WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

I agree about not wanting to say to them “you are the dirty, defiled ones now” but also that the unvaccinated need a term or a name to refer to themselves because unvaccinated still means “you are the dirty, uncaring, sick ones”. I wonder if any term used would make some people feel uncomfortable.

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It is only about being accountable for your actions. We all need to be accountable for the decisions and effects we make and how those actions help/harm others.
And yes, we all make mistakes. The real question is how one responds to them. Permanent probation does not refer to lack of acceptance and the probation IMHO is not something that someone else applies to you. It has to be assigned by ones self.

The Institutions Cannot Be Reformed, They Must Be Dismantled And Begun Anew.

The history of the EPA shows this is a very naive concept. Because the new agencies are formed out of remnants (personnel and entrenched policies) of the prior failed agencies, and the industrial conflicts remain. EPA got off to a great start in 1970. Then a couple years later EPA went after DDT. That woke up BigAg and they never allowed themselves to be ambushed again. And the “new” EPA personnel weren’t really up to the new concept about how to do business. So EPA was quickly a recaptured agency once again.

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I personally like to refer to myself as a member of the control group.


I have no sympathy for the jabbed and boosted.
Any adult who willingly takes experimental medicines without doing any research or having any skepticism has made a decision as an adult and must live with it.
I made my decision to not get jabbed and have suffered drastic financial and social consequences. I live with pride in my decision and the hit to my financial and social future.
So be it. I’d make the same decisions again with all the wisdom I’ve gained during COVID. Without hesitation.
Life is a game of wins and losses and I accept mine as they come with full knowledge I am responsible for deciding which actions I took. Even if I was handed a loss for my choices.
And to be honest, those who were most adamant in treating me like shit over the last 1.5 years including my own mother have made their own choice.
I am as tolerant of even the biggest of assholes and am predisposed to civility even when I’m being treated much less than I consider to be politely, but I don’t have any sympathy for those who treat me like that.
I will remain polite as can be but honestly, too bad you made your decision as you did jabbed folks. Should’ve read the consent form a little closer.
You will now lie in whatever bed the jab has made for you, and it is all on you.
I won’t hold it against you, but I also won’t feel bad for you.


I feel bad for people who were coerced and conned into taking the shot. How about he people in the military on their first enlistment? They could not retire like I did. They were threatened with dishonorable discharges. That is like being threatened with a felony. I know people from my former unit that were injured by the shot. They took it because they were ordered to and will be suffering for the rest of their lives for it. I also have other friends who took the shot to keep their jobs. Some of them are now vaccine injured. These people were not the ones shitting on me for my choice not to get it. They don’t deserve my scorn. Instead, I pray for their health. Now for those twitter trolls and Karens who wanted me to “catch covid and die” for my choice? Fucked them and their destroyed immune systems.


I see this sentiment expressed by both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and to be honest it depresses me. I am double vaccinated. I live in Canada and my elderly mom lives in the US. I wasn’t able to see her for over a year and a half due to the border closure. I wasn’t thrilled about getting jabbed, but I wanted to be able to see my mom once the border opened up. Thanks to our disaster of a prime minister, getting back to Canada was going to be a nightmare if I was unvaccinated. If I could go back in time, knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t have taken it.
I have been very outspoken against the vaccinations as more information has come to light. I think many people are in my position, where, for a variety of reasons and before they knew about all the negative side effects, they took the first two jabs but have walked away and said Never Again. I’m not asking for your sympathy, but your public declaration here at Peak Prosperity, where we are supposed to be a tribe of people working out how to move forward in a constructive way in the world we now inhabit, seems to me to be rather harsh.


My loss of gainful employment for 20 months, the inability to participate in certain parts of society because I am not vaccinated and my mother requiring nasal swabs for visits to their house even today is pretty harsh.
I am more than willing to work with anyone for a better future, but I feel how I do because vaccinated folks allowed these things to happen to me. Some are still actively doing so today.
This public proclamation of my lack of sympathy is how I cope.
I spout here at PP and get both positive and negative feedback. I do this because it is the most constructive place I’ve found to air my grievances.
No one else even listens let alone agrees or disagrees with me except here. Call it internet therapy if you will, I guess I pay to be a member partly to have a place to discuss these issues and my POV.
And my perspective is not unique. It exists and is a data point of a percentage of societal thought today.
It is important I share as I only have my experiences and feelings to add here.
I don’t hate the jabbed. I am actually quite saddened at the loss of social contact with my mother, father and two sisters. It sucks.
Also my past “friends” who currently are either broken regarding critical thought or have joined the church of the jab. I miss them all dearly.
And I miss the folks I know who have died recently that I suspect came out of remission after getting jabbed.
Like my father-in-law who passed, a 41 year old friend of mine who just passed and my aunt currently in stage four after 10 years of complete remission. I am saddened they are gone or soon will be.
But it wasn’t my doing.
Neither are anyone’s vax injuries.
And I wish the best to everyone, jabbed or not.
I’ve just found that I can’t care about the repercussions of others’ choices. It’s counterproductive to my responsibility as a husband and father.
I truly wish you the best in your choices and in life moving forward, Kristie.
But I can’t become emotionally invested in medical decisions you or others made willingly or even under duress.
It doesn’t help me build my farm or get my retirement plans back in order. It detracts from those efforts.
I have a belief the only people who will care about vaccine injuries and job losses due to not getting the shot will be lawyers moving forward.
And that isn’t sympathy, it’s just economics.


