Why Is Coronavirus News Still So Inaccurate?

I went last thursday, did stock up much because things looked good at the stores ( 2 stores). check one of my freezers and noticed i needed to restock it… and that I expect meat to be an issue shortly… was at the store today… NO meat… Well it has finally begun… Even if you can find food, I expect steep price increases soon.

Chlorine dioxide will sterilize surfaces and decontaminate water, killing any viruses on them or in them. But ClO2 is NOT for internal use. It should never, ever be taken internally. Please don’t do it.
Here are some of the facts regarding chlorine dioxide.

We go back a long way here at PP. Both of you have represented yourself well. Dave, you are just brilliant. Jim, we came here around the same time, you brought us into the lab where you work and I love your pieces. I also loved the FACT you were first with Bitcoin way back when we could have all been filthy rich had we invested in Bitcoin when you first brought it to us. I think Bitcoin was under $50 when you did. Stay the course.
Todays briefing was indeed a good one. You keep bringing it home Chris, and Adam, you do one hell of a job putting it all together. One cannot do without the other and by definition, is what makes a terrific partnership.
From learning here at PP and from Charles H. Smith, others, I have long ago went with my gut and my gut learned from my dedication to research with tools learned here and elsewhere and is then put in action. I started on the Virus from China back before the turn of the New Year. I have been in isolation since mid January and before I did I topped off my foods and put in shape my back up systems. Battery chargers, weather radio, flashlights and overall resiliency. It was never a hard call that this Virus stood a great chance of becoming a pandemic if just one person came from Wuhan. One is easy, it is a probability it would move beyond its border that was real so I took serious. I always want to be ahead instead of behind. Chris calls it: "better to be a year early than a day late. Perfect logic so I go with that for sure.
Regarding anything media: I just do not believe any media anymore and if ever there was an industry ripe for change it’s the media/reporter. I just think we are starved for honest, investigative reporting that is professional and is factual and truthful. Then step aside and let me make up my own mind. Someone will figure out how to monetize the truly gifted in one place, and the very best will earn a terrific wage reporting truth without having their strings pulled by the Rich status Quo bugs. Like Zero Hedge but mainstream. We all deserve it and boy is it ever needed. Again, I seek the truth and is why Chris and Adam get a lot of attention.
Folks, so good to see that you have managed to stay healthy and actually participate and share your skill sets here. I love what I get from this site. Peace

“Coronavirus: Doctors Stunned By Damage Seen Inside The Body” (4/28/20)

Chris, while I don’t think their results are as solid as they wish, the two doctors in California are not quite as bozo-like as you were portraying. Their data is based on two surveys, one of which was not randomly sampled, one of which was. So they aren’t completely statistically ignorant.
Their video is as much about questioning the narrative as presenting medical data which puts the medical data onto a shakier foundation since it implies that they may be massaging their data to fit their desired results.
Anyhow, your overarching point (their methods and analysis are on shaky ground) is reasonable but I don’t know if they deserved the evisceration they received.

I’ve noticed fewer frozen veggies. Canned meat mostly gone. Expect eggs to be next when everyone is looking for protein options.

I suspect Ice Age-farmer may be shadow banned or censured outright. Might want to make note of his website.

Has anybody been shopping for canning supplies?
I got my garden in. Gonna have lots of vegetables.
What is everybody going to do to store their vegetables for the winter? Looks like I’m late to the party for canning supplies.
Where do you get your jars and lids?
Let’s talk about canning.

There seems to be a lot of bitterness about not being “allowed to go outside”, so I have to assume that there are areas of the US (and certainly in the most crowded parts of southern Europe) where going outside really is restricted. But it must vary, and can’t we look at some of the middle ground that seems to be working? Here in BC, we are encouraged to get out, go for walks or whatever for fresh air and exercise (sunshine isn’t necessarily on order), just stay a respectful distance from non-family members, wear a mask if you are anywhere near others, all the usual hygiene things.
This is something I've thought about. Social distancing is easier for some than others. Where I live, in Wisconsin, the population density is very low. The county I live in averages around 75 people per square mile. A very large city may have 1,000 to as high as 40,000 people per square mile. It's a lot easier for me to effectively social distance outside than it is for people in large metropolitan areas. I can sympathize with people who don't have the elbow room that I do.

News story:
The company’s covid-19 faq seems to indicate the prescription is still available:

Hi Steve,
My local Tractor Supply still has canning supplies and organic seeds, although they are running thin. Lehman’s also has bulk quantities, although there may be shipping delays but deliveries in time for canning season. Scour whatever online or physical stores you can for canning supplies as those are going fast but are sill available for probably only another two weeks or so before the newly woke public rediscovers canning as a means of food preservation. Ditto for waterbath and pressure canners and dehydrators. Good luck and happy canning! :slight_smile:

I posted this on the “soils” thread, of possible interest. Space is limited, registration is required: https://peakprosperity.com/why-gardening-starts-with-growing-good-soil/#comment-643596

Prof. Raoult, based on the latest data, what do you think of the confinement exit strategy?
We are following the epidemic with our tests and as you can see we are now way passed the pic in Marseilles (note: the last day showed 1621 tests and 29 infected results). This type of curve is common to most epidemic. Generally there is no rebound. One must also understand that epidemic eventually disappear, that’s what happened since the dawn of time. We survived!
We don’t understand why epidemics fade out, for instance the flu is not infectious in the summer. We know it’s not the heat or the humidity, but we don’t understand why infected people coming from overseas do not infect people here in Marseilles for instance. It may be a question of ecosystem for instance.
Note that that bell curve is common to all locations in the world Singapore, US, Italy,… But of course all forecasts need to me taken with a grain of salt. The dates provided by the French Government are therefore reasonable. The 11th of May is between the 97 and 99 percentiles of the bell curve.
Now, concerning the treatments, we understand now that there are several phases in the disease.
Let’s deep dive in the stats. In Marseilles, at our IHU, we have 25k people who came for a tests, with 16k people with symptoms. The positive rate went as high as 22%, right now, there is only 5 or 6% positive in a day. We have done more than 6k serological tests. We found only 3.1% of the hospital employees with antibodies, to PPE works. This is actually on the same level as the general population so it’s not proven they could have been infected in the hospital. We have taken care of 3325 patients (outpatients), and 630 patients who have been hospitalized, we believe this is the largest series in the world. So overall they have done 4042 virus analyses with 15005 different strains of SARS-COV-2. Pr. Jacquier is working with them to perform low-dose scanner which is better than X-rays and traditional scanners. A key finding is that they found pulmonary lesions in asymptomatic patients (more than 50% of the case). The Chinese doctors had found it, and they confirmed it. We have also done 7500 EKGs (Prof Deharo, cardiac rhythm specialist).
They are now in the position to think further on the treatment(s) based on this dataset. Several stages then:
1/ incubation, here we only have a virus and often people are not aware. Young people have often only one symptom, the loss of smell.
2/ symptomatic period, but of course we need to treat them rapidly at that point. We of course know that this is true for the flu, where Tamiflu only works between the first and second day.
3/ then we have to deal the immune system (the response to the virus) and little by little there is no correlation between the viral load and the disease.
4/ Once they have been cured, there is still a risk of pulmonary fibrosis.
Each stage require a different kind of treatment. My belief is to treat patients as early as possible with as many tests as possible. Of course we cannot give toxic documents. This is why Remdesivir cannot work for a large number of patients because the toxicity is too high. This was clear in the study from China, but unfortunately it has very quickly removed from the OMS web site, but we know the toxicity because there were tests for the Ebola epidemic and these studies exposed the toxicity of this medicine.
The first study that was published in China was recommending using Chloroquine. What’s important to understand is that HCQ is itself an immunosuppressor, so there is still room to use it even in stage 3. We must know that Chloroquine and HydroxyChloroquite (HCQ) are medicine that have been in used widely for decades, to this day, I still don’t understand how the media could have gone ballistic on them, that is madness, they are sick, any physician can tell you. In 2019, in France we sold 36M plaquenil pill and no one was talking about cardiovascular problems. And all of the sudden, we figure out that this medicine is toxic. It was not even mentioned in standard medicine documents. There was recently a study on Plaquenil, on 350,000 patients and there was not one cardiovascular incident. All this knowledge is widely available. It’s mysterious to see this madness unfolding. Of course it’s all a question of dose. You can commit suicide with it if you want. We must go back to reason.
When it comes to azithromycin this is antibiotic that is the most prescribed for infectious pulmonary diseases, it works well with HCQ.
The effect of our treatment is noticeable, many physicians have used the same protocol. We must return to reason. An 80 year medicine cannot become all the sudden toxic. We cannot imagine how this kind of rumor could propagate, anyone asking a GP would be able to confirm it. What people forget is that Covid19 manifests itself sometimes as a cardiovascular disease, which sometime can be fatal of course, this is true if you take a treatment or not. It’s key to check low potassium levels, the EKG. All this is simple and does not justify this madness.
What is the role of physicians in this crisis?
Physicians react very well, I believe we are all well aligned. The idea that we can leave patients without treatment until their pulmonary capacity is too low is ludicrous. We have ne have never done that in the entire history of medicine. We can’t leave them in a bed until they can’t breath anymore. We can’t validate that behavior. We have an analysis by the French health care system of the prescription of HCQ and Azithromycin and one should not assume that’s a rivalry between Paris and Marseilles. The one who use the most HCQ are the Parisian patients. They are not crazier than other patients, if they are sick, they want a treatment, if physicians see a patient they can treat, they suggest a treatment.
What is remarkable is the quality of care in French ICU. In general we have seen mortality rate of 20-25% in other ICUs. In the US for instance. In France, we see a 9-10%. They have created a network to exchange information. For instance, as soon they saw embolism as cause of death, they quickly reacted and started to use anti-coagulants across the country. They also use outside standard protocol medicine that control the immune system. They are medicine for that. So we can use them, it’s a question of life or death. We must use what we can use to save people’s life. The quality of the French ICUs is remarkable, they were under pressure, war like conditions, the results are remarkable, we could have had 30% more deaths. Many people were saved because the quality of care.
So the last stage after ICU, the next question is how to detect pulmonary fibrosis for people who had an immune response.

