WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

Having dealt with cancer years ago, I did a lot of reading about the immune system to understand the challenges in treating the disease. Even as a lay person it made no sense that people I knew that recovered from Covid were being advised by their doctors to get a jab. I am shocked that so many people suspended common sense. The circle of people I trust is now very very small.


Maybe we wonā€™t need to dismantle itā€¦ it seems to be falling down on itā€™s own.

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I put claims that the virus doesnā€™t exist in the same category as claims that the twin towers came down on 9/11 due to nuclear explosions. They are stories planted by the people responsible in an effort to discredit anyone questioning the official story. They serve to make the general public view us as crazy.


I really wonder about that.
It is falling down.
But is it falling down on its own?
Like many here I am seeing actions by the PTB that are not just stupid, but too stupid.
Three or four years ago I never would have even entertained the idea that people in power would set out to deliberately destroy Western Civilization. But it is getting harder and harder to describe this as just incompetence.


I think honest individuals are mixed up the virus does not exist with that virus was no where near the killer virus it was marketed to be. Somewhere" itā€™s just the flu" just translated to it doesnā€™t exand it was really just the regular fluā€¦ist and it took a life of itā€™s own on the conspiracy webā€¦ Aside from the science I had it in jan 2020 before they admitted it was hereā€¦ it was a bad flu but differentā€¦ brain fog was the unique partā€¦ not as bad a swine flu but definitely not your standard fluā€¦ got omnicron a year later much weakerā€¦ different but again not your standard fluā€¦ So itā€™s real it exists. But it just the fluā€¦all be a unique one but what do expect with moderna adding feron cleavage sites and nih adding hiv strings. but Iā€™m not going hold this itā€™s not real against him. All reality has been shattered I think everything is fair game to be questioned at this point. Logic will eventually sort out the truthā€¦ Iā€™ve got my own wackadoodle theory on the spike protien where it came from what itā€™s for and how it plays in the great reset


So money and mass deaths WERE the goals ā€¦Id go with ARE STILL the goals notice in the CDC shift it STILL says vaccination and boosters are critical.,ā€¦ supposedly some huge global vaccination campaign coming in fall for new combo flu plus covid shotā€¦ They are not done jabbing yet.,.


Wahini, Iā€™m with you on this. When I read about the CDC guidelines change I read it as a ā€˜no more threatā€™ message. Iā€™m still at position 4 with my finger off the trigger. I have not observed the threat being neutralized.
It is a ploy, likely intended to ease tensions prior to the election.


I mean with the whole viruses donā€™t exist thingā€¦ and then these people to me are slapping themselves in the face, to then say their reference is someone (who not only thinks it is important to say ā€œI am a Eagle Scoutā€ and Philosopher on my resume, but actually leads with it on their page) like Dr. Young who believes parasites such as Trypanosoma Cruzie also somehow exist if things canā€™t be isolated at a microscopic level. I mean to that logic, looking at anything under a microscope would be as effective as looking at ink blots and trying to pretend something is there when it isnā€™t? Maybe Dr. Young was just looking at dust or air bubbles and he is delusional that anything that small like parasites and viruses actually exist. After all he is trying to match something in the vaccine with another imaginary idea. ā€¦or is he implying Covid-19 is actually just flying airborne parasites making people sick? Is this the correct logic, or did I miss something? Iā€™m just looking to see what the logic behind that theory or assertion is.

Try this link from Dr. Vinay Prasad. I really like his presentation of the findings. As I understand it, the damage is ultimately one of scarring in the heart muscle, which over a lifetime creates irregular heartbeats with a potential for sudden heart death. Very good discussion about the full spectrum and implications of this damage - .


Mrna Flu Shots?

Question for the board:
I heard somewhere that theyā€™re considering, at least in the UK, mixing in transfection-based vaccines into the flu shots. Have you heard or found this anywhere in the US?
I am seeing something from Moderna, for exampleā€¦

Moderna's combination respiratory vaccine candidate (mRNA-1230) is envisioned as an annual booster targeting SARS-CoV-2, influenza virus, and RSV vaccines.
Moderna's seasonal influenza vaccine candidates, mRNA-1020 and mRNA-1030, include eight mRNAs targeting hemagglutinin and neuraminidase at different doses and ratios.
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Nuclear Cardiologist Dr. Richard Fleming did in fact isolate the SARS CoV-2 virusand has presented data to verify this. I have posted this information several times at PP since he published his work. Please refer to the following:
see item #20 in the above link
you obviously didn't read the acknowledgments in the linked document. nothing I can do for the virus believers here. they've chosen beliefs that will imprison them. the number of accepted facts in this world which are in fact wrong is astonishing. virology/germ theory is but just one of them. some people will never see through the lies. their realities are too fragile. I'm moving on. nothing to gain by staying here. there are too many important things to learn out there and institution-despised theories to test.

