper leader who met Nicol and his partners at the AGR building told them their mission was to look out those windows and scan the area for threats, Nicol said. They were instructed to remain covert. They set up their rifles on tripods so that the barrels were a foot or two inside the open windows to prevent them from being seen from outside.” (Source: CNN)


The misinformation is they left their post. The testimony came out that these guys left their post and they weren’t following their duties and they could have stopped this and that’s simply not true,” said Rich Goldinger, the Butler County District Attorney.

On Tuesday, lawmakers suggested if the local snipers didn’t leave their post, they would have seen crooks climbing onto the roof but the DA said that’s not the case.

“My understanding is that they would have had to leaned out the window and looked to their left and to see him but the windows were not open,” said Goldinger. (Source: WXPI)

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.

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In addition to CNN broadcasting the execution live (even though they had not show Trump’s rallies before), NYT photographer also set an unnecessarily high speed shutter for an event nobody would expect a high velocity objects that would have required such shutter speed.


So they left their posts, no, they didn’t leave their posts…and windows were closed.

But…we’ve seen that the windows were wide open…

The actions at the AGR are bizarre. It exists in another dimension where multiple officers can’t locate a guy on a roof when people on the ground see him just fine and scream about him, a single officer does see him and doesn’t try to stop him at all, and instead, the officer clears the fenceline the guy is about to shoot over. You know, after that officer peeks at the third window. No worries, nothing to see here. Glass research ventures are clearly just weird dimensional anomalies.


and looks like the pdf is silly redaction as well

if you got acrobat or illustrator, u can open the document and remove all the blacks in there.
file from the john goodman zip file uploaded by brian.

easily can delete off the redaction
Butler ESU Operations Order-FIXEDredacted.pdf (1.9 MB)

with everything removed in case no one seen it.


JG is constantly trying to goad me into responding to his assaults on our investigation, my integrity, my intelligence, my work, etc.

I have never responded and don’t plan to, as I never feed the trolls. He’s - at best - an egotist run amock and at worst an intentional water-muddier.

Either way, his value is negative to the project. I strongly recommend being highly selective in what we ingest from his sourcing. There may be some good stuff in there…but far too often there’s complete garbage (e.g. water tower, shot from the closed window, suppressed rounds, etc., etc., etc).

I haven’t blocked him on Twitter yet, but I will not respond.