This is something I’ve thought about. Social distancing is easier for some than others. Where I live, in Wisconsin, the population density is very low. The county I live in averages around 75 people per square mile. A very large city may have 1,000 to as high as 40,000 people per square mile. It’s a lot easier for me to effectively social distance outside than it is for people in large metropolitan areas. I can sympathize with people who don’t have the elbow room that I do.
I agree, Les - I am similarly fortunate - and certainly didn't mean to imply lack of sympathy, but rather wondering if and why smaller cities can't find some middle ground. Vancouver has a pop density of 13500 per square mile, Victoria 10500, so they obviously aren't as dense as NYC or similar, but they aren't small either, and people aren't locked in, even if most businesses are either closed down or working very differently. We have to find a way, while the researchers find some answers to all the questions still hanging there. I'm concerned that the annoyance is such that people will rebel against any kind of precautions, and deny the problem, because they are so frustrated. I suspect that where there is comparative compliance and adaptation it's because the limits aren't extreme, even though they are definite and specific. I guess what it amounts to is, hoping we can get past the hammer and into the dance before denial wins the day.  

I mean they should be the most sanitary places on the planet next to the O-R . Its not like the are having socials there… in fact I think hair and face masks are standard equipment for meat processors… So I have no idea why they are sick… They should not be going to bar and or club or restuarant for a good time and getting sick… So I am a bit confused.

The guys are morons and arrogant ones at that. There is no way to cut it. These guys should lose their licenses, they are not researches, statisticians, pathologists, mathematicians etc… nothing that gives them the authority to do any sort of data modeling. Especially, considering that the public looks up to Drs as knowing something and especially when life is concerned. That is why I think what they are doing is doubly dirty crooked , illegal , criminal negligent and reckless. Why? because if they are wrong… MANY people die… If they are right… the other more negative models killed no one.