I know you are not asking for sympathy just a little compassion. As a person who was vaxed by coercion you understand that your fight is not with the unvaxed, it is with the shady government officials and the true believers in “The church of vax” that demonized us for almost 2 years. As people who “go along to get along” start to wake up to the potential damage they might have done to themselves I think it is wise of us to embrace them and help them realize who the true cause of their issues is. It sure as hell isn’t us. Its the person holding the needle, Fraudci and the other members of the team.


New Documentary “uninformed Consent”

just watched a new documentary by Librti “Uninformed Consent” 
I found the link on Dr Jessica Rose’s email today; In the first 20-50 minutes ( it’s long…) it is quite Canadian centric and you will see virtually all of the Canadian doctors who expressed great caution as far back as early 2021
 this is the link:

End Of The Beginning Only.

Some of it may be over but a lot has only begun. What is the risk on the blood supply now and in the future? Will this horror be added to other type injections without your knowledge? How much can you trust all the sell out Doctors? Just like GMO crops snuck in to take over our once healthy food these corporations own the politicians that make the laws to do whatever they please. They know it is only time that holds them back from any evil they can conceive.

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Corp Jab Mandates Still In Place

Even though CDC backtracked on some items, they are still pressing hard on the ‘safe and effective’ narrative with recommendations to be jabbed, boosted and to continue to stay current.
I am still losing work because some of my clients require proof of jab to enter their building. It defies logic. Would like to see these ridiculous policies start to unwind.

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They are just offering them separately currently at their Pharmacy but promoting they are safe to get both at the same time, aka their 1 and done they are saying!

Thanks, Chris, yes - and would also work for viruses like Dengue Fever (which is what I’m likely to have contracted) which can lead to decades of suffering with Post Viral Syndrome. And let’s not forget about ME/CFS which is thought to be another Post Viral Syndrome. MILLIONS of people have been suffering all their lives NEEDLESSLY if antivirals and/or antimicrobials are an effective treatment. Covid showed everyone how broken our health systems are - but what many still don’t understand is that these systems have been broken for decades - and I think it’s important that people understand this. Maybe you can help to spread the word, Chris? Thanks again!

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Although I complete agree with you, I still think that virus deniers can easily deny this. You are speaking French to a Chinese monolingual person. Although you speak slowely and loud, that Chinese person doesn’t have a clue what you are talking about, She will think you are out of your mind at best, and an escaped mental patient at worst, especially when you grab her ear and start shouting in it.
I once had a discussion with a guy who claimed that Einstein was a fool, and his theories of Relativity were utter nonsense. When he denied that the General Theory of Relativity is the only theory able to explain and predict the precession of Mercury I gave up.

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I Wish It Were That Easy…

So the CDC seriously wants & thinks that WE THE PEOPLE will actually believe anything that comes out of their mouths after being continually purposefully, strategically, knowingly & willfully lied to + isolated, restricted, labeled & slandered for over 2 years…now that’s funny & obviously they are sharing a pipe with Hunter because nobody in their right mind would even consider it! And speaking of the ‘right mind’, it’s apparent that these evil, corrupt, greedy individuals are not of sound mind & I believe that Anthony Fauci plus other so called “doctors”, along with all of his little minions at NIH, the CDC & also including members of Congress need to be held fully responsible for executing crimes against humanity & not just here in the United States, but across the entire World! Then & only then will we be able to say that this ‘Plandemic’ is finally over! :heart:???

Madness In The Nyt

Today a guest essay in the Times rages against the pitiful uptake of the pediatric vaccinations. The author is befuddled why parents are not running to the clinics to inject their precious children with an untested experimental injection that has virtually no benefit and proven harm.
Madness! harm.


Maybe it does have to due with parasites, but does that follow that it can’t be a virus also? What if the virus is in the parasites and then spread to the microbiome ( bacteria)I know it sounds strange but both bacteria and parasites can be infected with viruses.

I would opine that the 3 letter agencies are promoting the virus deniers with snippets of factoids to undermine and gaslight any critical examination of “THE TRUTH” aka the approved narrative. Occasionally invoking aliens, or Zika heads or false press releases of some sort

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The funny thing is, most of the virus deniers are very much in the same camp when it comes to distrusting the government and their approved narratives… It feels like we are on the same team… which is why I keep engaging them.

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