Why Is Coronavirus News Still So Inaccurate?

It is not what this toxicologic study revealed: “However, by the absence of detrimental physiological responses within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated.” (Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569027/). I am not implying that it is for internal use, but if one happens to accidentaly ingest it, the study seems to show one is not immediately at risk at all. (Of course as is the case for everything ranging from water to salt, the quantity matters).
MMS is sodium chlorite and not chlorine dioxide. Of course one should not drink that. I don’t think anybody has suggested that.

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I like your thoughts on canning avoidance, but I have never heard of tomato paste balls. Could you elaborate on their production and use?


The District of Prof. Raoult is “Bouches du Rhone” in the south of France. I’ll let you calculate the CFR and compare that to other district with 3000+ cases. Consider that Prof. Raoult is just one hospital in the district https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/europe/france-coronavirus-cases.html

I was intrigued by this in the article;

A man posing as a microscopic analyst at the Pasteur Institute of Morocco (IPM) advised citizens to have daily sexual intercourse to avoid coronavirus infection in a recording that was disseminated on social networks. IPM condemned the recording and took legal action against the author.
You mean this is in fact fake news? I have telling my wife this for two months now and it has been working great - no Corona virus in my house! I will be sorry to have to tell her that it's not true ) :

Hi there,
I just saw a post regarding a sampling of Swedish hospitals…below, which is totally the wrong way to set up a random sample. This is just terrible, poor, even high school statistics will inform you that this is not random and you cannot use this to make inference about a population. I suggest people doing these things start consulting with statisticians prior to setting up their tests…
A correct way to set this up would be to divide Stockholm into 4x4 grids, 16 areas. From each grid, take a random sample of 30 people to be tested. If you cant figure out a way to make this random, just put all the address into an index and roll a dice or random number generator! Do the tests then. Anyone who declines the test should be analyzed to ensure there is no bias across the sampled group. (eg all old people declined tests, etc)
30 samples from each of the 16 grids will yield 480 persons to be tested.
The problem with the below is not the quantity of tests done (527) but they way these individuals were selected. (hospital staff that had not worked with covid patients) Surely these cannot be representative of the Stockholm population! The bias is clearly in the statement itself! No matter how randomly the staff were selected.
By the way, the test is a good representation of the Swedish hospital staff population in Stockholm. You could say 20% of them have the virus.

“During the weekend there was a huge serological test done on 527 staffers at a large hospital in Stockholm. This was supposed to be a random group of staff that has not worked with covid19 patients. You can argue about the sample – staff at hospitals would be more exposed to covid19 even if they aren’t working with those patients directly, but on the other hand they would also be the best at “social distancing” and washing their hands. The research team of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm says the test is as close to 100% as you can come, will have to wait for the study to be fully published for it, this is really early information.
20% of them had antibodies. We have 2,377,081 people in “Stockholm Län”. So extrapolated on all of Stockholm, that would mean 475,416 have had covid19. We’ve had 1,237 fatalities in Stockholm as of yesterday (Monday 27/4). This would, if accurate, mean a IFR of 0.26%. And that’s in the entire region of Stockholm, not just the city”

Thanks for the tip on the MK Norris canning webinar. Very informative for beginners.

My tomato balls are just based on what our Italian neighbours used to do when we were growing up as kids. They made a thick sauce by skinning the tomatoes, crushing them in their hands, then straining the juice out through a clean t-shirt. Then they simmered the sauce on low for an hour or so, then dehydrated the paste further in the sun in thin layers laid on baking trays. In the end you get this incredibly thick, stiff paste. They would roll it into golf ball sized balls and then store the balls in a jar covered in oil. I’m trying it in vinegar because I’m paranoid about botulism with the oil/water interface. However, they never had any issues. This is a link to something similar I found online: https://www.culturesforhealth.com/learn/recipe/lacto-fermentation-recipes/lacto-fermented-dried-tomato-balls/
As for use: mix a ball with water to use it just like a normal tomato paste concentrate for bolognaise and other tomato based dishes. Not sure how well this process preserves the vitamins but it tastes fine.

Last week Dr. Thomas announced a free ebook he’s just written on coronavirus. I requested a link there, at Age of Autism, and have read the book several times. He has a lot of suggestions both for prevention and treatment, and thinks highly of HCQ. He recommends high doses of C taken throughout the day, a pulse oximeter to consider medical evaluation at a certain point, and a personal nebulizer with colloidal silver to prevent or treat early pneumonia. He could probably tell you how to get HCQ.