There have been a few posts on this thread about colloidal/ionic silver. One of the new members, abeland1, started a topic on Feb. 20, 2020 called “Learn How To Make Colloidal Silver.” https://peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/learn-how-to-make-colloidal-silver/#.
His post basically provided a link to his “Gold Is Money” thread: https://www.goldismoney2.com/threads/the-art-of-making-colloidal-silver-silver-ions-electrically-isolated-silver.61973/. I followed the link and read all the posts. The posts were generally informative (some more so than others) and the demeanor of the site was similar to PP.
I’ve been using colloidal / electrically isolated silver for about 7 years and making it for about 6 years. I learned enough from the thread to consider it well worth my time to read it. In fact, the SFAM link that Daddy-O thanked me for giving him was in post #798 authored by abeland1. https://sfamjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jam.13525#jam13525-bib-0013
I wish we could get tests to prove the efficacy of silver solutions and to guide us into making better decisions regarding its use. Unfortunately, big Pharma needs to generate lots of billings to keep the monstrosity running. They can’t afford to allow any folk remedy to gain precedence. Why are they purposefully trying to downplay hydroxychloroquine? Simply because it is old enough to be off-patent. There isn’t any money in there for them. It’s the same with silver. Since there isn’t any money for them, all you’ll get is anecdotes and an occasional oddball study that slipped through the cracks.
What happens if the wheels come off the economy due to our lockdowns? We’re already seeing certain commodities in short supply at the store. You can expect to see many more items becoming scarce. Why? Our Just-In-Time delivery system needs all sources to operate near peak efficiency to work as we expect. What happens when an outbreak of Covid-19 hits one of the key sole source suppliers? Once the inventory has been exhausted, the downstream manufacturers shut down awaiting parts. When you start to think about all the things that have to go reasonably right for our modern existence to continue, it gets scary. Break a link in the chain and the chain fails.
There are people on this site who advocate growing a garden. Others have a niche in self defense. Some are very good at building shelter. Etc. Etc. Etc. They’re all willing to share their knowledge. That’s what makes this a community. It also is the main reason I come by as often as I do.
So, what are you going to do about medicine if there’s a long shutdown that affects almost everything? Silver won’t cure everything, but it is shown to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It can be used topically or ingested. A little bit goes a long way. It is easy to make. All it takes is distilled water, pure silver (0.9999+,) and a DC voltage source like 1 or more 9-volt batteries. Of course, there are devices on the market that make the process more or less automatic and can produce ionic silver or colloidal silver. There are also other tools to check the concentration of impurities in the water and the final concentration of CS/EIS.
Wouldn’t it be smart to check out what’s needed and how to make it … while the economy’s wheels are still rolling, and you can still get items from the brown truck of happiness? Hmmm.

Meat packing plants are cold and humid, so very good for the virus to hang around in the air. The people are working in very close proximety to each other.

Other than some waterbath jam I decided not to can - it takes too much wood and destroys a lot of some types of vitamins. Also I’m lazy and want to minimise possibly unsustainable inputs like sealing rings. I’m going with in-ground storage under thick wood chips for roots, tough greens and lettuce (occasional min temp of -6C but no snow), seasonal winter fruit from citrus etc, about 100kg sauerkraut and another 100kg other fermented veg, tomato paste balls covered in vinegar, garlic, onions and lemons in lacto fermented vinegar with the mother on top to keep the bits below the surface, ginger and turmeric in cooking sherry. Also dry beans in jars and a tiny rick of experimental maize on the cob. Sweet potatoes and pumpkins under beds - with some extra sweet potatoes to sprout for leaves. I’m hoping to have time to work out mushrooms and diy shelf stable stock cubes this winter and some kind of meat storage (my jerky never works and I’m not game to try fermented salami or smoke cured ham).

https://thegrayzone.com/2020/04/20/trump-media-chinese-lab-coronavirus-conspiracy/I am more confused by the day. This article seems to have a decent chronology of the evolution of this theory with links to go deeper. Will we ever know the truth?