WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

I too can relate to an unforgiving family, or at least an unwelcoming one. I’m sorry you have a similar experience. My point, though, is more about the stance towards those who might consider joining ‘the tribe’ but would not want to be branded with a permanent scarlet letter as ‘one of those’. That seems unwelcoming and antithetical to what I thought had helped grow this social network. Anyway, just an observation…

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Hey Rich,
I will give a different viewpoint.
Using Ibuprofen and Aleve to blunt the cytokine storm of a viral infection GREATLY reduces the amount of suffering a person feels during an illness. My friends that “go natural” during influenza or Covid sometimes will describe “life-threatening” severity to the body aches, headache and such.
I do understand the rationale for letting a fever run. But this is a ROUGH path to take and I personally do not take it!

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There is a very effective way to treat body aches from flu and viruses without using any antipyretics. Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30C. It is homeopathic, but it works equally well for pain without interfering with the fever response.

I think it is more-so referring to the scientists and doctors who failed their duty. They can join the cause if they wish to repent for the lives taken, but even the government doesn’t remove your felony even if your sentence of murder is lowered due to good behavior. If mass formation works on them once, it will work again on them since they are prone to it or just have low moral and integrity standards they uphold. Whether that is the view Chris is basing it on though with that wording isn’t me to say one way or another though, but it’s how I personally see it. If it was end of WW2 you would have the entire leader circle rounded up and disposed of accordingly.

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I agree that there should be a red wave this November; however, it’s far from guaranteed that the results will be honest. In fact, they won’t be. It doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict historically massive theft and fraud.
Perhaps even more than in 2020, Team Blue/Globalist/WEF will absolutely need steal the midterms–their very survival depends on it. Right now they have a razor thin 51/50 majority in the Senate, a diapered wax dummy in the Oval Office, and a witless cackling hyena in the bullpen. The big rotting carcass of the Deep State and the endless Griftopia can come to a brutal and noose-swinging end if the Truth Ever Actually Got Out–and if people did something about it. (Far from a given.)
There’s a whole entrenched and determined army in DC and on the coasts (and in Davos, etc.) who don’t want anything to change–and who in fact want to drive the country even further left off the globalist cliff. Billionaire oligarchs on top, identity-politics socialism down below.
The corporate MSM has managed to keep a very tight lid on the “baseless claims” of voter fraud, and “Trump’s Big Lie,” just as it has on COVID, IVM, HCQ, vax deaths and injuries – so who’s to say TPTB won’t call some kind of DeathPox emergency (no more monkeying around, folks), instigate a hot war with Russia/China (we are almost there…), send antifa out to burn polling places and beat heads, and sent their 200,000 Mules to the rescue of Ol’ Joe and his coke-snorting artistic genius of a son, Hunter Ukraine Biden. Par for the course, no?
If that happens, many predict Holy Hell and an immediate uprising from the Right, but will that happen? The Right has been strangely quiet, and the propaganda machines are blowing the smokes so thick and churning that most people don’t know which way is up.
We all know seemingly intelligent people who have dutifully swallowed all the impossible Narratives, one after another–hook, line, and sinker–and who are happily and bloodily suckin’ on the barbs.
We recall Uncle Joe Stalin: “He who casts the vote is nothing; he who counts the vote is everything.”
n.b. I want the red wave myself–not that I love or trust the GOP (I don’t) but the DNC has become beyond dangerous–indeed it’s outright treasonous; yet by now we are all experienced enough to know that the whole system is so wretchedly crooked that we can’t expect a straight, frictionless election. It’ll be crooked and ugly as all hell.
But there’s also enough tough-minded and p*ssed off Americans out there–in the tens of millions–to give the villains the fight of their lives. We have to stay on them like a swarm of hornets. Relentless, stinging, ubiquitous.
It’s 1776, 1861, 2022. It’s da real ting, man.


I trained in the sciences and consider myself a logical albiet “non-standard” thinker as I like to thoroughly check out what I’m told before I will believe it.
Watching the covid psyop unfold around the world was horrific, knowing that most people couldnt accept they were being taken for a ride. The hysteria of the politicians, frothing at the mouth, would state ( via the obedient MSM ) over and over “getting jabs into arms” and “get tested” - made me suspicious.
First rule of dealing with govt is that anything they say is good for you - usually isnt, its good for them. Having dealt with such entities various forms for 20+ years, you get to understand the beast.
The Uttar Pradesh story is typical of the predatory behaviour of the evil and unholy alliance of BigGov-BigPharma-BigBiz.
I believe he is right - we do need to dismantle the leftist infested mega entitites as they wield too much power and hove proven conclusively they cannot be trusted - period. Witness the recent raid on an ex-Prez.
And we went from a 2 week lockdown in the Communist fiefdom of Victoriastan in Australia, out to 2/3 of a year. I believe more that 70,000 Victoristanis have sensibly fled the place ( similar to people piling out of all blue states in the USA ) as they just know the leadership appears to be 100% untrustworthy.
VAIDS - it appears to be a thing…
Beware humans who think themselves “superior” - such critters are often driven by carnal desires and lack of knowing God of the Bible, or their god is of pure evil.


