Why Doctors Don't Get Rich

I miss Chris’s updates on the FLCCC doctors and their struggle to get Fauci & CO to pay attention the science and help bring Ivermectin and other outpatient treatments for COVID-19 to America.
Because it will save lives - of our friends, and our countrymen. And women.
That’s what I miss.
If “the party of science” lived up to its name, hundreds of thousands of lives would be saved.

A fascinating place to drop into each day to see what cutting edge discovery is gaining attention. COVID19Crusher
One of the most recent is inhaled corticosteroid, budesonide. It was initially recommended by a GP, Dr Richard Bartlett, then pooh-poohed delaying its application by months, then most recently shown to be very helpful in a RCT in the UK.

This is a lifetime chart of Bitcoin.It has a steady rise over 13 years.

Is everything okay with Chris? Much less content and online presence recently, so just wondering if he’s okay?

Have been wondering the same thing. I look forward to his daily content on Twitter and he’s hasn’t been around. Hope everything is okay.

Wondering the same thing here. Have we seen anything from Chris in week? Hope things are okay.

ao said: “The big question is, what does Barb think about all this?;-)”.
Ever since he did I have been thinking: We’ve run HOT for a good long time and I have to admit that when you do you know things aren’t this easy. So I thought, lets capture some of these profits and the Cabin costs goes away because it’s already paid for if I Sell something. I even mentioned it yesterday. So, I’m in bed, tired of course and my last thought was “Grandma always said, Mom too, to sleep on it and it’ll be clearer in the morning’. NO truer words have ever been spoken!
ao, you’ll love this: I asked Barb!!, it’s 4am and she just crawled out, me, I work from 2:30am, all day every day and nap once for 2 hours. I usually are sleeping by 9pm. “Barb, listen, my gut has been churning on the fact we have really made a lot of cash with no real correction that wasn’t a buy on the dip and that I’m thinking we take 2/3 off the table, assure the Cabin’s build on the profits we’ve made the last few months and put away all the stress by having aside this cash”. Her immediate reaction was “do it, trust yourself and we will feel great because nothing else needs buying that can’t wait until we move in”. The Kitchen appliances and all household sundries.
So, I made my order pre market and at 9:07 it was filled as we agreed. You see, by asking Barb I got my answer and that was is she a bit stressed about being happy we were doing so well but, wanted to get everything settled so she knew the Cabin was for real. The Dream was happening!
We still have nice bank in shares in oil-natural gas, we have all our investments in her accounts just waiting to clear to us pn April 1st and May 1st as she has retired and we settle up 3 accounts with the hospital. So all is good. You see, we have to pay for the lumber, windows and doors. All interior shaker cabinets are ordered and waiting on when we need them. These are paid for already. We only need the bathroom vanities and a window seat. Those get purchased on Saturday. So in my oil stocks I will pay for all we will need for the build. I sold more than needed so will buy as I see how tomorrow unfolds and get some cheap shares. It’s all about the shares!
Had I not talked with Barb I may have not sold early and got easily the high of the day, I just needed a push and who better knows when to give me one but my Lady of 47 years.
Folks I know I include Barb in everything (add nauseum perhaps). I speak about her by design. It’s my way of complementing your wives or husbands too. What we are all set upon to do is going to change the world, we lead by example, and frankly without Barb and without your spouses/friend it won’t get done. It just won’t. They deserve our respect and I’ll be damn if Barb who has done everything in her life for me and I her isn’t coming along with me for the ride, and taking just as much credit for what we are about to do?! No F…ing way!. It’s a harmonious outcome quite frankly.
Thanks ao, you were exactly what was needed for me to remain focused, not be greedy and save about $30K today as the market for me settled over 10% down. That’s a lot of shares that won’t cost me a dime because I saved on my 2/3rd exit! Awesome. Dumb luck I suppose. I think we make our own luck right!? As George Perles always said: work hard, keep your mouth shut and good things will happen”. He didn’t mean we couldn’t engage in conversation, I don’t think. So I get a pass when talking here are my thoughts.
I love this site, you never know when someone is going to give some good advice. All I needed to do was “Just go ask Barb!” Dah.
Peace BOB

I think he’s working his ass off on his media room so he can bring some terrific podcasts and other things that turn him on without getting censored or having to watch every word he speaks. I believe he is about to share some serious information. My feelings after having been here 13 years is whatever he’s got cooking is going to blow us away. Like what happened when he holed up in some isolated cabin somewhere in retreat and gave the world his book and the 3 E’s and so much more added over the years. The Crash Course is a legacy print that he should feel very proud of and does I imagine. So, let the Man chill, smile and flirt with his Lady and take a nice deep breath. You watch, he’s coming. Besides, it gives us a chance to connect with each others, have conversation and express a little more deeply how we think. Sandpuppy has a file of everything Gothic writes about on his desk! What a huge compliment to this Man and he has earned it because Gothic is one delightfully smart dude with a sense of loving life. I like him too. I like the old timers as well and the Lady’s kill it when they pipe in. Fairtax is so superb and has the pulse on everything in the world. What a joy! As well, Jim H. is always relevant and so many more. I still come here for information and surprises and are seldom disappointed. Be good Folks. Peace BOB

I think a lot of people are beginning to wonder and worry about Chris. It is anomalous for him not to be posting and many of us are quite concerned. While we all love Adam, I think the people that have been following Chris throughout the COVID debacle truly feel (infringing though it may be) like he is a part of our personal lives.
There are so many strange things going on in our world and it’s difficult to ascertain if he is being censored somehow, if he is ill, or if he just needs some personal time.
Chris is one of the best, and endearing communicators out there, so it is very disconcerting for him to go radio silent. Sure do hope he is okay…

My hubby and I love Chris and are wondering where he is as well. Hope all is well.

Maybe Chris bought another goat.

…Or maybe he’s watching paint dry in the new studio… Or maybe out felling some winter-dry trees for his upcoming japanese timber-frame dairy-barn project? Who knows…
Either way, hopefully he’s getting some recuperating time in before the 2nd half kicks off.
All I will I say is this: if you thought 2020 was weird and now thinking things will be going back to normal now since you got your flu shots, better buckle up and hold on. :^o

Well…everyone else is guessing…so here is my theory. Chris is working with the FLCCC docs on something big. He would only temporarily neglect PP if he could do more good elsewhere. And getting IVM mainstreamed would do the most good for the greatest number of people …think… “the whole world”. I see IVM breaking out in the near future.
If you go to the FLCCC website, they have an “insider” paid portal very similar to PP. Looks like Chris helped them set it up. They probably need money to lobby in Washington and surely they have major expenses. Dr. Kory is a passionate man and has to be working all angles to push IVM to be the first drug to treat and/or prevent Covid. I can’t imagine the resistance coming from big pharma.

I’m amazed Twitter continues to allow Covid19Crusher.
This is a recent tweet:

Canadian University McMaster to lead clinical trials of ivermectin, metformin and fluvoxamine. With Gates Foundation funding.
I can't wait to see the study design for that one. How about a RCT giving one dose of .0000000001 mg IVM after the person has been in the ICU for 5 days and only to people who have vitamin D blood test results < 10ng/ml.
The UK Recovery Trial will follow up with another RCT where they give 2000mg of IVM on the first day to people in the ICU and then pretend to wonder why more people who received treatment died.
How about a study of outpatients that is another glorified Internet survey where the medication has to be shipped to people. Since IVM is not nearly as time sensitive as HCQ they'll have to ship it from Vancouver to Montreal via dog sled.

Getting chemo for a blood cell cancer.

Well, with all the phenomenal prayers and good vibes this tribe will undoubtedly bring forth for Chris’ daughter, I’m visualizing a beautiful future for her. Aloha, Steve.

Blessings to you Chris. You and yours. We care.

Glenn Greenwald founded The Intercept after breaking the Snowden story. But right before the election in 2020, Greenwald found that he was unable to post his own articles at the place he founded due to the acts of the editors who exercised complete control over what he could say. So he had to end up quitting, and moving to substack.
It is a truly fascinating story about a Founder - of a site - who ended up being censored in his own shop. And those of us who read The Intercept over the years and appreciated his work had no idea. The only way he could tell us was when he quit.
I get the sense that censorship these days is off the charts. And that, sometimes, there is an invisible structure to things that isn’t apparent until, all of a sudden, it is.

Thank you for letting us all know! Much appreciated.
Wishing more than all of the best to Chris and his family❤️

These can be challenging and scary times for you all but I’m sure, guided by your truth finding skills, intellect, and solid judgement, she is getting the best treatment.

I will say, from my personal experience, the majority of oncologists will tend to ignore, downplay, or give token lip service to nutrition in achieving a durable complete remission.  In my research, however. I have found the exact opposite to be true.  Also, optimizing one’s nutrition is very beneficial in reducing or minimizing any of the potential side effects of chemo.  

As you no doubt know, cancer is an exceedingly complex subject and overcoming it takes a multi-faceted approach addressing a whole host of physical, psychological, and spiritual issues but from the physical perspective, nutrition is vitally important.

Here’s one article I found just today.


Patrick Quillin has written some of the best books on the subject such as Beating Cancer With Nutrition.  For an even broader holistic perspective, Unravel The Mystery by Ann Malkmus is one of the best.

Although my focus has been on a different type of cancer, there are certain generalized principles that apply to almost all cancers.  If I can be of any help at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

I said this here before but I’m going to do it again and give a shout out to Olive Oil Guy in particular.  His willingness to reach out to me and provide information and hope was life saving and I am extremely grateful to him.  I’ve been fortunate to have a tremendous amount of support from family, friends, and aquaintances and even people I’ve never met in person before and just one person can make all the difference in the world with saying the right thing, giving sound information, and/or providing that spark of hope that means so much under these circumstances.

Also, a shout out to Mpup and his prayer group.  Keep the prayers coming.  You and I know that they trump everything.