Why The Windfall Oil Tax Will Backfire

you call them leaders. really??
when did they become leaders instead of public servants?
words have meaning.
they are not leaders, they are not elite.

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well since we are strutting our credentials i published my poetry under the name of e.e. cummings.


Yes, and no. Kids won’t stay free and fearless. Our education system, MSM, and organizations will probably transform him into a mindless drone. The odds are ~1:2 against him

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Central Europe

Here the windfall tax is supposed to only tax Electricity producers and banks.
Banks, I don’t know, but electricity producers certainly do qualify for the “windfall” definition.
Why? Because due to the way the electricity market is set up, prices are set at the margins. Meaning “the last producer to come online sets the price for all electricity” I our case, that is Natural gas. That is at best 10% (https://app.electricitymaps.com/map) of all production. Meaning the other 90% are sold at well above production + profit price.* The second part of this is that the windfall tax revenue is to be used to pay for the subsidies citizens get to pay for the insane market prices, and/or to pay for capped prices. We shall see how this plays out

There is no windfall tax on oil producers, mainly because we have none :slight_smile:
I don’t know how banks come into this, but no one here likes them having big profits anyway :slight_smile:

  • An exception to this is France, with the insane ARENH system: forced sale of about half nuclear produced electricity at fixed prices, very much under market prices; thank you forced fake market. – This was put in place because no one could compete with the low prices of nuclear, and the EU desperately wanted to have a market.

I understand words have meaning. You can call them what you like but the generally used term is society is leader. It doesn’t matter to me what they are called really. I sure as shit didn’t vote for them and would rather not have them in power. Never in my life time have they been true piblic servants so I refuse to give them the honor of that term. As for the term elites, again it is a societal term that when used, we all get a good sense of who we are referring to. Would you prefer I use FJB and his pedo administration or the sick fucks running the wef because I am fine using those terms too. They are just not nearly as polite.

My cap is off to you!

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You look quite good for a man of your age and advanced state of decay!

Word salad. Try again without the self-referential hubris.


I’m sure it was simply overlooked ?

Does the big guy have to pay taxes on his 10%?


The essays made me think of the Buddhist parable:
When a novice accidentally knocks an ancient and precious vase and breaks it, the only possession of the Buddhist master; the Buddhist master gives thanks and smiles. The novice apologizes profusely and remarks 'how are you not upset by my carelesness? The master replies that the vase was always going to be broken, and I am thankful that I got to benefit and enjoy it for so long.
I think the brokenists vs status quo-ists has merit, but is a false binary

Or Donald Trump who received millions from his criminal real estate father

the list goes on and on and on

I read the articles and agree that institutions are breaking down for sure. I see it as late stage capitalism and exponential growth on a finite planet and how those two things are integrated and running into real world limits. It’s Capitalism not Communism I see as the greatest obstacle to planetary equilibrium. Yes, the biological as well as financial world is collapsing and they are connected
we need a new system and no folks unfortunately everyone will not reach the physical comforts of the worlds richest %20(and planetary limits won’t allow for it anyway). The rich don’t care about us but they do recognize obvious planetary
limits and are intent on getting rid of the “disposable non consumerist based people on the planet”!! More viruses etc are coming to reach their goals. I have no doubt.

Of course we should tax some of their excess profits
this will in no way stop them from producing more of their product. The key word here is “excess” profits. I find Chris’s
“logic” here very faulty. These oil corporations are criminal enterprises at the least .
Show me evidence that taxing their obscene excess profits will in any way hurt the oil majors stability. The majors continue to throw billions and billions into frackin and other money losing endeavors and their still making record profits.

How would you define obscene excess profits? Who are you to decide how much money a company should make? What are you going to suggest next nationalizing them? Over taxation of successful businesses destroys them. You call them criminal enterprises. So do you believe that pharma is a criminal enterprise too because I figure there is much more recent evidence of pharma being criminal than today’s oil industry.

Ultimately there is no satisfactory tax solution to this situation because income / profit taxes are fundamentally flawed. Only personal wealth taxes are sustainable. Since the chance of us getting a properly instituted wealth tax are less than zero, there is no solution. The oil companies will be taxed at some rate depending on how angry people become; maybe nationalized too. At some point they won’t be able to pump more oil for economic reasons. Same outcome as always predicted by Peak Oil theory. One way or another we get there.

Interesting System Diagram Of Our Current Problems

The problem with Wicked problems at scale is that we have wheels within wheels, all contributing to a self-perpetuating downward spiral. This is a good diagram. Misses only the problem of Woke/collective/mass formation.

Not knowing what’s possible for those incentivised, knowing about incentives tells you little. All civilisations that collapsed had plenty of incentives not to collapse.
Civilizational incentives are a smaller driver when compared to individual incentives. "So i'm gonna get F*U* rich if I do this, and there's a chance it could hurt civilization." Does anyone care? Mostly, no. So we rephrase. "Show me the collection of *individual* incentives, and I'll show you the collective outcome."