Why We All Lose If the Fed Wins

…just to say, I enjoyed the the analysis and the graphs, anyhow, Chris. And not that it affects the Planet or probably you very much, but after a rush of blood to the ears and selling my PMs, I remembered the points Gail of "ourfiniteplanet.com"made, I panicked even more, and bought them back again at an higher price of course! Sorry to worry some people already worried sick( I'm often one myself) but she feels we'd be doing well if electricity kept functioning for even 20 years after oil becomes scarce. Of course, unlike the Pope, she may not be infallibile.
I don't mean to be crass and insensitive by mentioning money when so many of you are sharing with us what you have or are going through. Perhaps personally I'm resonating most with Jan, as I've often thought that loosing your hearing must be so difficult as it can cut your human communication so much. But thanks for cheering me up Jan - I can now feel right! I'm inclined to limit my own communications as by even speaking a long sentence I give myself a tension headache ( Am of course also trying to lighten the mood a little-and do not require much sympathy at the moment!)

There's so much worry and so much potential on this site. Can I venture that it's good to panic early and  often as it helps get it out of the way so that we can do what we need to do. They say that all soldiers run away but the best return and fight. I of course was discharged from the Irish Army by mutual consent - nobody even looked crooked at me and it wasn't even like work!  In the intervening years I've discharged myself innumerable times from hospitals - you've guessed which kind. Not that I'm any madder than your average voter or the good Mr.Bernanke. It's just a stress thing that turned up to visit at 16 and kinda insisted on staying. Did I say I'm 63? Mustn't go on, but will say that modern antidepressants can be powerful,and 2 antidepressants which I've graduated to ( nothing to do with the state of the world ) even better.

Apart from making our own personal prepreparations or not, it seems to me we have reached another Mutual Assured Destruction stage in history some decades after the nuclear one. There must be a lot of old geezers who helped rachet down the nuclear arms race, still around, who'd be only to happy to help with this predicament for free if asked. Especially, if allowed make a computer game of it, and hoards of young nerds invited along , Bill Gates could shake everybodys hand and present real awards for saving the real world. Sorry, wasn't it too much positive thinking in banks, and antidepressants that got us to here in the first place! Mind you, didn't two professors write a book called "Cooperation" recently. These guys really do like predicaments. I do of course, realise, that many of us may be required to get of the Planet for the solution to properly work.

Please don't everybody get too mad at me for saying this but isn't the greater the crisis, the greater the greater the oppertunity. My guess is that before very long so many of us are going to discover strengths and weaknessess we never knew we had, but it's the strengths that'll matter most in the end. Hang in there everybody!

I've  got to go and take a sleeping tablet now, but so as you do realize I'm still compise mentis I do realize the low probability of psychiatric medication availability in the future and that some sections of the populance will be tempted to view other groups including my own as impedimenta, as Cesear might put it, but of course in better Latin.

Best Wishes






The Fed is the entity established to enable the commercial banks to achieve greater and greater control over the political system. That transition is now basically complete. The commercial banks are the agents of the elites used to facilitate the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elite class, with the goal of achieving private ownership of everything, via debt slavery for the masses.
This is why the average person must go into debt to do anything – their net worth is basically zero, if you subtract liabilities from assets. Because the elites own everything.

Economists have, from this, developed entire theories about how credit is necessary to foster growth, innovation, and prosperity, and to get new things done. But this is only because we are debt serfs and have no way of doing new things without going further into debt. In reality, the only reason credit appears to do these "good" things is because it further inflates the ponzi scheme.

This is why I find Ellen Brown's promotion of state banking vs. Fed banking to be perplexing. The only reason we need banking and credit is because everyone is a debt slave. So what difference does it make if it's a state bank or a private commercial bank? It does nothing to reduce debt slavery. If we solve the debt slavery problem (i.e. establish an asset based monetary system, not a debt based one), then along with this will disappear the need for any credit or banks at all to get stuff done, because the average person would have enough capital, not debt, to get stuff done him/herself. Then average people would pool their capital together to get big projects done, either directly if they're looking for a return on investment, or through a democratic government via taxation if it's something like building a bridge. That is not banking! And it's really not a difficult concept to grasp. In fact, this is what I would presume most people, in their naivete, believe the system to actually be, even though we're now about as far from it as you could get!

It just boggles my mind how completely clueless 99% of economists are to how things really work. It is amazing how an entire academic field could be so totally incompetent. There is no other field in academia that suffers from this delusion, and economists are tainting all of academia with a bad reputation. And unfortunately, economics is at the top if the "pyramid" and has control over every other field of study and aspect of our lives. It is truly a perverse situation.