WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

New Study Ivermectin Fails As A Treatment For Woohoo Flu

Saw this on Newsmax this morning:
Two drugs touted as potential COVID-19 treatments, ivermectin and fluvoxamine, don’t do a thing to improve patients’ oxygen levels and keep them out of the hospital or the morgue, a new clinical trial has shown.
Neither of the two repurposed drugs proved effective against COVID among overweight or obese patients who received them within seven days of symptom onset, according to results published Aug. 18 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Read Newsmax: Study: Ivermectin, Luvox Fail as COVID-19 Treatment |

I will have to study that one…at first glance looks to be a well-done study.

I believe this is the study in question:,%20August%2018,%202022%20DM1352386_NEJM_Non_Subscriber&bid=1120321546
This is Igor Chudev’s take on it:

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If we can agree to disagree about the existence of viruses, why not stick around? The majority of info and discussions are about how we can deal with this shit show. The more the better imo…

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This is the PBS Newshour transcript which many misinformed members of the left live by.
Julia Raifman was interviewed, ( but I think she was also auditioning for a totalitarian public health media position). She’s an assistant professor at Boston University School of Public Health. She also leads the COVID-19 U.S. State Policy Database, which tracks how states have responded to the pandemic.
So as long as PBS Newshour continue this type of interview, don’t expect the left to be exposed to any light.

Same Barbara. I read a lot about CRISPR (mRNA Tech) and natural cancer cures starting in 2017. I knew that CRISPR was designed to heal cancer since it’s really gene therapy. When the news hit in 2020 saying it was a “vaccine”, I couldn’t believe the outlandish lie. Very few believed me, most still think I’m crazy. The people I trust are now very very few.

Unlikely That This Pandemic Is Over

Hi Chris, I have been following you since January 2020, and your following the data and the science has been a blessing in the distorted reality that has unfolded since then. But today, appearances may be misleading… The silent dynamic interaction of non sterilizing vaccines with the virus continues to breed new variants and BA4 / BA5 have proven more severe, as predicted by Geert Vanden Bosch. I think it is way to soon to call this health crisis over as a real and much more severe / deadly variant may be around the corner for vaccinated folks with all the chaos it would bring… Would be really great if you could bring Geert back on the show to give us an update… Both of COVID but also of the new pandemics (monkey pox…) which all of sudden are breaking out in highly vaccinated countries, he has very compelling explanations for what may be going, good to know for the curious minds who follow the science…

Omicron Tweaked Jab

Chris. Curious on your take for the Omicron tweaked jab coming out. Do you think our illustrious “leaders” will somehow try to push this jab onto the public? Strong arm corporations and employ OSHA to require it to keep your job? Or just let the cards fall where they will and whatever brainwashed individuals are left to stand in line to get their 5 or 6th booster shot, so be it?

Great Article

Thanks for your continuing quality research and information.

Now Fauci Bails

Isn’t it interesting how 10 days ago Chris told us it was all over? Now we are greeted with Fauci bailing out, a week after Walensky’s “mea culpa/CDC needs a cleanup.” Almost as if the cleanup is being spread out over time so it doesn’t look like they’re panicking.
Which they are. Panicking that is. You don’t need a poll to tell you how November is going to go. Just watch what they do.
First a major walkback. Then a “CDC cleanup”. Then Fauci resigning. What’s next? The agencies beng defunded? I’d sure welcome that.
Hmm. Its almost as if Chris saw this set of events coming in advance… :slight_smile: