Why Doctors Don't Get Rich

let us know if she needs bone marrow. I bet a bunch of us would go get tested.

Thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family, Chris.

I am sending my good wishes and support from Oregon for this challenging time for you and your family Chris. I am supposing this is difficult and scary. I am so sorry.

Dear Chris,

It was either Erica’s struggles or important work being done with the FLCCC and their mission, perhaps both. I was hoping your daughter was feeling better and on her way to a speedy recovery. Cancer manages to turn life into an extreme rollercoaster ride, an amplification of what we’re used to. Trying to manage your homestead, your work, the fight against covid/gov bodies, and your daughter’s condition can be overwhelming to say the least. You take on a tremendous amount of responsibility and now you’re given the ultimate. Erica is by far the priority. In case you don’t already know and I’ll speak on behalf of the community here - we will be here for you when you’re ready. Put us on the back burner and don’t give us any of your energy right now, we’ll manage while you’re gone. There is no advice I can give to someone like you because your abilities are so strong that I know you’ll stay balanced and do what you do best, which is research and find the right solutions for you and your family.

I wish there was something I could do and I know there is only one thing you want right now. I’m thinking of you, your family, and especially Erica during these difficult times.

With Love. A

We have never met Dr. M but over the decade you have been a friend. Thank you. Wishing the best for your family and a speedy recovery for your daughter.

We will be in prayer for Erica, Chris and family. May God grant you and your family the peace that passes all understanding. Miracles can and do occur, it is evidenced simply by looking in the mirror. Each day, each breath, is a gift that should not be overlooked. Paul’s letter to the Philippians 4: 4-9 Roman’s chapter 8

Chris, sorry to hear about your daughter’s illness.
I’m keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Chris, Best wishes for Erica. Your family is in our thoughts.
-Travis and Kate

This is off topic, but wanted to put the link out there:
The webinar is a fairly deep dive into the pandemic data (with more to come), and some of the data is startling. The focus is on the new covid vaccines and how these injections work. For instance the mRNA is a synthetic mRNA, genetically altered and under US patent, and there are 65 mRNA vaccines in the pipeline - probably all under some patent application no doubt.
If you need vaccine talking points, this is a good resource. It’s a long webinar but goes by quickly because the presenters are so experts. In fact a lot like Chris.
Wishing everyone well, especially Chris and his family.
Hare Krsna!