Thing about the First Horseman is he goes “conquering and to conquer”, which some expositors take to mean “essentially unstoppable”, “highly successful”. He just keeps going, and we know that they plan to.

Here’s a chart from the article:
Check out the little bump for their first covid wave and then the huge ramp up that started in early 2021 and is still rising. It is positively screaming “vaccine injuries”.


Without question, this chart is huge.

 It is positively screaming “vaccine injuries”.

Well said!


I am sorry to hear that, sand_kitty! İt’s wrong for unvaccinated healthcare workers to be punished for no good reason!
My sister works in healthcare in CT. She went through a lot of hoops to obtain a medical/religious exemption based on past reactions she had to vaccines. She worked for a very short period for Pfizer years ago and left due to the corruption she saw in the labs. She does not want to get COVID but also knew getting the vaccine was not the answer.
She loved her career as a med lab tech and did not want to stop working but retired this year because of the insanity. Despite working in a clinic and seeing patients every day, she did not get sick once.
Fingers crossed, we all stay well!!! Xoxo ?


Great Info!

Thanks so much for this report.
I did not survive the 2 and a half years very well. Because so many people around me were totally brainwashed by the fear porn it was necessary for me to back off of relationships. My father died during that time. He was injured by the shots…on top of having cancer that was not treated properly. I was not allowed within six feet of my dad…to hug him. I will never recover from this.



I have seen people referring to themselves as ‘purebloods’. This puzzles me. We who are unjabbed were treated like superspreaders and variant factories. That felt really bad. I am still deeply saddened over that…because its negative effects are still felt. Now, I see unjabbed calling themselves ‘purebloods’. Is this a kind thing to say?? I am deeply grieved that all those people were coerced into taking it…or believed the ‘Safe and Effective’ propaganda. It has to be a heavy load for them to carry, especially if they were harmed or lost loved ones…or now realize they made a bad choice. To call ourselves ‘Purebloods’ is to say to them: YOU are the dirty, defiled ones NOW. I ask: Is that kind?? How would I feel if I was in their shoes??


I think they were in their shoes for the past 2.5 years? It’s like saying the Germans didn’t have to live with supporting the Nazi cause by doing nothing either and wasn’t looked down upon in the world? Not to be cynical but who knows if many of the “dirty” as you say even have 2.5 years in their life left if they have more than 3 shots or continue to take them with the flu vaccine and the new MonkeyPox ones. Only time will tell if the excess deaths continue to grow exponentially as well. Speaking of which…
Don’t worry though, since the next Pandemic is already underway, promised by billyboyGates with the same start roughly, even roughly in the same places in the USA currently, with the same exponential like curve… if it doesn’t slow people will get to pick where they want to stand again after the elections. After all the next wave on mandates come this fall most likely right after elections and besides maybe a few states the rest will follow in sync just like the last time if History indeed repeats itself and the Covid 19 one was just a test run.
On the other hand Pure Bloods may not even be the correct usage since I don’t think we have data one way or the other if people can pass anything that was in the shots to others via blood transfusions, sex, sharing needles, saliva, or air (from most to least likely) with a vaccinated person.


They have found ones where there doesn’t seem to be proof of scarring, so whatever permanent damage is slight in them, but that builds up over time as the heart continues to beat, especially if they do something like play sports or other activities that stress the heart.
What effects can steadily accumulating heart damage have on life?

  1. Work is affected. For any kind of manual labor you're going to be retiring early, or require expensive medical treatment to keep you functioning.
  2. There is likely to be an impact on fertility in addition to the impact of the vaccine on sperm and ovaries. The act of reproduction depends on being able to raise one's blood pressure, especially in men.
  3. Cardiac damage makes you more vulnerable to other health problems as you get older, which will compound. It also makes you more likely to gain weight, because it's hard to exercise, which compounds the comorbidity.
I could go on, but I think we're looking at a real financial and medical crash in a few years as these problems start to surface.

Well said.?

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I haven’t posted at PP in months but this comment deserves two thumbs up. It’s almost as if Kunstler missed his daily dose of Hopium and came by to share some reality… : )


No it’s not kind but people don’t care about that right now.

Nicely put Susan.
Thank you. I wish you well.
(I am not a paid subscriber so I can’t send messages, but it looks like I can send this little “acknowledgement” here in the public forum).

I care, I agree with cinnamontwist.
Do I understand it why some people use it? Yes, I do.