I agree with you Rick, but I donā€™t think calling someoneā€™s beliefā€™s ā€œfringeā€ is an argument. Just like Gregoryā€™s being so sure of himself is not an argument. The no-virus crowd is clearly going to be persistent, and I have thus far had a hard time using science to argue about this (I tried in the comments section of one of Steve Kirchā€™s recent substacks on this very point). The best of these no virus people are able to rhetorically deny you the language of science itself, i.e. ā€œhow do you know atoms exist?ā€. Itā€™s a never ending Koch postulate Mobius ring of sophistry.
We need simpler argumentsā€¦ and I think I may have come up with one; Rabies
Rabies is a virus. We know a lot about itā€¦ what it looks like, and how and why it causes the frenzied behavior in animals infected with it;
Through thousands of interactions with rabid dogs and other animals, we know EXACTLY what the transmission mechanism is - a bite. There is really no logical way to argue that there is not some agent transmitted in the bite that causes this near 100% death rate, and that this bad outcome is nearly 100% curable with quick treatment using (in the first of the series of shots) an immunoglobulin, i.e. actual human antibodies against the rabies virus in order to kick start our immune system in fighting it.
Virus deniers will have a very hard time denying rabies;

  1. The transmission mode is very specific, and very rare; one has to allow oneself to be bitten by a strange acting animal.
  2. If the animal was in fact rabid, and the bite broke your skin, you have a 99% chance of dying if not treated. Not maybeā€¦ you will die.
  3. If you receive early treatment you will not die. The early treatment acknowledges that the mode of transmission is this thing we call a virus, through a kickstarting immunoglobulin (human rabies antibodies) along with a series of normal rabies vaccines. Just to be clear, people who have never been vaccinated against rabies and get bitten get a first shot that contains both normal vaccine, and immediate acting IgG antibodies.
    This sequence of events cannot be othewise explained by poor diet, or chem trails, or any of the other alternative causative agents virus deniers generally invoke. It should be noted that recently, when Michael Yeadon mentioned that he was becoming convinced that there were no respiratory virusesā€¦ he was very specific in his use of the term, ā€œrespiratoryā€. I am quite sure Dr. Yeadon would not deny the existence of viruses in general, and Rabies in particular.

Outerahā€¦ you can actually make yourself a bit crazy trying to steelman this stuff, putting yourself in the heads of some of these virus deniers, eh? I find it disorienting because their arguments take away the structural supports of science itself. Iā€™m willing to try to go there with them to see what they are seeing, but I get to a place where I am left with literally no explanatory power any more. I am convinced itā€™s sophistry, and that most of itā€™s adherents, outside of the core leaders, have no background in science at all.


Great video. He brings a different perspective being a hematologist.

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I hope my worst fears donā€™t manifest Alanā€¦ that someday, people like you and I, able to employ the qualities of cynicism, skepticism, informed critical thinking, and self-confidence in the face of this most coercive of campaigns for an experimental transfection agent, donā€™t become the embodiment of Darwinā€™s concept of ā€œsurvival of the fittestā€.


On that note, I have to agree with you Gregory.

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Great discussion - It really is all about the ā€œright to life.ā€


Hereā€™s Dr.John Campbell talking about the benefit of fever.

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The thing is, some of those comments site true factsā€¦ like the one that says, ā€œwe are losing 500 people a dayā€ to Covid-19. Indeed, if you look at the chart Chris posted comparing the US to Uttar Pradesh, you will see that the five day ave. for death is 481. So the real problem is the suppression of the good news of early treatment. The five day average death rate in Uttar Pradesh, 2/3 the size of the US, isā€¦ 1! That is due to a combination of early treatment, including prophylactic treatment for households, AND a lack of these horrible mRNA transfections, which addle oneā€™s immunity against variants other than original Wuhan. Uttar Pradesh is only about 35% ā€œvaccinatedā€. So these poor saps who are posting this shit donā€™t understand the bigger pictureā€¦
The new CDC guidance is indeed scary given the increasing vulnerability of the vaccinated to multiple infections as new variants emergeā€¦ on some level it seems designed to relight the pandemic fire. We need to watch closelyā€¦


Marc Girardot wrote a pretty convincing piece on this same topic recently;