Why Didn't The Regulators See This?


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Covid Scam & The Lack Of Journalism

Once again Martin Armstrong is correct. He said: “Those who seem to love to experiment with disease and humans have a strange curiosity that never seems to be beneficial for humanity. Mengele and Fauci had one thing in common – they wanted to play God. Mengele was experimenting with hereditary to create the perfect race and Fauci was experimenting with deliberately taking a virus from animals and manipulating it to infect humans – hence Gain of Function.
In Singapore, the numbers have shown that this entire COVID Vaccine has been a scam. They released the number of Perinatal Mortality and Stillbirths. Perinatal mortality went up by 44.7%, and stillbirths shot up by 70.5% compared to the previous year. This is what happened when they ordered the entire population to be double vaccinated. This has exposed the true evil behind this experiment and Pfizer. We see now that the numbers shoot up in 2022, one year after 87% of the population was double vaccinated! Thank you Pfizer and our politicians who are only focused on how much money they can stuff in their pockets.”

On The Covid Front

Does America actually have competent doctors? Apparently not many.
COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured Doctors Are Finally Starting to Speak Up… And They Are Shocked that the Medical Establishment Abandons Them.

COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured Doctors Are Finally Starting to Speak Up… And They Are Shocked that the Medical Establishment Abandons Them.
US & Canadian Governments Continue Jabbing Kids with mRNA “vaccines” despite evidence of damaged hearts and immune systems
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Damaging Immune Systems & Hearts of Canadian Children. Interview with Odessa Orlewicz
Fear-driven British Almost Exterminated All UK Cats as an Anti-covid measure UK Government Considered Exterminating All Cats at Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic https://sputniknews.com/20230302/uk-government-considered-exterminating-all-cats-at-outbreak-of-covid-19-pandemic-1107926900.html
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I have read but have no hard data there are concerns that the fetuses may themselves have damaged reproductive systems, rendering them infertile as well. If true, it is beyond catastrophic.


Freedom Of Speach And Informed Consent

Chris and Eve should reach out to pediatrician Paul Thomas in Oregon, who has lost his license over informed consent in childhood vaccinations. He could use the support, and is also a great resource. He grew up in Africa. It seems to be a recipe for civil courage, ref. Marik, Hoffe and others. Thomas’ YouTube channel has 10 years of mostly non-controversial great value medical content for parents. He is now looking to do citizen journalism.

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You Can’t See When Your Eyes Are Closed

It’s a bit of a glib answer to Chris’ (no doubt rhetorical) question.
The regulators cannot see what they are actively NOT looking for.

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Looking For The Graph On Higher Incidence Of Covid By # Of Injections

I’ve seen the graph multiple times, but can’t find it now. Also, where was it published.


Mentions a study from The Cleveland Clinic. I have not had a chance to look for the paper…

Purchased Blindness

We all make compromises. Sometimes it’s as simple as keeping silent about CRT or DEI training being pushed down our throats at work because we know it to be racist, but we feel the draw of the paycheck to be too strong to risk. Maybe we cave in and take the clot shot to keep a job or so we can travel, attend a sporting event, or visit grandma. Whatever our vulnerability, they work hard to exploit it. Would you “encourage” your workforce to take an experimental injection for federal money? I’m sure many CEOs were enticed with this option. What about rubber stamping approval of an injection with truly dismal safety data in exchange for money and keeping your job?
I left my job last year because I finally decided not to sell my soul for a paycheck. I don’t have to pretend to go along with DEI, CRT, supporting BLM, and all the other woke virtue signaling the tech industry has adopted. It’s time to redesign my life according to my own moral compass and discard the “latest thing” garbage.
Every small compromise we make takes a toll on us. Eventually, it changes us in drastic ways we couldn’t have imagined when we started.
Of course we need to do some give and take negotiation in life, but we don’t have to remain silent and accept things that are wrong.
Let’s reclaim our country and shine light on all the lies out there when we see them. Stop wearing fake masks in public, quit including pronouns on your emails and online profiles, and before we point fingers and shame others, let’s make sure we’re not just falling into the latest trap of divide and conquer. We should all be allies in making the world a place worth leaving to our children.

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Of course the regulators saw it. They chose not to say a word, betraying every principle of clinical research and human rights that undergird the moral structure of medicine in a civilized society. I can’t even write this without crying; I thought I lived in a different and better world. We are now living in the post-ethical world in regard to medicine, and may God help us all. And give us the courage we need to destroy it and to rebuild upon a moral and patient-centered model.

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Anecdotal - Sperm Down By 40%

Talking with a co-worker about how messed up all this is and he revealed a pretty stunning personal experience - during covid times, he had decided to get the “big snip”, and had to go through pre-surgery counseling etc, which included getting sperm count tests done before and after surgery. Well, pre-surgery sperm test also occurred pre-vax for him, and then he had a post surgery count done, coincidentally post-vax. The test measured how “active” the little guys are, and his doctor was stunned(and worried) to report that his activity, across the board is down by 40% according to the post vax test, a very NOT normal change for this guys demographics and across that period of time. means the sperm are feeble and slow, not a good indicator for fertility. this is a family doctor that hes had for most of his life, and pretty darn trustworthy, the doctor has recommended further protective measures, because if this one issue popped up, he’s worried about other issues from the vax that cant be easily measured affecting the co-worker. The co-worker had no other life factors that could explain this change, he’s even been losing weight and eating healthier during the elapsed time, plus he already has kids and never had any reproductive challenges before. he’s pretty freaked about it.

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Self Reporting

At a casual glance it looks like the self-reported vaccine injury stories on this site, for Australia anyway, match roughly the age/demographic breakdown Chris shows in the video. Plenty of 20-50 year old women, far fewer me. Scattering of youth.
I have yet to look at the overseas stories.
There’s plenty of gaslighting, poor medical ‘care’, and heartbreak in these stories.